Academic Background
Education and Specialization
1995, Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, English Program
2001, Marmara University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Specialization
2011, Medical Specialization Board, Pediatric Urology Subspecialty
2001–2008, Fırat University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Assistant Professor
2008–2010, Fırat University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Associate Professor
2010–2013, Istanbul Bilim University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Associate Professor
2010–2013, Istanbul Bilim University Florence Nightingale Hospital, Deputy Chief Physician
2013–2015, Istanbul Bilim University Florence Nightingale Hospital, Chief Physician
2014, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Urology
2013–2017, Istanbul Bilim University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Professor
2013–2017, Istanbul Bilim University, Vice Rector
2017–2024, Istanbul Medeniyet University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Professor
2022–2024, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Pediatric Surgery Department, Head of Pediatric Urology
Courses and Certifications
Professional Memberships
Education and Specialization
1995, Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, English Program
2001, Marmara University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Specialization
2011, Medical Specialization Board, Pediatric Urology Subspecialty
2001–2008, Fırat University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Assistant Professor
2008–2010, Fırat University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Associate Professor
2010–2013, Istanbul Bilim University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Associate Professor
2010–2013, Istanbul Bilim University Florence Nightingale Hospital, Deputy Chief Physician
2013–2015, Istanbul Bilim University Florence Nightingale Hospital, Chief Physician
2014, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Urology
2013–2017, Istanbul Bilim University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Professor
2013–2017, Istanbul Bilim University, Vice Rector
2017–2024, Istanbul Medeniyet University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Surgery Department, Professor
2022–2024, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Pediatric Surgery Department, Head of Pediatric Urology
Courses and Certifications
Professional Memberships
Scientific Publications
2003 – “Prof. Dr. Akgün Hiçsönmez Araştırma Ödülü”, 10 Ekim 2003, Şanlıurfa. Çalışma:
Apak S., A. Kazez, Ş.K. Özel, B. Üstündağ, N. Akpolat ve A. Kizirgil, “Akut Apandisit Erken Tanısında Spot İdrarda 5-HİAA Düzeyi”, XXI. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, SB 49, Şanlıurfa, 8-10 Ekim 2003.
2007 – “En İyi Tartışmalı Poster Ödülü” 27 Ekim 2007, İzmir. Çalışma:
Göksu, M., Ş.K. Özel, M. Koç, A. Kazez, “Doğu Anadolu Bölgesindeki Bir İlimizde İlköğretim Çağındaki Çocuklarda Enürezis Sıklığı ve Özellikleri”, XXV. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, 124, İzmir, 22-27 Ekim 2007.
2008 - “En İyi Poster Ödülü” 18 Haziran 2008, İstanbul. Çalışma:
Göksu, M., Ş.K. Özel, M. Atmaca, M. Koç, A. Kazez, “Sünnet Olmuş Çocuklarda Enürezis Daha Az Görülmektedir” XXVI. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, 175, İstanbul, 16-18 Haziran 2008.
2014- “En İyi Poster Ödülü” 19 Mayıs 2014, Antalya. Çalışma:
Özel Ş.K., İ Alataş, T Tunç, A Alim, H Canaz. “Yüksek Basınçlı ile Düşük Basınçlı Detrusor Aşırı Aktivitesi Olan Spina Bifidalı Hastalarda Ürodinamik Farklılıklar”, V. Pediatrik Üroloji Kongresi, TP3, Antalya, 16-19 Mayıs 2014.
2016- “En İyi Poster Ödülü” 29 Ekim 2016, Girne, Kıbrıs. Çalışma:
Özel Ş.K., MA Küçüknane, DÖ Özgenel, V Özer, H Canaz, İ Alataş. “Spina Bifidalı Hastalarda İnguinoskrotal Patolojilerin Görülme Sıklığı ve Risk Faktörleri”, VII. Pediatrik Üroloji Kongresi, Girne, Kıbrıs, 26-30 Ekim 2016.
2022- “En İyi Bildiri Ödülü” 05 Kasım 2022, Kuşadası, Aydın. Çalışma:
Uğurlu D, Özel ŞK, Canmemiş A, İşman FK, Alataş İ, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç “Spina Bifidalı Hastalarda Ürodinamik Düşük Mesane Kompliyansı ile İdrar Fibrozis Belirteçlerinin İlişkisi” XII. Pediatrik Üroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, Aydın, 02-05 Kasım 2022.
2023- “En İyi Bildiri Ödülü” 02 Aralık 2023, Nevşehir. Çalışma:
Atalay T, Özel ŞK, Alataş İ “Nörojen Mesane Disfonksiyonu Olan Çocuklarda Pelvik taban Rehabilitasyonu ve İnsentif Spirometrinin Etkisi: Randomize Kontrollü Bir Çalışmanın Ön Sonuçları” XIII. Pediatrik Üroloji Kongresi, Nevşehir, 29 Kasım-02 Aralık 2023
Araştırma ve Yayınlar
1. Ozel, S.K., M. Yuksel, G. Haklar, C.U. Durakbasa, T.E. Dağlı ve A.O. Aktan, “Nitric Oxide And Endothelin Relationship in Intestinal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury(II),” Prostaglandins. Leukot. Essent. Fatty. Acids, 64(4,5), 253-257 (2001).
2. İskit, S.H., H. Alpay, H. Tuğtepe, C. Özdemir, S.H. Ayyıldız, K. Özel, M. Bayramiçli, C. Tetik ve T.E. Dağlı. “Analysis of 33 Pediatric Trauma Victims In The 1999 Marmara Turkey Earthquake,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 36(2), 368-372 (2001).
3. Ozel, S.K. ve A. Kazez, “Horner’s Syndrome Secondary to Tube Thoracostomy,” Turk. J. Pediatr, 46(2), 189-190 (2004).
4. Ozel, S.K., S. Apak, I.H. Ozercan ve A. Kazez, “Giant Mesenteric Lipoma as a Rare Cause of Ileus in a Child,” Surg. Today, 34, 470-472 (2004).
5. Ozel, S.K., A. Kazez ve N. Akpolat, “An Unusual Presentation of Patent Urachus: Report of a Case,” Eur. J. Pediatr. Surg, 14(3), 206-208 (2004).
6. Kiyan, G., S. Aktas, K. Ozel, E. Isbilen, E. Kotiloglu ve T.E. Dagli, “Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Caustic Esophageal Injury in Rats,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 39(8), 1188-1193 (2004).
7. Ozel, S.K., T.E. Dagli, M. Yuksel, G. Kiyan ve E. Kotiloglu, “The Roles of Free Oxygen Radicals, Nitric Oxide and Endothelin in Caustic Injury of Rat Esophagus,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 39(9),1381-1385 (2004).
8. Kazez, A., S.K. Ozel, E. Kocakoc ve A. Kırıs, “Double Intussusception in a Child: The Triple Circle Sign,” J. Ultras. Med, 23(12),1659-1661 (2004).
9. Ozel, S.K., A. Kazez, M. Kilic , A.A. Koseogullari, E. Yilmaz ve D. Aygun, “Conservative Treatment of Postpneumonic Thoracic Empyema in Children,” Surg. Today, 34(12), 1002-1005 (2004).
10. Apak, S., A. Kazez, S.K. Ozel, B. Ustundag, N. Akpolat ve A. Kizirgil, “Spot Urine 5-HIAA Levels in Early Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 40(9), 1436-1439 (2005).
11. Ozel, S.K., A. Kazez, A.A. Koseogullari ve N. Akpolat, “Scapular Bronchogenic Cysts in Children: Case Report and Review of the Literature,” Pediatr. Surg. Int, 21(10), 843-845 (2005).
12. Ozel, S.K. ve A. Kazez, “Horner Syndrome Due to First Rib Fracture After Major Thoracic Trauma,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 40(10), e17-e19 (2005).
13. Ozel, S.K., N. Ilhan, A. Kazez, S. Apak ve N. Ilhan, “Is Urinary 5-HIAA Determination a Valuable Method in Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Children?,” J. Indian. Assoc. Pediatr. Surg, 11(1), 29-32 (2006).
14. Ozel, S.K., A. Kazez ve N. Akpolat, “Does a Fibrin-collagen Patch Support Early Anastomotic Healing in Colon? An Experimental Study,” Tech. Coloproctol, 10(3), 233-236 (2006).
15. Ozel, S.K., A. Kazez ve N. Akpolat, “Presence of Ectopic Adrenocortical Tissues in Inguinoscrotal Region Suggests an Association with Undescended Testis,” Pediatr. Surg. Int, 23(2), 171-175 (2007).
16. Kaplan, M., S.K. Ozel, B. Akgun, A. Kazez ve S. Kaplan, “Hepatic Pseudocysts as a Result of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts: Case Report and Review of the Literature,” Pediatr. Neurosurg, 43(6), 501-503 (2007).
17. Kazez, A., S.K. Ozel, N. Akpolat ve M. Goksu, “The Efficacy of Conservative Treatment in Late Term Ovarian Torsion,” Eur. J. Pediatr. Surg, 17(2), 110-114 (2007).
18. Ozel, S.K., Z. Dokumcu, C. Akyildiz, A. Avanoglu ve I. Ulman, “Factors Affecting Renal Scar Development in Children with Spina Bifida,” Urol. Int, 79(2), 133-136 (2007).
19. Kaplan, M., Ş.K. Özel, B. Akgün, A. Kazez ve S. Kaplan, “Treatment Approaches for Abdominal Migration of Peritoneal Catheter of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt,” Turk. Neurosurg, 17(2), 158-162 (2007).
20. Kazez, A., Ş.K. Özel, U. Bakal ve M. Saraç, “Abdominotransanal Approach to Pouch Colon Associated with Rectal Atresia,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 44, E19-E21 (2009).
21. Özel, Ş.K., H. Emir, S. Dervişoğlu, N. Akpolat, B. Şenel, A. Kazez, Y. Söylet, G. Çetin, N. Danişmend, S.N.C. Büyükünal, “The Roles of Extracellular Matrix Proteins, Apoptosis and C-kit Positive Cells in the Pathogenesis of Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction” J. Pediatr. Urol. 2010 6(2), 125-9.
22. Gurgoze, M, S. Yıldırmaz, Y. Dogan, K. Özel, Ö. Gün, “A Rare Cause of Ascites in a Newborn: Posterior Urethral Valve,” Pediatr. Int. 2010 52(1), 154-5.
23. Özel, Ş.K., H.B. Özel, N. Çolakoğlu, N. İlhan, N. Arslan, E. Ozan, “Parenchyma Protective Effect of Thoracic Cage in Response to Trauma Direction in Blunt Thoracic Trauma: An Experimental Study,” Ulus. Travma. Derg,, 2010 16(4), 287-92.
24. Tiryaki, S., İ. Yağmur, Y. Parlar, K. Özel, C. Akyildiz, A. Avanoglu, I. Ulman, “Botulinum İnjection is Useless in Fibrotic Neuropathic Bladders,” J. Pediatr. Urol, 2015 11(1), 27.e1-4.
25. Alatas, I., H. Demirci, H. Canaz, O. Akdemir, S. Baydın, K. Ozel, “The role of urodynamic studies in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with spina bifida,” Asian. J. Neurosurg, 2015 10(2), 83-6.
26. Özel, Ş.K., I. Ulman, “Contemporary management of urological complications in spina bifida” J Ped Res, 2016 3(4), 168-74.
27. Özel, Ş.K., T. Tunç, İ. Alataş, Ü. Güvenç.”Residual Urine Measurement in Children with Voiding Disorders: Comparison between Ultrasonographic Bladder Scanning and Catheterization” J Urol Nephrol 2017 2(2), doi: 10.23880/OAJUN-16000123
28. Alatas, I., H. Canaz, K. Özel, “Tethered cord release after fetal surgery”. Childs Nerv Syst, 2017 33(6), 889-90.
29. Akın, M, B. Erginel, N. Sever, K. Özel, B. Bayraktar, A. Yıldız, Ç.A. Karadağ, M. Tokel, A.İ. Dokucu, “Can serum soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor be an effective marker in the diagnosis of appendicitis and differentiation of complicated cases?” Ulus Travma Derg, 2018 24(2), 110-15.
30. Canaz, H, I. Alatas, A. Saracoglu, K. Ozel, A. Gedikbasi, “Open Fetal surgery in Turkey” Fetal Diagn Ther, 2019 45, 135-136.
31. Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç. , B. Aksu , E. Uzun, D. Uğurlu, S. Aydöner, G. Erkoç, K. Ozel. “,Esophageal balloon dilatation for strictures developing after esophageal atresia surgery” Diseases of the Esophagus, 2019 32, 18.
32. Silay M., O. Danacioglu, K. Ozel , M. Karaman, T. Caskurlu. “Laparoscopy versus robotic-assisted pyeloplasty in children: preliminary results of a pilot prospective randomized controlled trial” World J Urol, 2020 38(8), 1841-1848
33. Gormus U., M. Kasap, G. Akpinar, H. Tugtepe, A. Kanli, K. Ozel. “Comparative analysis of ureteropelvic junction obstruction and surrounding ureteral tissue” Cells Tissues Organs, 2020 7, 1-11 doi: 10.1159/000506736.
34. Alatas I., K. Ozel, N. Kara, H. Canaz “Urodynamic study findings prior to myelomeningocele repair in neonates” J Ped Neurosci, 2020 15, 220-223. doi: 10.4103/jpn.JPN_91_19.
35. Ozel K., A. Canmemis, N. Goknar, C. Candan, O. Alizada, I. Alatas. “Anocutaneous reflex revisited: How valuable is its determination in children with spina bifida? A descriptive study in a cohort of 217 patients” Turk Neurosurg, 2022 32(4), 657-661. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.36527-21.2.
36. Caglar Oskayli M., F. Ersoy, N. Gulcin, A. Pirim, S.K. Ozel, S. Ozkanli, C Ulukaya Durakbasa. “Gastrointestinal tract duplications in children: A tertiary referral center experience” Medeni Med J, 2022 37(2), 138-144. doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.46383.
37. Özel Ş. K., M.A. Küçüknane, D.Ö. Özgenel, V. Özer, H. Canaz, İ. Alataş. “Prevalence of inguinoscrotal pathologies and risk factors in a cohort of 388 children with spina bifida” Turk J Pediatr, 2022 64(3), 542-548. doi: 10.24953/turkjped.2021.5006.
38. Onder Camas A., Ş. K. Özel, Z. Kocabey Sütçü, M. Hepokur, H.C. Emeksiz. “Evaluation of bladder dysfunction in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus by uroflowmetry” J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2022, doi: 10.1515/jpem-2022-0503.
39. Seneldir H. Kir, G , Ozkanli, S, Soylemez, T, Ozel, K. “Long segment jejuno-ileal duplication with extensive gastric heterotopia: a rare case report” Virchows Arhciv 2020 477 Suppl 1, S355, Meeting Abstract E-PS-22-03.
40. Goknar, N, Uckardes D, Hasanoglu HN, Kelesoglu E, Ozel K, Candan C. “Myelin Regulatory Factor (MYRF) related urogenital syndrome: A case presentation” Pediatr Nephrol 2022 37(11), 2922 Meeting Abstract EP-154
41. Akyol G., Anadolulu A.I., Canmemiş A., Erdoğan R.B., Özel Ş.K., Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç. “Cystoscopic evaluation results in patients with symptoms of microscopic hematuria” J Ped Endosc Surg, 2023, doi: 10.1007/s42804-023-00168-x.
42. Erdogan ET, Ozel K, Matur Z, Alizada O, Canaz H, Alatas I. “Determination of tibial somatosensory evoked potentials predicts detrusor sphincter dyssynergia in children with neurogenic bladder dysfunction” Neurourol Urodyn 2023, doi: 10.1002/nau.25185.
43. Cigsar Kuzu EB, Tiryaki S, Guney N, Polatdemir K, Cakir Y, Karagozlu Akgul A, Toper MH, Karaguzel G, Ucar M, Bassorgun CI, Ozel SK, Ozkanlil S, Salci G, Mungan SA, Yilmaz MU, Aytac Vuruskan B, Yagmur I, Tarini EZ, Kaba M, Tanik C, Canbaz FA, Hurdogan O, User IR, Orhan D, Atici A, Gursoy D, Yagmurlu EA, Enneli D, Kilic SS, Erdogan S. “Low grade injury following testicular torsion: A multicenter study confirming a disturbing possibility” Urol Int 2023, doi: 10.1159/000534454
44. Bozbeyoğlu SG, Ersoy F, Canmemiş A, Khanmammadova N, Özel ŞK. “Effect of bladder volume and compliance on ultrasonographic measurement of bladder wall thickness in children with neurogenic bladder dysfunction” J Pediatr Urol, doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2023.11.015
45. Özdemir Ayla Ö, Acar G, Özel ŞK, Atıcı E. “Effects of TENS and physiotherapy on chronic constipation in myelomeningocele” Journal of Innovative Healthcare Practices (JOINIHP) 2023, 4(2): 130-142. Doi: 10.58770/joinihp.1333236
46. Canmemiş A, Aydöner S, Özel ŞK. “Impact of patient position on cystometric parameters in pediatric patients with neurogenic bladder: A prospective study” Neurourol Urodyn, 2023, In Press.
47. Alataş I, Ay L, Özel ŞK. “Craniospinal MRI findings in spina bifida patients following fetoscopic, open and postnatal repair” Gazz Med Ital, 2024, In Press.
2003 – “Prof. Dr. Akgün Hiçsönmez Araştırma Ödülü”, 10 Ekim 2003, Şanlıurfa. Çalışma:
Apak S., A. Kazez, Ş.K. Özel, B. Üstündağ, N. Akpolat ve A. Kizirgil, “Akut Apandisit Erken Tanısında Spot İdrarda 5-HİAA Düzeyi”, XXI. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, SB 49, Şanlıurfa, 8-10 Ekim 2003.
2007 – “En İyi Tartışmalı Poster Ödülü” 27 Ekim 2007, İzmir. Çalışma:
Göksu, M., Ş.K. Özel, M. Koç, A. Kazez, “Doğu Anadolu Bölgesindeki Bir İlimizde İlköğretim Çağındaki Çocuklarda Enürezis Sıklığı ve Özellikleri”, XXV. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, 124, İzmir, 22-27 Ekim 2007.
2008 - “En İyi Poster Ödülü” 18 Haziran 2008, İstanbul. Çalışma:
Göksu, M., Ş.K. Özel, M. Atmaca, M. Koç, A. Kazez, “Sünnet Olmuş Çocuklarda Enürezis Daha Az Görülmektedir” XXVI. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, 175, İstanbul, 16-18 Haziran 2008.
2014- “En İyi Poster Ödülü” 19 Mayıs 2014, Antalya. Çalışma:
Özel Ş.K., İ Alataş, T Tunç, A Alim, H Canaz. “Yüksek Basınçlı ile Düşük Basınçlı Detrusor Aşırı Aktivitesi Olan Spina Bifidalı Hastalarda Ürodinamik Farklılıklar”, V. Pediatrik Üroloji Kongresi, TP3, Antalya, 16-19 Mayıs 2014.
2016- “En İyi Poster Ödülü” 29 Ekim 2016, Girne, Kıbrıs. Çalışma:
Özel Ş.K., MA Küçüknane, DÖ Özgenel, V Özer, H Canaz, İ Alataş. “Spina Bifidalı Hastalarda İnguinoskrotal Patolojilerin Görülme Sıklığı ve Risk Faktörleri”, VII. Pediatrik Üroloji Kongresi, Girne, Kıbrıs, 26-30 Ekim 2016.
2022- “En İyi Bildiri Ödülü” 05 Kasım 2022, Kuşadası, Aydın. Çalışma:
Uğurlu D, Özel ŞK, Canmemiş A, İşman FK, Alataş İ, Ulukaya Durakbaşa Ç “Spina Bifidalı Hastalarda Ürodinamik Düşük Mesane Kompliyansı ile İdrar Fibrozis Belirteçlerinin İlişkisi” XII. Pediatrik Üroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, Aydın, 02-05 Kasım 2022.
2023- “En İyi Bildiri Ödülü” 02 Aralık 2023, Nevşehir. Çalışma:
Atalay T, Özel ŞK, Alataş İ “Nörojen Mesane Disfonksiyonu Olan Çocuklarda Pelvik taban Rehabilitasyonu ve İnsentif Spirometrinin Etkisi: Randomize Kontrollü Bir Çalışmanın Ön Sonuçları” XIII. Pediatrik Üroloji Kongresi, Nevşehir, 29 Kasım-02 Aralık 2023
Araştırma ve Yayınlar
1. Ozel, S.K., M. Yuksel, G. Haklar, C.U. Durakbasa, T.E. Dağlı ve A.O. Aktan, “Nitric Oxide And Endothelin Relationship in Intestinal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury(II),” Prostaglandins. Leukot. Essent. Fatty. Acids, 64(4,5), 253-257 (2001).
2. İskit, S.H., H. Alpay, H. Tuğtepe, C. Özdemir, S.H. Ayyıldız, K. Özel, M. Bayramiçli, C. Tetik ve T.E. Dağlı. “Analysis of 33 Pediatric Trauma Victims In The 1999 Marmara Turkey Earthquake,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 36(2), 368-372 (2001).
3. Ozel, S.K. ve A. Kazez, “Horner’s Syndrome Secondary to Tube Thoracostomy,” Turk. J. Pediatr, 46(2), 189-190 (2004).
4. Ozel, S.K., S. Apak, I.H. Ozercan ve A. Kazez, “Giant Mesenteric Lipoma as a Rare Cause of Ileus in a Child,” Surg. Today, 34, 470-472 (2004).
5. Ozel, S.K., A. Kazez ve N. Akpolat, “An Unusual Presentation of Patent Urachus: Report of a Case,” Eur. J. Pediatr. Surg, 14(3), 206-208 (2004).
6. Kiyan, G., S. Aktas, K. Ozel, E. Isbilen, E. Kotiloglu ve T.E. Dagli, “Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Caustic Esophageal Injury in Rats,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 39(8), 1188-1193 (2004).
7. Ozel, S.K., T.E. Dagli, M. Yuksel, G. Kiyan ve E. Kotiloglu, “The Roles of Free Oxygen Radicals, Nitric Oxide and Endothelin in Caustic Injury of Rat Esophagus,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 39(9),1381-1385 (2004).
8. Kazez, A., S.K. Ozel, E. Kocakoc ve A. Kırıs, “Double Intussusception in a Child: The Triple Circle Sign,” J. Ultras. Med, 23(12),1659-1661 (2004).
9. Ozel, S.K., A. Kazez, M. Kilic , A.A. Koseogullari, E. Yilmaz ve D. Aygun, “Conservative Treatment of Postpneumonic Thoracic Empyema in Children,” Surg. Today, 34(12), 1002-1005 (2004).
10. Apak, S., A. Kazez, S.K. Ozel, B. Ustundag, N. Akpolat ve A. Kizirgil, “Spot Urine 5-HIAA Levels in Early Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 40(9), 1436-1439 (2005).
11. Ozel, S.K., A. Kazez, A.A. Koseogullari ve N. Akpolat, “Scapular Bronchogenic Cysts in Children: Case Report and Review of the Literature,” Pediatr. Surg. Int, 21(10), 843-845 (2005).
12. Ozel, S.K. ve A. Kazez, “Horner Syndrome Due to First Rib Fracture After Major Thoracic Trauma,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 40(10), e17-e19 (2005).
13. Ozel, S.K., N. Ilhan, A. Kazez, S. Apak ve N. Ilhan, “Is Urinary 5-HIAA Determination a Valuable Method in Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Children?,” J. Indian. Assoc. Pediatr. Surg, 11(1), 29-32 (2006).
14. Ozel, S.K., A. Kazez ve N. Akpolat, “Does a Fibrin-collagen Patch Support Early Anastomotic Healing in Colon? An Experimental Study,” Tech. Coloproctol, 10(3), 233-236 (2006).
15. Ozel, S.K., A. Kazez ve N. Akpolat, “Presence of Ectopic Adrenocortical Tissues in Inguinoscrotal Region Suggests an Association with Undescended Testis,” Pediatr. Surg. Int, 23(2), 171-175 (2007).
16. Kaplan, M., S.K. Ozel, B. Akgun, A. Kazez ve S. Kaplan, “Hepatic Pseudocysts as a Result of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts: Case Report and Review of the Literature,” Pediatr. Neurosurg, 43(6), 501-503 (2007).
17. Kazez, A., S.K. Ozel, N. Akpolat ve M. Goksu, “The Efficacy of Conservative Treatment in Late Term Ovarian Torsion,” Eur. J. Pediatr. Surg, 17(2), 110-114 (2007).
18. Ozel, S.K., Z. Dokumcu, C. Akyildiz, A. Avanoglu ve I. Ulman, “Factors Affecting Renal Scar Development in Children with Spina Bifida,” Urol. Int, 79(2), 133-136 (2007).
19. Kaplan, M., Ş.K. Özel, B. Akgün, A. Kazez ve S. Kaplan, “Treatment Approaches for Abdominal Migration of Peritoneal Catheter of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt,” Turk. Neurosurg, 17(2), 158-162 (2007).
20. Kazez, A., Ş.K. Özel, U. Bakal ve M. Saraç, “Abdominotransanal Approach to Pouch Colon Associated with Rectal Atresia,” J. Pediatr. Surg, 44, E19-E21 (2009).
21. Özel, Ş.K., H. Emir, S. Dervişoğlu, N. Akpolat, B. Şenel, A. Kazez, Y. Söylet, G. Çetin, N. Danişmend, S.N.C. Büyükünal, “The Roles of Extracellular Matrix Proteins, Apoptosis and C-kit Positive Cells in the Pathogenesis of Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction” J. Pediatr. Urol. 2010 6(2), 125-9.
22. Gurgoze, M, S. Yıldırmaz, Y. Dogan, K. Özel, Ö. Gün, “A Rare Cause of Ascites in a Newborn: Posterior Urethral Valve,” Pediatr. Int. 2010 52(1), 154-5.
23. Özel, Ş.K., H.B. Özel, N. Çolakoğlu, N. İlhan, N. Arslan, E. Ozan, “Parenchyma Protective Effect of Thoracic Cage in Response to Trauma Direction in Blunt Thoracic Trauma: An Experimental Study,” Ulus. Travma. Derg,, 2010 16(4), 287-92.
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