Patient Rights Unit

Since the healthcare has vital importance, rights and responsibilities of people cannot be compromised. We respect all rights of each patient and their relatives presented to our hospital throughout the delivery of healthcare services. We aimed to inform our patients about their rights and their obligations throughout the service delivery with this informative document that is issued in the light of Regulations on Patient Rights set by Ministry of Health of Republic of Turkey.


It addresses all procedures done to protect rights that are guaranteed by international and national legislations of a person, who seeks medical help and presents to a healthcare organization in this end, throughout the service delivery at the healthcare organization. Patient rights aim maximize protection of human health and quality of healthcare services.


1. Access to services:

All patients presenting to our hospital have right to benefit all services, irrespective of language, religion, race or sect. Our patients have the right to receive preventive and therapeutic healthcare services that are required for a healthy life on a equitable basis.

2. Right to be Informed and Request Information:

Our patients have the right to receive information on their health condition, available healthcare services and how to benefit thereof as well as read and seek documents about themselves and their conditions.

3. Right to Consent and Approve:

Our patients have the right to accept or refuse the treatment or request to have the treatment stopped, provided they are duly informed.

4. Right to Select and Deselect Healthcare Facility and Personnel

Our patients have the right to select and deselect diagnosis and treatment methods, primary physicians, nurses and other healthcare personnel.

5. Right of Privacy and Confidentiality:

Our patients have the right to request confidentiality of all data on personal details, health status, diagnosis and treatment processes or their private visits. No information about our patient's private or family life is disclosed to third persons under any circumstances, unless there is a medical necessity or the patient consents.

Our patients have the right to refuse speaking or seeing any person who is not directly involved in the care or treatment of the patient, including visitors.

Our patients have the right to keep all information obtained at diagnosis and treatment phases private even after death. Such information is disclosed to the related authorities only if there is a written and clear approval of the patient or his/her heir, or a court order.

6. Right to be respected:

Our patients and their relatives have the right to receive healthcare services from good humored and personnel with an affectionate approach in a clean and modern environment.

7. Right to Fulfill Religious Obligations:

Our patients have the right to fulfill religious obligations, as long as they do not interfere with the treatment and to the extent the healthcare facility can accommodate.

Our patients have the right to request, personally or by legal representative, a religious official to preach and pray in line with the religious needs of the patient.

8. Right to be visited and accompanied:

Our patients have the right to accept visitors and to have companion in line with the rules and regulations of our hospital.

9. Right of Safety:

Our patients have the right to ensure safety and security of their lives and properties and to be protected against risks and malpractice.

10. Right for Consultation and Second Opinion:

Provided all resultant responsibilities are undertaken, our patients have the right to seek information on their health status from a physician from the same medical discipline in addition to the primary physician or to be consulted with a physician from another medical discipline.

11. Right to Notify Complaints, Views and Advices:

If patients believe that their rights are violated, they have the right to start a complaint mechanism, have the situation inspected and concluded and to be informed about the outcome.


These can be described as the duties and liabilities a patient must fulfill before and after presenting to a healthcare facility.

- Our patients have to do their best to protect their health and to follow all instructions for a healthy life.

- A person can donate blood or organs if eligibility is verified with tests.

- The patients with simple health conditions should do self-care.

- Our patients should timely inform changes in health condition, social insurance coverage and personal details.

- Our patients should clearly and completely inform healthcare practitioners about complaints, previous diseases and disorders, history of inpatient treatment, all current mediations and all details about the health condition.

- Our patients are responsible for following rules and regulations of the healthcare facility to which they presented.

- Our patients should obey the referral chain, which is determined by Ministry of Health and other Social Security Authorities.

- Our patients are expected to collaborate with healthcare professionals throughout treatment, care and rehabilitation processes.

- Our patients are responsible for paying costs of treatment and examination.

- If our patients receive healthcare services from a facility, which operates based on appointment, the patient should timely attend the appointment or inform the hospital about relevant changes.

- Our patients should strictly respect rights of hospital's personnel, other patients and visitors.

- Our patients should reimburse damages they cause to materials and equipment at the hospital.

- Our patients should carefully listen to treatment and medication recommendations and should ask any and all unclear issues.

- Our patients should inform healthcare professionals, if the patient will not possibly follow therapeutic recommendations.

- Our patients should clearly express whether they correctly understand the healthcare and post-discharge care plan.

- Our patients will be personally responsible for all outcomes of refusing the treatment and failing to fulfill recommendations.​