Academic Background
Scientific Publications
1- Articles Published in International Peer-Reviewed Journals (SCI,SSCI,ArtsandHumanities)
1. KARATAŞ KADER SEMRA, KARATAŞ YASİN, TELATAR TAHSİN GÖKHAN, ÇOLAK SABRİ (2021). Evaluation of sleep-wakefulness disorders in healthcare professionals working at a university hospital during COVID-19. Psychiatria, 18(4), 255-264., Doi: 10.5603/PSYCH.a2021.0033.
2. KARATAŞ YASİN, YILDIZ YASİN, KARATAŞ KADER SEMRA (2020). Health Care Utilization by Children with Disabilities andEvaluation of Factors Affecting Caregiver Satisfaction. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing(83), 1-10., Doi: 10.7176/JHMN/83-01
1- Articles Published in International Peer-Reviewed Journals (SCI,SSCI,ArtsandHumanities)
1. KARATAŞ KADER SEMRA, KARATAŞ YASİN, TELATAR TAHSİN GÖKHAN, ÇOLAK SABRİ (2021). Evaluation of sleep-wakefulness disorders in healthcare professionals working at a university hospital during COVID-19. Psychiatria, 18(4), 255-264., Doi: 10.5603/PSYCH.a2021.0033.
2. KARATAŞ YASİN, YILDIZ YASİN, KARATAŞ KADER SEMRA (2020). Health Care Utilization by Children with Disabilities andEvaluation of Factors Affecting Caregiver Satisfaction. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing(83), 1-10., Doi: 10.7176/JHMN/83-01