The term addiction means when you lose control over substance use and get
addicted to nicotine. Nicotine is a chemical in the brain. However, this effect
lasts only for some time, and thus you go for another cigarette. This is a
substance found in tobacco, and people consuming it experience a very pleasing
effect, which is the main source of nicotine. Other sources are chewing tobacco
and vaping.
Nicotine is addictive, and even one dose of it is enough to make you feel for it more and more. Nicotine addiction can be physical and psychological. Not consuming nicotine can cause withdrawal symptoms in a nicotine-addicted person, but stopping the consumption of nicotine surely improves your health.
There are several effective treatments available. You can also reach out to healthcare professionals for nicotine addiction treatment in Türkiye or nearby countries.
What Does Nicotine Do to Your Body?
Some special proteins called receptors in the human body receive only specific neurotransmitters or chemicals from the brain. Nicotine in your body binds with these receptors and forms nicotinic-cholinergic receptors. These receptors are present in the brain, ganglia, adrenal gland (inner part), and some neuromuscular junctions.
These receptors trigger the release of certain neurotransmitters, such as
serotonin, dopamine, beta-endorphin, and norepinephrine, in the body. As some
neurotransmitters (message chemicals) like beta-endorphin and dopamine are
associated with mood, emotion, pleasure, or pain relief, the release of these
substances puts you in a very pleasurable mood.
Other chemicals released cause physiological effects such as muscle
movements and heart contractions. And that’s why your heart rate goes up, your
blood pressure rises, and your arteries constrict when you consume nicotine.
Is Nicotine Addictive?
Yes. Nicotine is highly addictive. Nicotine addiction is when you feel
compelled to consume nicotine drugs even after knowing the negative health
effects. Studies say that hundreds of people want to quit smoking, but half of
them fail to do so.
Nicotine addiction starts when youngsters start trying nicotine, either
through cigarettes or chewing tobacco just for fun. They believe that consuming
it once or twice won’t have any effect on their body.
Well, do you know how long it takes to get addicted to nicotine?
Scientists say that even one or two doses of nicotine can make your body
addicted to it. Even some 12 to 13-year-olds have experienced signs of nicotine
addiction after their first smoke.
Why is Nicotine Addictive?
When you administer nicotine to your body through a cigarette, it gets
readily absorbed by the blood cells and reaches the brain within 10 seconds
after inhaling it. Immediately, there is a rush of endorphins in your brain
circuits for a brief period, leading to feelings of pleasure and calmness.
However, as these feelings subside in a few minutes, people with nicotine
addiction crave more of it to maintain that pleasure.
Though this euphoric feeling with nicotine is very low as compared to other high-dose drugs of abuse like cocaine or heroin, nicotine also increases the neurotransmitter dopamine release in the brain circuits.
This neurotransmitter strengthens your feelings about taking drugs. When you consume nicotine repeatedly, the brain circuits’ sensitivity towards dopamine changes, causing changes in the brain circuits associated with self-control, stress, and learning. As a result, this continued exposure leads to nicotine addiction, and you start experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
What Are the Symptoms of Nicotine Addiction?
By now, it must be clear to you how addictive nicotine is. But how will you identify whether you have fallen into a nicotine addiction?
Here are some warning signs that may alert you to nicotine addiction.
You have tried quitting smoking once or twice, but all your attempts go in vain.
Whenever you stop smoking, your body starts reflecting physical or mental
withdrawal symptoms. For instance, you may feel irritated, hungry, angry,
constipated, depressed, have difficulty concentrating, become anxious, and have
Continued smoking may lead to health issues related to the heart and the
lungs. But when you have a nicotine addiction, you fail to realize the
intensity of such health issues and continue smoking.
You may not get social with family and friends as they stop you from
smoking. Also, you should not resist dining in smoke-free restaurants.
What are the Withdrawal Symptoms of Nicotine Addiction?
People with nicotine addiction experience several withdrawal symptoms when
they try to stop smoking. However, these withdrawal symptoms may differ from
person to person and are divided into two groups:
Physical Symptoms:
Tightness in the chest
Difficulty sleeping
Diarrhea, gas, and constipation
Feeling too hungry
Weight gain
Throat irritation
Physiological Symptoms:
Feeling angry, agitated, and uneasy
Difficulty in focusing
The feeling of sadness and a depressed mood
Feeling fatigued
Treatment Option for Nicotine Addiction:
Nicotine addiction is tough, and overcoming it is possible. There are
several options for nicotine addiction treatment in Türkiye but to start with,
you should start quitting smoking for just one day a week. You have to prepare
yourself and be determined if you want to quit smoking.
Among the several treatment options for nicotine addiction, the most common
Therapies: CBT, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: In a CBT session, your therapist will make you recognize the trigger that prompts you to use nicotine products and will suggest some healthy coping ways.
Interviewing: In this session, the interviewer or motivator will inspire you to
stick to your goal of quitting smoking. Their main purpose is to keep you
motivated so that you do not distract from your path.
Mindfulness: In these sessions, a
therapist or counselor will teach you ways to keep yourself away from nicotine
cravings. You will also learn to tolerate your cravings and negative feelings.
Support: There are some in-person help groups or counselors who can talk to you on
the phone and discuss your issues. Here, you can also connect with other people
with nicotine addiction.
Medications: Some medications can also help you overcome nicotine addiction. These medications will reduce the pleasure you feel when you consume nicotine. Further, some medications help in controlling withdrawal symptoms.
Besides, your healthcare provider can also suggest nicotine replacement
therapy while you undergo nicotine addiction treatment in Türkiye. In this
therapy, you take a small amount of nicotine, but no other toxins are present
in the cigarette. With this, withdrawal symptoms are less prominent, and your
cravings remain controlled.
Lifestyle Changes: Lastly, some changes in your day-to-day activities can help you come out of nicotine addiction. Ask your family and friends to not use nicotine when they are with you. Try to indulge in social activities that are smoke-free, like going to the movies or a museum. Identify your triggers and try to stay away from them.
Indeed, you cannot quit nicotine overnight, but if determined, you can get freedom from nicotine addiction. And once you get freedom from this nicotine addiction, you will make major changes in your life and experience benefits that you never thought about.