Fully Equipped University Hospital
Medical Park Hospital of Istanbul Aydın University, which combines the academic approach of Aydın University with the understanding of that inspires from the term Value Added Medicine, aims to reach excellence in the field of healthcare with its patient-oriented approach, expert staff and advanced technology infrastructure.
Habits Evolve
Being put into service in Florya, Istanbul on March 2017, Medical Park Hospital of Istanbul Aydın University evolves habits in the field of healthcare services in the region with academic healthcare professionals, technological infrastructure and the quality of services that involves privileges of the Liv Concept. Being the first chain of VM concept in Istanbul, the Hospital offers general healthcare services with a capacity of 300 beds, 13 operating theaters and 92 outpatient clinic on an area of 51.000 m2.
The Privilege of Liv Concept is now available in Florya
Apart from admitting patients with state social security coverage (SGK), Medical Park Hospital of Istanbul Aydın University reserves a “Liv Concept" floor to meet healthcare needs of people with socioeconomic status A. Hospital is admitting patients in line with the prefect service concept of Liv Hospital, which is named after the initials of Leading International Vision and uses advanced diagnosis and treatment methods concurrently with the world. Offering services in line with the “Liv Concept", Istanbul Aydın University Medical Park Hospital meets divergent healthcare needs and expectations of the region
Hospital Features
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.