Patient Guide / Policy


Certain departments may create unique visitor policies which must be obeyed.

A patient can be visited by 2 people at a given time; this rule is significantly important with regard to the patient's health.

Patient visits are allowed at certain intervals of the day that are determined by our hospital.

It is strictly forbidden to bring food and drinks to the patient.

Children under the age of 12 are not allowed for patient visit.

Visiting a patient with clean clothes is crucial for the patient's health.

Smoking is prohibited inside healthcare facilities.

It is recommended that no gifts are brought for the patient other than books magazines, newspapers, personal hygiene products (scents, tissue, paper towels, and wet wipes) and non-hazardous toys are allowed for children.

Fresh flowers are not allowed in the rooms.

Following visit hours are valid for following groups.
Visiting hours for general patients: 10:00 - 22:00



The primary physician decides whether a patient requires a companion or not.

Companions are limited to one person.

The companion must not remain with the patient during clinical visits and medical care.

A companion ID card is handed to the companion by the head nurse of the clinic.

The companion helps care of the patient to the extent it is allowed.

The companion is obliged to follow the rules set by the hospital.

No companion is accepted to certain inpatient clinics.

Note: One should always remember that certain inpatient clinics may have specific policies for companions.



Your security is our top priority. We kindly request for your security that you cooperate with the security personnel who is on duty round the clock in the building;

Security check of the packages brought to the hospital

ID check and verification at the hospital, whenever required,

Security check of vehicles (including trunks) in the parking lot.

We request and remind you to keep your belongings, valuable documents and files in your sight and you are solely responsible for them despite all precautions.


Our Patient Relations Department collects views and opinions on our hospital of all patients and their family members, who have already received healthcare services from our hospitals, to ensure that you receive the desired healthcare service at our hospitals and that you are satisfied. Managers of inpatient clinics review all views and suggestions and work in order to increase the quality of service in the light of your requests. We provide feedback about review-based decisions and outcomes to our patients who have notified the department.

Patient Relations Department not only makes contributions to your satisfaction, but it also helps development of our hospitals in the light of your views and opinions. Your complaints and negative views are addressed by all our senior managers, along with the Patient Relations Department, in order to create substantial solutions.

To notify Patient Relations Department of your views, suggestions and opinions:

You can send letters to our mailing address, fill surveys available at the floors and waiting rooms, request a face-to-face communication with the personnel at our Patient Right Department or call us.​