Anesthesiology and Reanimation
Anesthesiology and Reanimation (GICU)
  • Interests
  • Palliative Care
  • Intensive Care
  • Anaesthesiology
Anesthesiology and Reanimation
Anesthesiology and Reanimation (GICU)
  • Interests
  • Palliative Care
  • Intensive Care
  • Anaesthesiology
Medical Park Maltepe (Maltepe)
Cevizli, Bağdat Cd. No:547, 34846 Maltepe/İstanbul - İstanbul

Medical Park Maltepe (Maltepe)
Cevizli, Bağdat Cd. No:547, 34846 Maltepe/İstanbul - İstanbul

Academic Background

Education and Specialisation
1994–2000: Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine – Anaesthesiology and Reanimation Specialisation

2010–2013: Kaskaloglu Eye Hospital – Chief Anaesthesiologist and Reanimation Specialist, Quality Control Officer
2000–2010: Ege Maternity and Gynaecology Training and Research Hospital, İzmir – Anaesthesiologist and Reanimation Specialist
2000–2010: Private Pain and Palliative Care Centre, Alsancak-İzmir (Part-time)
1993–1994: Ministry of Health Organ Transplant Coordination, İzmir
1985–1993: İzmir State Hospital – Emergency Medicine Physician

Professional Memberships

  • IASP (International Association for the Study of Pain)
  • EAPC (European Association for Palliative Care)
  • IAHPC (International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care)
  • TARD (Turkish Society of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation)

2011: Monetary award from IAHPC (International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care) for contributions to congresses and scientific studies
18–21 May 2011: "A New Model: Approach to the End-stage of Cancer Patients." Lisbon, Portugal

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Scientific Publications




v May 30 to June 3, 2013 - 13th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), Prague.

Ø '' ATOME Project and Turkey '' S Ozsezgin


v 24-25 May 2012 - 3rd World Congress of Ophthalmic Anesthesia, -Ankara, Turkey with two summaries.

Ø ‘’A Retrospective Analysis of Anesthesia Management of Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery in Kaskaloglu Eye Hospital ‘’ Ozsezgin S

Ø ‘’Our Experiences in Anesthesia Management for Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) in Kaskaloglu Eye Hospital ‘’ Ozsezgin S


v 2011- 12th Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Lisbon.


Ø A New Model: Approach to the End –stage of Cancer Patients (the Meaning of Existence Facing Death) Ozsezgin S


v 18 May 2011 12th Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Lisbon, Portugal.

Ø Workshop about ‘’Ethics at the End of Life’

Ø ‘Volunteers in Palliative Care’’

Ø ‘The art of Preparing a Research Proposal’


v 16 Juillet-25 Aout 2011 Normative guidelines on the quality of hospital service.

v 27-29 April 2010 2nd International Tele-health Palliative Care Conference Anchorage-ALASKA Native Medical Centre.

v 2005 - 11th World Congress of Pain, Sydney, AUSTRALIA

Ø Epidural ports in relief of gynecologic cancer pain’’


Ozsezgin Ocek S, S. Sehirali, M.Murat Inal, M. Sanci, C.Sipahi

SSK Aegean Maternity Hospital, Izmir / TURKEY

v TARK 2006, XL

Ø ‘’Retrospective Determination Of Appropriate Anesthesia Methods In Caesarean Cases In Our Hospital.’’


Ozsezgin Ocek S , Arbak G, Aslan AY SSK Aegean Maternity Hospital, Izmir


v 2003- 6th National Congress of Pain, Istanbul / TURKEY

v 2002 - 10th World Congress of Pain, San Diego, USA

v 2002-. Practice of treatment of pain, Izmir / TURKEY

v 2001 - 2nd World Congress of World Institute of Pain, Istanbul

v 2000 - XXXIV Congress of Turkish Anesthesiology and Reanimation TARK- Antalya


Ø “The Comparison Of The Effects Of Midazolam And Propofol On Systemic Hemodynamic Changes And Portal Blood Flow Simultaneously With Echo-Doppler Measurements In Rats.”


Ozsezgin S, N. Gokmen, B. Kuvaki, G. Erbay, O. Dicle, E. Sagıroglu.

Ø ‘’Sur les Nouveaux née Rat création d’un modèle hypoxique-ischémique cérébral ancephalopati. l'effet de l'endommagement sur intracerebroventriculaire du diphosphatin fructose 1-6.’’


O.Erdem, N. Gokmen, K Genc, M Akhisaroglu, S Erbayraktar, E. Sagıroglu, S OZSEZGIN

v 2000 - Obtaining an instructor certificate to Resusitation Neonatal (Educator Certificate), Izmir / TURKEY.

v 1999 - 7th ESA Annual Meeting, Amsterdam XXXII.

Ø “Comparison of co-sedation with propofol + midazolam, propofol and midazolam for sedation of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation in the ICU


Ozsezgin S, Gokmen N, Erdem O, Arkan A.

Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine Izmir- TURKEY.

v 1999 - Intensive Care in Trauma, Intensive Care Association, Izmir / TURQUIE.

v 1998 - Intravenous Anesthesia- Postoperative Analgesia- Sedo Analgesia, Aegean Anesthesia and Intensive Care Association, III. Symposium of autumn, Izmir/ TURQUIE.

v 1997 -Difficult Intubations-Early Phase in Sepsis, Aegean Anesthesia and Intensive Care Association, Izmir / TURQUIE.

v 1998 - 10th International Intensive Care Symposium


Ø “The Hellp Sydrome”

v Ozsezgin S, N. Gokmen, B. Kuvaki, A.Gunerli.


v 1999- Anesthésie pour l’intervention chirurgicale hépatique Izmir / TURQUIE.



v 1999 - Les prélèvements d’organes en vue de transplantation 8ème journée de Bicêtre-Paris-FRANCE

v 1996 - CONGRES MAPAR 96 14ème journée de Mises au Points en Anesthésie- Réanimation, Centre des Congrès de la cité des Sciences et de I ‘Industrie- Paris

v 1996- ‘’Réanimation Adultes-Enfants: pour Quelle Qualité de vie? De I ‘évaluation a I ‘éthique’’ 4ème journée du Groupe Réanimation et Psychologie Centre des Congrès et d’exposition du CNIT, Paris-FRANCE

v 1996 -Stage de perfectionnement en anesthésie ophtalmologique. Hôtel Dieu de Paris-FRANCE

v 1995- Meeting of consensus in ARDS and therapy, Intensive Care and Therapy Association-TURKEY

v 1994 - Scientific meeting for organ transplantation in Ankara TURKEY.



“The Comparison of The Effects of Midazolam and Propofol on Systemic Hemodynamic Changes and Portal Blood Flow Simultaneously with Echo-Doppler Measurements in Rats”

with the Radiology Department at Dokuz Eylül University Hospital Faculty of Medicine Izmir.


1. The Journal of The Turkish Society of Algology 2014; 26(1)


The effectiveness of subcutaneously implanted epidural ports for relief of severe pain in patients with advanced-stage gynecological cancer: a prospective study.

İbrahim Egemen Ertaş1, Salim Sehirali1, Serpil Ozsezgin Ocek2, Muzaffer Sanci1, Gulderen Arbak2, Yusuf Yildirim1

1Department Of Gynecologic Oncology, Aegean Obstetrics And Gynecology Education And Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey 2Department Of Anesthesiology And Reanimation, Aegean Obstetrics And Gynecology Education And Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey

The journal

2. The book European Association for Palliative Care, 2011.


‘’A New Model: Approach to the End –stage of Cancer Patients (the Meaning of Existence Facing Death)

Ozsezgin Ocek S


3. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer at 23 Feb 2004.


“A Randomized Prospective Study Of Comparison Of Reservoir Ports Versus Convantional Vascular Acsess’in Advanced Stage Ovarian Carsinoma Cases Treated With Chemotherapy.’’

Sehirali S, Ozsezgin S, Inal M, Atli Ö, Yildirim Y, Nayki C, Sanci M, Tinar S.

SSK Aegean Maternity Hospital, Izmir / TURKEY

Offered as a verbal presentation in Congress of V. Turkish- German Gynecology Association and II. Reproductive Medicine objectives with discussion and solution at 16-20 May 2003.

4. Turkish Journal of Anesthesiology and Reanimation Society 2002; vol. 30; P:446-453).


“The Comparison Of The Effects Of Midazolam And Propofol On Systemic Hemodynamic Changes And Portal Blood Flow Simultaneously With Echo-Doppler Measurements In Rats.”

Ozsezgin S, N. Gokmen, B. Kuvaki, G. Erbay, O. Dicle, E. Sagıroglu.

Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine Izmir- TURKEY. Medicine Department of Radiology, Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine, Izmir- TURKEY .

5. British Journal of Anesthesia (BJA) -Volume 82- June 1999.


“Comparison of co-sedation with propofol + midazolam, propofol and midazolam for sedation of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation in the ICU”

Ozsezgin S, Gokmen N, Erdem O, Arkan A. Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine Izmir- TURKEY.

6. Turkish Journal of Anesthesiology and Reanimation Society Vol. 26, Iss. 10 at December 1998.


Peroperative hemodynamic effects of total porta-caval and lateral clamping in Orthotopic Liver Transplantation”

Iyilikci L, Ozsezgin S, Astarciogglu I, Gillon M C, Sagiroglu E, Samii K. Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation- Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine-Izmir, Center of Hepato-Bilier, Hopital de Paul Brousse- PARIS

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