General Info

Aeromedical Center (AeMC) implies a healthcare facility with Aeromedical Examiners, assistant personnel, materials and equipment that are authorized by General Directorate of Civil Aviation and are mandated by relevant regulations (SHT-MED) to perform initial and periodical aviation health examinations of flight and aviation personnel and candidates.

Medical Park Antalya Hospital Complex and Istanbul Aydın University VM Medical Park Florya Hospital are among limited number of hospitals which are licensed to have Aeromedical Centers.

Aeromedical Centers at Medical Park Antalya Hospital Complex and Istanbul Aydın University VM Medical Park Florya Hospital have all medical devices and equipment required for initial and periodical health examinations of flight and aviation personnel, notably pilots.

Health assessments are made in 5 main disciplines by Medical Boards, each chaired by one Aeromedical Examiner, that are established in these centers. These departments are Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Neurology and Psychiatry. Aeromedical examiner is also the chairman of the Medical Board. After flight and aviation personnel are examined at our Aeromedical Centers, routine medical documents and list of tests are issued in three copies. One copy is retained in the Aeromedical Center. One copy is transmitted to General Directorate of Civil Aviation over Information Management System (IMS). And, the last copy is handed over to the applicant.

Our centers provide healthcare services for personnel of all airline companies, flight schools, civil aviation schools of universities, hot air balloon businesses, Airports Administrations, hot air balloon pilot schools, and all amateur sportive aviation enterprises in following positions;

  • Pilot
  • Flight engineer
  • Flight test engineer
  • Flight technician
  • Dispatchers
  • Cabin attendant
  • Air traffic controller
  • Air traffic safety electronic personnel
  • Amateur sportive aviator
  • UAV2 and UAV3 pilots

and flight and aviation personnel and candidates as well as personnel who require fit-to-fly report pursuant to the relevant legislation.

İAÜ Medical Park Florya
Aerospace Medicine
  • Bariatric Surgery
  • Reflux Surgery
  • Tumor Surgery
Medical Park Pendik
Aerospace Medicine