The gastrointestinal tract is a functional system in the human body that is responsible for the gradual breaking down of food. It often carries out most of its activities involuntarily and without any pain. However, in some cases, this body function may develop some persistent issues that can not be attributed to physical causes.
This continuous GIT problem that usually comes with overfullness, severe stomach pain, and bloating symptoms is always known as functional dyspepsia. Most of the time, the cause of this upper abdominal indigestion is not clear and it's often mistaken as an ulcerative condition.
What is Functional Dyspepsia?
Functional dyspepsia (FD) also known as non-ulcer dyspepsia is a common type of severe stomach upset that occurs during and after eating. It's a functional disorder without a specific structural problem and unusual symptoms that look like that of an ulcer.
It's an upper abdominal dyspepsia that most medical providers sometimes refer to as nervous dyspepsia or pseudo-ulcer syndrome. It's said to be the most prevalent kind of dyspepsia as it affects about 10 to 20 percent of people who seek medical treatment for GIT problems.
Type of Functional Dyspepsia
Medically, functional dyspepsia is categorized into two major types which are:
1. Epigastric Pain Syndrome (EPS): This is a kind of FD that is linked with upper abdomen pain and a burning feeling.
2. Postprandial Distress Syndrome (PDS): PDS is a type of functional dyspepsia with symptoms like bloating, feeling full quickly, inability to finish regular meals, and nausea occurring after or during meals.
Functional Dyspepsia Symptoms
Most functional dyspepsia symptoms come and go for an unknown reason, and it's difficult to predict. Due to its chronic nature, you must have experienced multiple symptoms consistently for a minimum of six months to be eligible to receive a diagnosis. Some of these FD symptoms are:
- Bloating: You may experience an unpleasant feeling of fullness or abdominal pressure, particularly after a meal.
- Chronic Pain: This is one of the most common functional dyspepsia symptoms that often occur at the epigastric region – the part of your abdomen that houses your small intestine, stomach, etc.
- Regurgitation: Also known as heartburn is a common FD symptom that causes burning pain in the esophageal sphincter as a result of an acidic reflux from the stomach.
- Anorexia: This symptom is characterized by an abnormal loss of appetite or feeling full while eating.
- Nausea: On some occasions, a functional dyspepsia patient might begin to experience an unusual feeling of vomiting.
Causes of Functional Dyspepsia
The specific element or action that makes an individual develop functional dyspepsia symptoms is yet to be known. However, there are some medical suggestions said to be its possible cause:
- Helicobacter Pylori: This is a microbial infection that often erodes the mucous lining of the stomach and also causes severe gastric inflammation. In most cases, this infection comes with various side effects of which functional dyspepsia may be one of them. If so, a helicobacter treatment may be carried out.
- Visceral Hyperalgesia: Most people whose neural system responds in an extra sensitive manner to stress and discomfort in the internal organs are often said to have visceral hyperalgesia. Sometimes, this stress may be due to a painful contraction of the belly which may cause the vagus nerve to be very sensitive to pain and also result in nervous dyspepsia.
- Gastroparesis: This Is a condition whereby food in the stomach is delayed due to impaired gastric motility. When this type of problem occurs, the accommodation and discharge of food from the stomach are impaired or slow. This may lead to FD symptoms like regurgitation, anorexia, or nausea.
- Food Intolerance: In a situation where someone has an undetected intolerance for a particular type of food, there can be a GIT inflammation. However, whenever there is a food intolerance, certain FD symptoms like nausea, bloating, and chronic pain may occur due to the inflammation.
Functional Dyspepsia Diagnosis
After explaining some of the symptoms you have been experiencing, your doctor will assess your physical condition. You can also be asked to carry out some tests which can assist in determining the source of your symptoms. Some of the functional dyspepsia tests in Türkiye that may be carried out are:
- Upper Endoscopy: This is a test that involves passing a tubular medical device down your throat to obtain images of your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. This medical device also known as an endoscope often helps doctors to examine GIT mucosa for any inflammation or infections.
- Blood Test: A sample of your blood may be taken to rule out any other diseases and infections that could be causing your functional dyspepsia symptoms. In addition, blood tests also help doctors to know if you have a higher blood cell count; an indicator that suggests an activated GIT immune system against food intolerance.
- Bacteria Test: You may be tested for abnormal gut bacteria such as helicobacter or SIBO through a polymerase chain reaction test or hydrogen breath test.
- Gastric emptying scan: This widely used test for diagnosing gastroparesis could be performed to check the rate at which your stomach passes food particles into your duodenum.
Functional Dyspepsia Treatment
Oftentimes, if your test shows that your condition is caused by a bacterial infection, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics for you to use. However, if your FD symptoms continue without a specific cause, other functional dyspepsia treatment may be carried out based on your symptoms. Most of the time, treatments for
functional dysplasia in Istanbul may be either via medication, therapy or even combined.
Functional Dyspepsia Medication Treatment
- Acid Reduction Drug: Your doctor may prescribe a brief course of medication to suppress or neutralize the acidic content present in your stomach. These over-the-counter drugs, also called H-2-receptor blockers, often help alleviate symptoms like regurgitation caused by acidic reflux.
- Low-dose Antidepressants: If your condition is related to the nervous system your doctor could place you on certain antidepressant medicines such as TCAs and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This medication will stop the neurons that are responsible for your abdominal discomfort.
- Prokinetics: These are drugs that can be prescribed to enhance the quick stomach empty process by tightening the valves separating the esophagus from the stomach. It often aids in the reduction of epigastric discomfort.
- Antiemetic Drugs: Medications can also be prescribed by your doctor if you are a type that often feels like vomiting during or after eating.
Functional Dyspepsia Therapeutic Treatment
- Behavioral Therapy: Activities like good table manners, feeding etiquette, and stress-free exercises can also be carried out to reduce chronic pains often experienced during and after meals.
- Changes in Diet: Although diet isn't the main factor that affects functional dyspepsia, it can also be of help if you pay attention to foods that your body system does not tolerate.
- Change of Lifestyle: Some lifetime activities like increasing body exercise, getting enough rest, and losing weight can also be practiced to improve digestive issues.
Finally, Functional dyspepsia is a benign condition with no specific cause or remedy, however, a medical test and proper healthcare service can assist in putting you on the road to recovery. Therefore, if you are an individual who is suffering from this digestive problem, it's best to visit a qualified doctor concerning your functional dyspepsia in Türkiye today. Assistance from any of them can provide you with the best medication prescription for your health issue.