Skin Cancer Symptoms

Skin cancer is a cancer that develops in the skin of the human body. Mostly, the skin parts exposed to the sun show skin cancer symptoms, but unexposed areas are also not completely immune. Skin cancer is a common cancer that can occur to any person, irrespective of their skin tone. However, a darker-toned person may develop skin cancer symptoms mostly in the parts that are not exposed to the sun, such as the soles and palms.

Skin cancer is of different types, and the type mainly depends on the location where you get skin cancer symptoms. You can reduce the chances of skin cancer by not exposing yourself too much to UV radiation. Be careful and keep noticing any skin cancer symptoms or any changes in your skin. If you detect skin cancer symptoms at an early stage, successful treatment is possible.

Further, if there is a skin cancer patient in your family or you suspect any skin cancer symptoms, you can contact hospitals for reliable skin cancer treatment in Türkiye.

Types of Skin Cancer

There are three types of skin cancers:

·       Basal cell carcinoma

·       Squamous cell carcinoma

·       Melanoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell Carcinoma, abbreviated as BCC, develops mostly in people with a fairer skin tone. It appears as a pearl-like bump, pinkish, or fleshy skin patch. Commonly, you will find these patches on the neck, arms, and head, but some areas in the legs, abdomen, and chest may also develop such patches. People may develop such skin cancer symptoms after frequent exposure to the sun for years.

If left untreated, BCC can penetrate deep into nerves and bones, leading to disfigurement and damage.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

As the name suggests, this cancer develops in the squamous cells of your skin. These cells are present in the outer skin layer. The appearance of red bumps and flat lesions with crusted surfaces are the main skin cancer symptoms in this case.

It may also look like a scaly patch or bleeding sore that may heal but reopen. People with light skin are prone to this cancer type, but people with darker skin can also get it.

Skin parts like the neck, arms, chest, face, or back that are frequently exposed to the sun can form such red bumps. With an early diagnosis of these skin cancer symptoms, you can prevent their penetration into the deeper parts.

You must also know that sometimes raised blotches or dark red-colored bumps are lung cancer symptoms on the skin.


This is the most dreadful cancer, as it spreads very fast. The skin cancer symptoms in this condition develop in the melanocytes. Melanocytes are a type of skin cell that gives color to your skin and protects it from harmful UV radiation. Melanoma develops in the melanocytes and appears as a dark spot that appears different from your normal skin.

If you understand the ABCDE warning signs and skin cancer symptoms of melanoma, you can make an early diagnosis of the condition.

A: A stands for asymmetrical, which means one half of the cancerous mole will look different from the other half.

B: Raised, ragged, or notched edges of the moles are the skin cancer symptoms.

C: A healthy mole never changes its color, but if it is cancerous, it tends to change color frequently.

D: If the diameter of the moles is greater than 6mm, they are considered to have skin cancer symptoms.

E: E means evolving, i.e., an increasing number of moles are taken as skin cancer symptoms.

Besides these main skin cancer types, some other types are:

·       Kaposi sarcoma

·       Merkel cell carcinoma

·       Sebaceous gland carcinoma

·       Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans

Common Skin Cancer Symptoms

These include:

·       Development of a mole that keeps on changing color, size, and shape and bleeds

·       Waxy bumps on the neck, ears, and face

·       Flat patch or bump in red, pink, or brown color

·       A sore that doesn’t heal easily and, if it heals, comes back

·       A scaly lesion that itches, bleeds, and becomes crusty over time

·       Development of scars on the skin surface

Who Is at Risk of Developing Skin Cancer Symptoms?

Skin cancer symptoms tend to develop more in people:

·       Those who spent the most time under the sun

·       Having irregularly shaped moles

·       Those who had an organ transplant

·       With a family history of skin cancer

·       Have actinic keratosis (it is precancerous skin growth with rough, scaly pink to brown patches that may develop into skin cancer if not treated on time)

·       Those who live in sunny climates or at high altitudes

How Is Skin Cancer Diagnosed?

The only way for treatment here is a timely diagnosis of skin cancer symptoms. Whenever you notice any skin patch, mole, freckle, bump, or spot that does not go away within a week, consult your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider may further direct you to take note of any changes in these patches. If you notice any new growth or major changes in the already existing ones, bring it to the attention of your healthcare provider.

Based on your analysis, he may notice your palms, toes, genitals, and the area between your buttocks. If he suspects these are skin cancer symptoms, he may send them for a biopsy for further diagnosis. Based on this report, it will become clear if your lesion is skin cancer or just a small infection.

Skin Cancer Treatment

If the skin cancer symptoms are noticed at an early stage, treatment is possible. Most skin cancer treatments in Türkiye or other countries focus on removing the lesions by different methods.


In this treatment process, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the lesions and other skin cancer symptoms that appear on the skin. Eventually, this skin growth falls or shrinks. Mostly, the treatment process is used to treat actinic keratosis.


You may also be asked to apply some topical preparations for several weeks. This treatment option works for superficial basal cell carcinoma and actinic keratosis.

Excisional Surgery

The cancerous growth and the surrounding skin cells are removed using a scalpel. Later, the healthy skin gets tested for any skin cancer cells. If it is still there, the procedure is repeated.

Mohs Surgery

This treatment procedure works for basal cells or squamous cancerous cells. In this process, diseased or affected tissues or cells are removed, leaving as many healthy cells as possible.

Curettage and Electrodesiccation

In this, using a sharp and looped edge tool, dermatologists will scrape the cancer cells. After removal, the remaining skin parts are treated with an electric needle to remove any remaining cancerous cells. This treatment works for precancerous skin tumors or basal and squamous skin cancers.

Sometimes, cancer spreads to lymph nodes and other organs, and you will need more invasive treatments like chemotherapy to treat skin cancer symptoms in such conditions. You can get all sorts of skin cancer treatments in Türkiye hospitals at affordable rates. You can also send pictures of your symptoms to their doctors for some suggestions before you visit them.

How to Prevent Skin Cancer?

·       Self-examination of the skin twice a month

·       Visit a doctor for an annual examination

·       Use sunscreen whenever you go out in the sun

·       Avoid sun during peak hours

·       Wear full-sleeve shirts and full pants to protect your legs and arms

·       And lastly, if you know “what are the symptoms of skin cancer?”, you can detect it at a very early stage and not let it affect you.

Take good care of your skin, do not apply too many fancy cosmetics, and report any skin cancer symptoms you notice immediately to your healthcare provider.