  • Interests
  • Digestive System
  • Motility Disorders
  • ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)
  • Endosonography
  • Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection
  • Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy
  • Endoscopic Obesity Procedures
  • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
  • Chronic Liver Diseases
  • Interests
  • Digestive System
  • Motility Disorders
  • ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)
  • Endosonography
  • Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection
  • Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy
  • Endoscopic Obesity Procedures
  • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
  • Chronic Liver Diseases
İAÜ Medical Park Florya (Bakırköy)
Beşyol Mahallesi, Akasya Sk. No: 4 , 34295 Küçükçekmece/İstanbul - İstanbul

İAÜ Medical Park Florya (Bakırköy)
Beşyol Mahallesi, Akasya Sk. No: 4 , 34295 Küçükçekmece/İstanbul - İstanbul

Academic Background

Education and Specialization

1993 - 1999 Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Doctor

2000 - 2004 Firat University, Faculty of Medicine, Internal Medicine Specialty

2005 - 2009 Firat University, Faculty of Medicine, Gastroenterology Subspecialty


2009-2010, Turkish Armed Forces, Diyarbakır Military Hospital, Gastroenterology Clinic

2010-2013, Kayseri Training and Research Hospital, Gastroenterology Clinic, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Unit Supervisor (Associate Professor)

2013-2014, Kayseri Training and Research Hospital, Internal Medicine Clinic, Education Supervisor (Clinical Chief, Associate Professor)

2013-2014, Kayseri Training and Research Hospital, Education Committee Membership

2017-2019, Firat University Faculty of Medicine, Faculty Board Membership

2018, Firat University, Department of Internal Medicine, Department Chair

2014-2019, Firat University, Department of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology Division, Faculty Member

Courses and Certifications

Experimental Animal Use Training Program Certificate, Firat University, Animal Research Ethics Committee Certificate No: 2008/182, 2008 Elazig

Endosonography Course, Istanbul Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Gastroenterology Clinic, February 2009, Istanbul

Erciyes University, Faculty of Medicine, Internal Medicine Intensive Care Unit Course, May 15 - June 15, 2012, Kayseri

Izmir Katip Celebi University, Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Gastroenterology Clinic, Endoscopic Ultrasonography "Hands-on" Training, April 15 - May 15, 2013, Izmir

Advanced Interventional Endoscopy - Live Pig Model "Hands-on" EMR and ESD Course, September 23-24, 2013, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Problem-Based Medical Education, February 23-24, 2016, Elazig

Train the Trainer Course, March 28-31, 2016, Elazig

Advanced GI K-NOTES Workshop, December 9, 2016, South Korea

Advanced Interventional Endoscopic Procedures "Clinical Fellowship" CHA Bundang Medical Center, December 1, 2016 - January 31, 2017, Seoul, South Korea

FTRD System Endoscopic Full Thickness Resection Training, February 10, 2018, Stuttgart

Laborie Gastrointestinal Motility Training Course "Hands-on" March 6-9, 2018, Singapore

10th ESD Expert Training Workshop, May 15-18, 2018, Salzburg

Advanced Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection - Medical Specialist Training, August 1-2, 2018, Hamburg

Professional Memberships

Turkish Medical Association

Turkish Society of Gastroenterology

Turkish Liver Research Society

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Society

European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy


M. Yalnız, İ.H. Bahçecioğlu, N. Kuzu, O.K. Poyrazoğlu, Ö. Bulmuş, S. Çelebi, B. Üstündağ, İ.H. Özercan, K. Şahin, "Protective Role of Genistein in Experimental Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Model", V. National Hepatology Congress, June 5-7, Istanbul, P112 2005. Poster 1st Prize

Poyrazoğlu, O.K., A. Doğukan, Y. Özkan, A.İ. Günal, "Comparison of Standard Heparin and Low Molecular Weight Heparin Effects on Lipid Profile and C-Reactive Protein in Hemodialysis Patients", 6th National Internal Medicine Congress, September 14-19, Antalya, P100 2004. Poster 2nd Prize

Poyrazoglu O.K., Poyrazoglu H.G., Evren B., Dağlı A.F., Aydın S., Şahin İ., Doğukan A., Bahçecioğlu İ.H. "Effect of Ghrelin on Acute Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride", 7th National Hepatology Congress, June 10-13, Izmir, p21 2009. Poster 2nd Prize

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Scientific Publications

Articles Published in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

A1.    Yalniz, M., H. Ataseven, S. Celebi, O.K. Poyrazoglu, N. Sirma ve I.H. Bahcecioglu, "Two siblings with fulminant viral hepatitis A: case report," Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove), 48, 173–175 (2005).
A2.    Ozercan, I.H., A.F. Dagli, B. Ustundag, M.R. Ozercan, I.H. Bahcecioglu, H. Celik, M. Yalniz, O.K. Poyrazoglu ve H. Ataseven, "Does instant coffee prevent acute liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride ?", Hepatol Res, 35, 163–168 (2006).
A3.    Poyrazoglu, O.K., A. Dogukan, M. Yalniz, D. Seckin ve A.I. Gunal, "Acute effect of standard heparin versus low molecular weight heparin on oxidative stress and inflammation in hemodialysis patients", Ren Fail, 28, 723-727 (2006). 
A4.    Yalniz, M., I.H. Bahcecioglu, H. Ataseven, B. Ustundag, F. Ilhan, O.K. Poyrazoglu ve A. Erensoy, "Serum Adipokine and Ghrelin Levels in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis", Mediators Inflamm, 6,: Article ID 34295. (2006). 
A5.    Poyrazoglu, O.K., H.Ataseven, S. Bektas , A. Aydin, M. Yalniz, S. Celebi ve I.H Bahcecioglu, "Portal hypertension due to Echinococcus alveolaris: a case report", Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove),50, 57-59 (2007).
A6.    Yalniz, M., I.H. Bahcecioglu, N. Kuzu, O.K. Poyrazoglu, O. Bulmus, S. Celebi, B. Ustundag, I.H. Ozercan ve K. Sahin, "Preventive role of genistein in an experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis model", J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 22, 2009-2014 (2007).
A7.    Koca, SS, I.H. Bahcecioglu, O.K. Poyrazoglu, I.H. Ozercan, K. Sahin ve B. Ustundag, "The Treatment with Antibody of TNF-alpha Reduces the Inflammation, Necrosis and Fibrosis in the Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis Induced by Methionine- and Choline-deficient Diet", Inflammation, 31, 91-98 (2008).
A8.    Dogukan, A, E. Ilkay, O.K. Poyrazoglu, A.I. Gunal, M. Ozgen ve M Pekdemir, "Atrial fibrillation due to oral methylprednisolone in a patient with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis", Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove), 51 ,63-64 (2008).
A9.    Bahcecioglu, IH, S.S. Koca, O.K. Poyrazoglu, M. Yalniz, IH Ozercan, B. Ustundag, K. Sahin, A.F. Dagli ve A Isik, "Hepatoprotective effect of infliximab, an anti-TNF-alpha agent, on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis", Inflammation, 31, 215-221 (2008). 
A10.    Poyrazoglu, OK, M. Timurkaan, M. Yalniz, H. Ataseven, M. Dogukan ve I.H. Bahcecioglu, "Clinical review of 23 patients with tuberculous peritonitis: presenting features and diagnosis", J Dig Dis, 9, 170-174 (2008).
A11.    Poyrazoglu, OK, I.H. Bahcecioglu, H. Ataseven, K. Metin, A.F. Dagli, M. Yalniz, ve B. Ustundag, "Effect of unfiltered coffee on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats", Inflammation, 31, 408-413 (2008).
A12.    Poyrazoglu O.K., Ozkan Y., Ozden M., Colak R., Ozalp G., Donder E. "L-Thyroxine Treatment of Patients with Subclinical Hypothyroidism Reduce Inflammation", The Open Endocrinology Journal,  3, 34-37 (2009).
A13.    Dogukan A., M. Guler, M.F. Yavuzkir, A. Tekatas, O.K. Poyrazoglu, B. Aygen, A.I. Gunal, T.K. Yoldas "The effect of strict volume control on cognitive functions in chronic hemodialysis patients", Ren Fail 31, 641-646 (2009).
A14.    Poyrazoglu, OK, I.H. Bahcecioglu, A.F. Daglı, H. Ataseven, S. Celebi ve M. Yalniz, "Heterotopic gastric mucosa (inlet patch): endoscopic prevalence, histopathological, demographical and clinical characteristics", Int J Clin Pract 63, 287-291 (2009).
A15.    Dagli, N, O.K. Poyrazoglu, A.F. Dagli, F. Sahbaz, M.A. Bolat, I. Karaca, I.H. Bahcecioglu, "Is Inflammatory Bowel Disease a Risk Factor for Early Atherosclerosis?", Angiology   61, 198-204 (2010).
A16.    Bahcecioglu IH,C. Aygun, N. Gozel, O.K. Poyrazoglu, Y. Bulut, M.  Yalniz "Prevalence of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection in chronic hepatitis B patients in eastern Turkey: still a serious problem to consider", J Viral Hepat 18, 518-524 (2011).
A17.    Karaman H, Karakükçü Ç, Karaman A, Kayman T, Yalçın S, Taşdemir AE, Zararsız G, O.K. Poyrazoglu. "Mean platelet volume as a fibrosis marker in patients with chronic hepatitis C", Turk J Med Sci; 43, 39-45  (2013).
A18.    Karaman H, Karaman A, Erden A, O.K. Poyrazoglu, Karakukcu C, Tasdemir A. Relationship between colonic polyp type and the neutrophil/ lymphocyte ratio as a biomarker. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 14, 3159-3161 (2013).
A19.    Erden A, Esmeray K, Karagöz H, Karahan S, Gümüşçü HH, Başak M, Cetinkaya A, Avcı D, O.K. Poyrazoglu. Acute liver failure caused by mushroom poisoning: a case report and review of the literature. Int Med Case Rep J 22, 85-90 (2013)
A20.    Erden A, Karagoz H, Gümüscü HH, Karahan S, Basak M, Aykas F, Bulut K, Cetinkaya A, Avci D, O.K. Poyrazoglu. Colchicine intoxication: a report of two suicide cases. Ther Clin Risk Manag 9,505-509 (2013)
A21.    Koklu S, Gulsen MT, Tuna Y, Koklu H, Yuksel O, Yilmaz B, Karaca C, Ataseven H, Guner R, Kucukazman M, Kockar C, Demir M, O.K. Poyrazoglu, Ibis M, Purnak T, Etgul S, Alkan E, Coban S, Gokturk S, Biyik M, Baykal O, Basar O, Koklu N, Tatar G, Simsek H. Lamivudine treatment failure risks in chronic hepatitis B patients with low viral load. Digestion 88, 266-271 (2013).
A22.    Ozel Coskun BD, Karaman A, Gorkem H, Buğday I, O.K. Poyrazoğlu, Senel F.Terlipressin-induced ischemic skin necrosis: a rare association. Am J Case Rep. Oct 31;15:476-9. doi: 10.12659/AJCR.891084. (2014)
A23.    Ozel BD, O.K. Poyrazoglu, Karaman A, Karaman H, Altinkaya E, Sevinç E, Zararsiz G. The PAPAS index: a novel index for the prediction of hepatitis C-related fibrosis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. Aug;27(8):895-900. doi: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000000379 (2015)
A24.    Koklu S, Gulsen MT, Tuna Y, Koklu H, Yuksel O, Demir M, Guner R, Dogan Z, Kucukazman M, O.K. Poyrazoglu, Biyik M, Ozturk NA, Aydogan T, Coban S, Kocaman O, Sapmaz F, Gokturk SH, Karaca C, Demirezer A, Tanoglu A, Yildirim B, Altinbas A, Atak BM, Cosar AM, Alkan E; Differences in nephrotoxicity risk and renal effects among anti-viral therapies against hepatitis B. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. Feb;41(3):310-9. doi: 10.1111/apt.13036. Epub 2014 Dec 4 (2015)
A25.    Kocakoc E, Bakan AA, O.K. Poyrazoglu, Dagli AF, Gul Y, Cicekci M, Bahcecioglu IH. Assessment of Liver Fibrosis with Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Different b-values in Chronic Viral Hepatitis. Med Princ Pract. Jul 16. [Epub ahead of print] (2015)
A26.    Poyrazoglu O.K., Dagli AF. Isolated Hepatic Tuberculosis: Two Different Clinical Entities J Med Case (Kabul,2015)
A27.    Poyrazoglu O.K., Yalniz M. Two Low-Dose Bowel Cleansing Regimens: Efficacy and Safety of Senna and Sodium Phosphate Solution for Colonoscopy Patient Prefer Adherence (Kabul,2015)
A28.    Coskun BD, Altinkaya E, Sevinc E, Ozen M, Karaman H, Karaman A, Poyrazoglu O. The diagnostic value of a globulin/platelet model for evaluating liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B patients. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 107(12):740-4. (2015)
A29.    Gozel N, Onalan E, Ulu R, Demircan F, Kilınc F, Karatas A, Poyrazoglu OK,  Ugur K, Donder E. Hypertriglyceridemia Induced Acute Pancreatitis. Sch J Med Case Rep, 4(4):206-208 (2016)
A30.    Gozel N, Onalan E, Ulu R, Demircan F, Kilınc F, Karatas A, Poyrazoglu OK,  Ugur K, Donder E. Non-Homogenous Filling Defect Related to Taenia saginata in the Common Bile Duct (Ductus choledochus): A Case Report Sch J Med Case Rep, 4(4):203-205 (2016)
A31.    Sarli B, Dogan Y, Poyrazoglu O, Baktir AO, Eyvaz A, Altinkaya E, Tok A, Donudurmaci E, Ugurlu M, Ortakoyluoglu A, Saglam H, Arinc H. Heart Rate Recovery Is Impaired in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
 Med Princ Pract. 2016;25(4):363-7. doi: 10.1159/000446318. Epub 2016 May 10.
A32.     Sahin A, Artas  H , Eroglu Y ,Tunc N  ,  Oguz G ,  Demirel U , Poyrazoglu OK , Yalniz M, Bahcecioglu  Hİ  A Neglected Issue in Ulcerative Colitis: Mesenteric Lymph Nodes J Clin Med. 2018 Jun; 7(6): 142. doi: 10.3390/jcm7060142
A33.     Sahin A, Tunc N,  Demirel  U , Poyrazoglu OK, Yalniz M Bahcecioglu  Hİ.   Relationship between diverticulosis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in elderly patients . Journal of International Medical Research 2018, Vol. 46(4) 1545–1554
A34.     Gozel N, Eyvaz A, Ozel BD, Dogan Y,Sarli B, Ozturk AB, Poyrazoglu OB, Poyrazoglu OK An imaging method for the evaluation of early  atherosclerosis in inflammatory bowel disease: epicardial  adipose tissue. Progress in Nutrition 2019; Vol.21, N. 4: 836-842  DOI: 10.23751/pn.v21i4.8013
A35.     Sahin, A, Gurocak, S, Tunc, N , Demirel, U, Poyrazoglu OK Akbulut, H , Yalniz, M,Toraman, ZA ,Bahcecioglu, IH Anti-HDV seroprevalance among patients with previous HBV infection North Clin Istanb 2018;5(2):132–138 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.01328
A36.    . Coskun B, Ozen M, Gursoy S, Ozbakir O, Poyrazoglu OK, Baskol M, Sezgin GC, Yucesoy M. Normalization of the psychometric hepatic encephalopathy score for diagnosis of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in Turkey. Niger J Clin Pract 2017;20:421-6.

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