General Info
Perinatology is a sub-discipline of Gynecology and Obstetrics, dealing with high risk pregnancies. Recently, major improvements are achieved, both in our country and worldwide, that translated into healthy pregnancy both for mother and fetus and ability to screen mother and fetus for potential medical problems during pregnancy and to employ diagnostic and therapeutic methods for suspicious cases. Developments in genetics, advancements in technology of ultrasound – an imaging modality that is very crucial for evaluating fetus-, widespread use of MRI, boosted sensitivity of screening tests (dual test, quadruplet test, NIPT), and accumulated experience in invasive interventions have played an important role in these achievements. As it is globally acknowledged, these services that require high technology, experience and knowledge should be rendered by a separate discipline and thus, Ministry of Health recognized “Perinatalogy" as a sub-discipline in 2011. “Perinatology Division" is operated as an independent unit at our hospital to maximize quality of above mentioned services.
Perinatology division principally deals with: evaluation of fetal health by investigating and analyzing bodily deformities and chromosomal anomalies; necessary tests are done and invasive procedures (amniocentesis, CVS, cordocentesis) are performed; evaluation and supervision of pregnancies that are complicated by diseases which exist before pregnancy or develop during pregnancy (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidsm, etc.); medical treatments (fetal cardiac arrhythmias, fetal goiter etc.) or invasive procedures (intrauterine blood transfusions, placement of fetal shunt, etc) for treatable structural or functional fetal anomalies; diagnosis and treatment of complications specific for multiple pregnancies; and preconceptional counseling and examination and treatment plan for existing genetic or systemic disease in parents or for women with history of maternal or fetal problem(s) in previous pregnancies.
Perinatology Division intends to help our patients regarding diagnosis and treatment of maternal and fetal health problems and assist gynecologists and obstetricians who supervise them.
Services available in Perinatology Division:
Prenatal diagnostic invasive procedures: