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Obesity BMI

What are Obesity and BMI?
Obesity is a serious health concern affecting millions worldwide. It is characterized by an accumulation of excess body fat, which increases the risk of developing serious health issues such as cardiac complications, diabetes, and various cancers. Body Mass Index is a standardly used measure to assess obesity. It is a metric based on a person's height and weight. Although imperfect, the bmi obesity chart is used in clinical settings to estimate body fat and predict the associated health risks.

In this blog, we understand obesity from the perspective of the patient and its impact on BMI. We will discuss the basics, their symptoms, reasons, and health implications. After understanding them, we will understand the treatments available for treating obesity as well.

Keep reading to learn more about understanding and treating obesity.

What are Obesity and BMI?

BMI is a numerical value based on a person's height and weight, which can be compared to the general population. Obesity is characterized by excessive body fat, causing negative health consequences. Furthermore, obesity increases the risk of many chronic health issues, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers, making it a serious health concern.

BMI is a valuable tool for evaluating population-level patterns in body weight and detecting individuals who are at risk for health issues related to excess body fat. However, a BMI range is not a perfect health measure. Therefore, it should be used with other measures, such as waist circumference and body composition, to assess an individual's health status accurately.

What are The Symptoms of Obesity?

Obesity can have serious effects on health. It is important to identify and speak to a healthcare provider to understand the individual risk factors and get advice on the best screening and management strategies. The suggestions could include lifestyle and dietary changes, better and focused physical activity, or medication, depending on the person.

It should be noted that the obesity treatment plan is a long-term treatment and its causes can be associated with many conditions. Obesity symptoms include:

  1. Increased body weight: A person with obesity typically has a body weight due to bmi morbid obesity that exceeds what is considered healthy for their height and age.
  2. Difficulty breathing: Obesity can put pressure on the lungs and make breathing harder, leading to shortness of breath and other respiratory issues.
  3. Fatigue: Carrying excess weight can make it more difficult to move and lead to increased fatigue and low energy levels.
  4. Sleep apnea: Obesity can contribute to a condition where your breathing is interrupted during sleep, leading to poor sleep and daytime fatigue.

What are The Reasons for Obesity?

The imbalance between calories consumed and calories spent is the primary cause of obesity. Obesity is becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide, largely due to the growing consumption of energy-dense foods that are rich in fat and sugar. Furthermore, sedentary jobs, transportation shifts, and urbanization have led to a decline in physical activity.

Lack of access to healthy foods, physical activity opportunities, and healthy environments can further contribute to the obesity epidemic we are amidst. Unhealthy eating habits, high-calorie diets, and a lack of activity can cause obesity and increased body weight. All these factors can lead to an energy imbalance and ultimately cause overweight and obesity.

​What are The Different Obesity Diseases?

​What are The Different Obesity Diseases?

Preventing a problem is always preferable to treating it later. By adopting healthy dietary habits, engaging in regular physical activity, and receiving proper support, it is possible to address obesity. Some of the diseases connected to obesity are as follows:

  • Type 2 diabetes: Excess body fat can cause insulin resistance, a condition in which the body does not normally respond to the hormone insulin. The accumulation of glucose in the bloodstream due to diabetes can impede the body's ability to utilize insulin effectively in controlling blood sugar levels.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: Obesity can significantly increase the risk of developing various cardiovascular ailments that result in high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and other medical conditions that can raise the chances of heart attack and stroke.
  • Gallbladder disease: People who are obese are more likely to experience gallbladder-related issues, such as biliary colic, gallbladder inflammation, and gallbladder stones.

Obesity can also exacerbate existing health conditions, such as asthma, acid reflux, and depression. Maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise can help prevent obesity-related diseases by reaching a healthy weight limit that you and your body are happy at.

What are The Treatment Methods For Obesity?

Treating a complex health condition like obesity starts with a consultation where the doctor goes through your medical history to understand which obesity classes you might fit into and the pre-existing causes that can contribute to the problem.

  • Starting with minor dietary changes, your doctor might recommend you increase protein intake and cut down on fast-absorbing nutrients like carbohydrates and sugars, along with increasing fiber through consuming fruits and vegetables.
  • Diet and exercise help you reach a happy and healthy point. Most healthcare providers suggest a mode of exercise that keeps you engaged and interested, with which you can form a habit.
  • Medications are not the single-shot answer to obesity, but they can help you tackle excessive hunger. Medications can help your brain adjust to the new diet plan that does not have the quantity and manages your cravings.

Bariatric Surgery

When obesity is beyond a permissible limit and reaches class 3 or 4, the doctor might recommend you get bariatric surgery. The practice is a highly effective solution and helps you take a giant leap first and form the habits and behavior changes necessary next. There are a few options to choose from in bariatric surgery when you have a morbid obesity bmi, depending on your condition:​

  • Gastric sleeve: a large portion of the stomach is removed, leaving a small banana-shaped "sleeve" of the stomach.
  • Gastric band: a band is wrapped around the upper section of the stomach, producing a small pouch that can be altered to regulate food intake
  • Duodenal switch: a procedure that combines a sleeve gastrectomy with a bypass of the small intestine.
Bariatric Surgery

Medical Park Hospitals: Get Your Health on Track Today

Obesity is a bane, and receiving timely and appropriate care is crucial. Medical Park Hospitals are at the forefront of aiding patients with obesity. They offer state-of-the-art technologies that can improve your quality of life, along with personalized treatment plans to help you regain your health. Schedule a health check-up at Medical Park Hospitals in Turkey today!