Academic Background
Education and Specialization
2002-2008: Bachelor's Degree, Ege University Faculty of Medicine
2013-2014: Research Assistant, Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
2015-2020: Research Assistant, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
2022: Ph.D., Bahçeşehir University, Neuroscience Ph.D. Program
2008-2011: Medical Officer, Van Gevaş District Hospital
2012-2013: Medical Officer, Military Service
2014-2015: Medical Officer, Private İstanbul Cerrahi Hospital
2020-2022: Specialist Doctor, Muş Bulanık State Hospital
2022: Specialist Doctor, Van Regional Training and Research Hospital
2023: Specialist Doctor, Elityum Medical Center
2023: Specialist Doctor, BAU Medical Park Göztepe
Professional Memberships
Turkish Psychiatric Association
Education and Specialization
2002-2008: Bachelor's Degree, Ege University Faculty of Medicine
2013-2014: Research Assistant, Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
2015-2020: Research Assistant, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
2022: Ph.D., Bahçeşehir University, Neuroscience Ph.D. Program
2008-2011: Medical Officer, Van Gevaş District Hospital
2012-2013: Medical Officer, Military Service
2014-2015: Medical Officer, Private İstanbul Cerrahi Hospital
2020-2022: Specialist Doctor, Muş Bulanık State Hospital
2022: Specialist Doctor, Van Regional Training and Research Hospital
2023: Specialist Doctor, Elityum Medical Center
2023: Specialist Doctor, BAU Medical Park Göztepe
Professional Memberships
Turkish Psychiatric Association
Scientific Publications
Research and Publications
Articles Published in International Peer-Reviewed Journals (SCI, SSCI, Arts and Humanities)
1.1. Hyperparameter-tuned prediction of somatic symptom disorder using functional near-infrared spectroscopy-based dynamic functional connectivity.
1.2. Attachment style predicts cortical activity in temporoparietal junction (tpj)
1.3. The relationship of cortical activity induced by pain stimulation with clinical and cognitive features of somatic symptom disorder: A controlled functional near infrared spectroscopy study.
1.4. Cortical activity measured by functional near infrared spectroscopy during a theory of mind task in subjects with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and healthy controls.
1.5. Cortical activity during social acceptance and rejection task in social anxiety disorder: A controlled functional near infrared spectroscopy study
1.6. The relationship between plasma levels of clozapine and N-desmethyclozapine as well as M1 receptor polymorphism with cognitive functioning and associated cortical activity in schizophrenia.
1.7. Tamoxifen-induced acute mania: A case report
1.8. Attachment Security and Cortical Activity During a Working Memory Task in Healthy Young Adults
2.Papers Presented at International Scientific Conferences and Published in Conference Proceedings
2.1. Relationship of clozapine plasma level, 5-HT2A rs6311 and rs6313 polymorphisms with obsessive-compulsive symptoms in schizophrenia patients under clozapine monotherapy
2.2. Measurement of visual cortex activity with near-infrared spectroscopy after endoscope assisted ARGUS II epiretinal prosthesis implantation in retinitis pigmentosa patients.
2.3. Classification of fNIRS data using deep learning for bipolar disorder detection
2.4. Cortical activity during social acceptance and rejection in social anxiety disorder
2.5. Classification of somatic symptom disorder using fNIRS based dynamic functional connectivity.
3. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
3.1. The Association of Minor Physical Anomalies with Clinical and Subclinical Psychotic Symptoms/Minor Fiziksel Anomalilerin Klinik ve Esik Altı Psikotik Belirtilerle İlişkisi
3.2. Person identification using functional near-infrared spectroscopy signals using a fully connected deep neural network.
4. Papers Presented at National Scientific Conferences and Published in Conference Proceedings
4.1. Obsesif kompülsif bozukluk hastalarında karar verme stratejisinin fNIRS kullanılarak incelenmesi
5. Other Publications
5.1. Cognitive Impairment in Major Depressive Disorder Clinical Relevance, Biological Substrates, and Treatment Opportunities: Major Depresif Bozuklukta Bilişsel Bozulma Klinikte İlişkisi, Biyolojik Altyapıları ve Tedavi İmkanları (Çeviri). Bölüm 18-22 Adnan Kuşman. Editör Ece Bayram. 2018
Research and Publications
Articles Published in International Peer-Reviewed Journals (SCI, SSCI, Arts and Humanities)
1.1. Hyperparameter-tuned prediction of somatic symptom disorder using functional near-infrared spectroscopy-based dynamic functional connectivity.
1.2. Attachment style predicts cortical activity in temporoparietal junction (tpj)
1.3. The relationship of cortical activity induced by pain stimulation with clinical and cognitive features of somatic symptom disorder: A controlled functional near infrared spectroscopy study.
1.4. Cortical activity measured by functional near infrared spectroscopy during a theory of mind task in subjects with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and healthy controls.
1.5. Cortical activity during social acceptance and rejection task in social anxiety disorder: A controlled functional near infrared spectroscopy study
1.6. The relationship between plasma levels of clozapine and N-desmethyclozapine as well as M1 receptor polymorphism with cognitive functioning and associated cortical activity in schizophrenia.
1.7. Tamoxifen-induced acute mania: A case report
1.8. Attachment Security and Cortical Activity During a Working Memory Task in Healthy Young Adults
2.Papers Presented at International Scientific Conferences and Published in Conference Proceedings
2.1. Relationship of clozapine plasma level, 5-HT2A rs6311 and rs6313 polymorphisms with obsessive-compulsive symptoms in schizophrenia patients under clozapine monotherapy
2.2. Measurement of visual cortex activity with near-infrared spectroscopy after endoscope assisted ARGUS II epiretinal prosthesis implantation in retinitis pigmentosa patients.
2.3. Classification of fNIRS data using deep learning for bipolar disorder detection
2.4. Cortical activity during social acceptance and rejection in social anxiety disorder
2.5. Classification of somatic symptom disorder using fNIRS based dynamic functional connectivity.
3. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
3.1. The Association of Minor Physical Anomalies with Clinical and Subclinical Psychotic Symptoms/Minor Fiziksel Anomalilerin Klinik ve Esik Altı Psikotik Belirtilerle İlişkisi
3.2. Person identification using functional near-infrared spectroscopy signals using a fully connected deep neural network.
4. Papers Presented at National Scientific Conferences and Published in Conference Proceedings
4.1. Obsesif kompülsif bozukluk hastalarında karar verme stratejisinin fNIRS kullanılarak incelenmesi
5. Other Publications
5.1. Cognitive Impairment in Major Depressive Disorder Clinical Relevance, Biological Substrates, and Treatment Opportunities: Major Depresif Bozuklukta Bilişsel Bozulma Klinikte İlişkisi, Biyolojik Altyapıları ve Tedavi İmkanları (Çeviri). Bölüm 18-22 Adnan Kuşman. Editör Ece Bayram. 2018