  • Interests
  • Urticaria
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Acne
  • Cosmetic Dermatology
  • Interests
  • Urticaria
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Acne
  • Cosmetic Dermatology
Medical Park Maltepe (Maltepe)
Cevizli, Bağdat Cd. No:547, 34846 Maltepe/İstanbul - İstanbul

Medical Park Maltepe (Maltepe)
Cevizli, Bağdat Cd. No:547, 34846 Maltepe/İstanbul - İstanbul

Academic Background

Education and Specialisation

  • 2005–2006: Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine
  • 2006–2011: Istanbul Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine
  • 2012–2017: SBU Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital, Dermatology Residency in the Department of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases


  • 2017–2019: SBÜ Erzurum Regional Training and Research Hospital, Department of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases, State Service Obligation / Erzurum
  • May 2019–March 2020: SBU Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital

Professional Memberships

  • Turkish Dermatology Association
  • European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV)
  • EAACI (European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology)


  • Johns Memorialship Scholarship Award (September 13–17, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland)
  • AAD Katz Straus Scholarship Award (February 16–20, 2018, San Diego, USA)
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Scientific Publications

Research and Publications

1.    Kocatürk E, Köklü N, Güngör S, Ülkümen PK, Bahçetepe N, Erhan SS. Solar burn reactivation reaction: an unusual side effect of methotrexate. Photodermatol Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2014;30:338-9.
2.    Kocatürk E, Ülkümen PK, Kızıltaç U, Yüksel T, Kunter AS, Erhan SŞ. In-transit metastasis from primary cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in a nonimmunosuppressed patient. J Cutan Med Surg 2015;19:167-70.
3.    Kocaturk E, Memet B, Topal IO, Yuksel T, Ulkumen PK, Kızıltac U. A Case of Erythema Elevatum Diutinum With Pancytopenia: Focus on Dapsone- Induced Hematologic Side Effects and Colchicine as a Safe Treatment Option. J Drugs Dermatol. 2015;14:1090-2.
4.    Tarikci N, Kocatürk E, Güngör Ş, Topal IO, Can PÜ, Singer R. Pruritus in Systemic Diseases: A Review of Etiological Factors and New Treatment Modalities. ScientificWorldJournal. 2015;2015:803752.
5.    Ülkumen PK, Kocatürk E, Güngör Ş, Erzurumluoğlu N. Annular lichenoid dermatitis of youth in a 15-year-old boy: Topical tacrolimus as a treatment option. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2016;82:467. 
6.    Oguz Topal I, Duman H, Gungor S, Kocaturk E, Kuteyla Can P. Evaluation of the Clinical and Sociodemographic Features of Turkish Patients with Vitiligo. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat. 2016;24:124-9.
7.    Hsu CK, Liu L, Can PK, Kocatürk E, McMillan JR, Güngör Ş, Hürdoğan Ö, Sargan A, Degirmentepe EN, Lee JY, Simpson MA, McGrath JA. Ectodermal dysplasia-skin fragility syndrome resulting from a new atypical homozygous cryptic acceptor splice site mutation in PKP1. J Dermatol Sci. 2016;84:210-212. 
8.    Topal IO, Duman H, Goncu OE, Durmuscan M, Gungor S, Ulkumen PK. Knowledge, beliefs, and perceptions of Turkish vitiligo patients regarding their condition. An Bras Dermatol. 2016;91:770-5. 
9.    Kocatürk E, Can PK, Akbas PE, Copur M, Degirmentepe EN, Kızıltac K, Singer R. Management of chronic inducible urticaria according to the guidelines: A prospective controlled study. J Dermatol Sci. 2017; 0923-1811(16)30792-7
10.    Ornek SA, Kuteyla Can P, Degirmentepe EN, Kiziltac K, Gungor S, Oguz Topal I, Kocaturk E Periorbital Dermatitis: The Role of Type 1 and Type 4 Hypersensitivity as Contributing Factors Austin J Allergy - Volume 4 Issue 2 – 2017
11.    Can PK, Etikan P, Kızıltac U, Kızıltac K, Singer R, Kocatürk E. Fric Test Revisited: A Suggestion for a New Scoring System and Its Correlation with Urticaria Control Test and Dermatology Life Quality Index. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2018 Oct 4:1-7
12.    Kocatürk E, Kızıltac U, Can PK et al. Validation of the Turkish version of the Urticaria Control Test: Correlation with other tools and comparison between spontaneous and inducible chronic urticaria. World Allergy Organization Journal 12 (2019) 100009
13.    Ülkümen PK, Oğuz Topal İ, Şişman S. Unilateral Nevoid Telengiectasia: A Case Report. Dermatoz 2013;4:149-51.
14.    Bahçetepe N, Kocatürk Göncü ÖE, Güngör Ş, Köklü N, Ülkümen PK. Obesity and skin. Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 2014;30:34-8 
15.    Topal İO, Duman H, Güngör Ş, Ülkümen PK, Durmuşcan M, Topal Y. Investigation of Thyroid Otoimmunity in Patients with Urticaria. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi; 2014:12:103-7
16.    Topal İO, Ülkümen PK, Duman H, Kocatürk Göncü ÖE. Bier’s Spots in a Young Girl. Okmeydani Tip Derg. 2015;31:52-3 
17.     Etikan Akbaş P, Duman H, Yüksel T,  Can PK,  Erdem ZB, Kocatürk E. A Rare Diagnosis: Antecubital Fossa Located Granular Cell Tumor: Case Report. Turkiye Klinikleri J Dermatol 2017;27(1):46-50
18.    Çopur M, KOCATÜRK E, YÜKSEL T, Duman H, CAN PK, Günel Ş. Bacak Ülserlerinde Nadir Bir Tanı; Antifosfolipid Antikor Sendromu A Rare Diagnosis of Leg Ulcers; Antiphospholipid Syndrome: Case Report Turkiye Klinikleri J Dermatol 2017;27(1):6-9
19.    Can PK, Kocaturk PK. Semptomatik dermografizmli hastalardaki tedavi yanıtlarının önerilen ölçeklerle değerlendirilmesi. Turkderm.galenos.2019.07348

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