  • Interests
  • Anxiety
  • Severe Stress Disorders
  • Depression Treatment
  • Vaginismus Treatment
  • Psychogeriatrics
  • Medical Psychotherapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Eclectic Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Interests
  • Anxiety
  • Severe Stress Disorders
  • Depression Treatment
  • Vaginismus Treatment
  • Psychogeriatrics
  • Medical Psychotherapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Eclectic Therapy
  • Family Therapy
Medical Park İncek (Ankara Gölbaşı)
Kızılcaşar Mahallesi 2744 Sokak No : 1 Gölbaşı / ANKARA - Ankara

Medical Park İncek (Ankara Gölbaşı)
Kızılcaşar Mahallesi 2744 Sokak No : 1 Gölbaşı / ANKARA - Ankara

Academic Background

Education and Specialization:
1980: Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, Bursa
1997: Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry

1980-1981: Uludağ University, Bursa
1981-1999: United Kingdom - London Hospital Medical College, North Middlesex Hospital, St. Ann's Community Psychiatry Hospital
2000-2014: Independent Specialist in Psychiatry
2014-2021: Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Faculty of Medicine, Professor
2021: Private Practice
2023: Private Ortadoğu İncek Physical Therapy Hospital, Ankara

Foreign Languages:

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Scientific Publications

Academic Seminars and Conferences
‘Bisphenol-A and Human Health’ E.Ü. Mengücek Gazi Training and Research Hospital
Comparative Health Systems in Europe, E.Ü. Mengücek Gazi Training and Research Hospital
Nursing Profession in Europe: ‘There are no good or bad nurses, there are loved or unloved nurses’ (Erz. Univ. Faculty of Health Sciences)
‘Amoklav’ An Invisible Danger in Classrooms. (Erz. Univ. Science and Math Students)
Our Mental Health and Suicide (Erz. Univ. Faculty of Divinity)
Modern Approaches in Psychiatry (Nakhchivan Medical Faculty Students)
The Role of Pharmacists in Integrated Health Systems (Erz. Univ. Faculty of Pharmacy)
The Role of Teachers in Combating Alcohol and Substance Addiction (Ministry of National Education, School Guidance Counselors Meeting)
Depression as a Psycho-Social Risk Factor in the Police Profession (Erzincan Provincial Directorate of Security)
The Effect of Personal Development Efforts on Student Performance (Erz. Univ. Faculty of Science)
An Obstacle to Success: Exam Anxiety (Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Foundation)
World No Tobacco Day, ‘Say No to Smoking and Alcohol, Youth’ Erzincan Public Health Directorate
Personal Development and Communication (27.10.2015, E.Ü. Faculty of Law)
An Obstacle to Success: Exam Anxiety (Erzincan University Foundation 2015)
The Importance of Personal Development and Communication (27.10.2015, E.Ü. Faculty of Law, Opening Lecture of the Academic Year)
Common Psychiatric Disorders in Daily Medical Practices (Mengücek Gazi Training and Research Hospital)
Approach of Family Physicians to Psychiatric Cases (Provincial Health Directorate, Family Physicians Training Seminar 2016)
Personality Structure, Personal Development, and Success (Erz. Univ. Kemah Vocational High School, 2016)
TOBB – Binali Yıldırım Imam Hatip Project High School ‘The Role of Communication in Personal Development’ (2016)
TOBB – Binali Yıldırım Imam Hatip Project High School ‘Technology and Internet Addiction in Youth’ (2016)
The Role of Teachers in Combating Alcohol and Substance Addiction (Erzincan, Ministry of National Education, School Guidance Counselors Meeting, 2016)
Common Psychiatric Disorders in Daily Medical Practices (Mengücek Gazi Training and Research Hospital, Training Meeting 2016)
World No Tobacco Day, ‘Say No to Smoking and Alcohol, Youth!’ Erzincan Public Health Directorate (2016)
Approach of Family Physicians to Psychiatric Cases (Erzincan Public Health Directorate, Family Physicians Training Seminar, 2016)
Personality Structure, Personal Development, and Success (Kemah Vocational High School, 2016)
The Role of Nurses in Alzheimer's Care in Germany. Prof. Dr. Vahdet Gül, National Nursing Day, EBY University, Faculty of Health Sciences, 2016
World Mental Health Day. Prof. Dr. Vahdet Gül (Erzincan Provincial Health Directorate, Municipal Meeting Hall, 2016)
‘No-Smoking Day’ – Prof. Dr. Vahdet Gül (Erzincan Provincial Health Directorate, Public Health Education Hall 2016)
Exam Anxiety. Prof. Dr. Vahdet Gül (Erzincan University Foundation Public Meeting, Municipal Hall, 2016)
Psychosomatic. Prof. Dr. Vahdet Gül (Public Health Family Physicians Training Meeting 2017)
Family Medicine in Germany: Structural and Functional Approaches (Erzincan Provincial Health Directorate, Family Physicians Training Meeting, 2017)
Our Mental World, Alcohol, and Drug Addiction (Speech for Convicts Organized by Erzincan Prosecutor's Office, 2017)
The Place of Medicinal Plants in Medicine and its Economic Dimension. Erzincan Medical and Aromatic Plants Search Workshop, EBYU (February 16, 2017)
Fighting Addiction: The Erzincan Example, Drug Abuse Combat Workshop, 08.11.2018, Ministry of National Education, Erzincan
Nakhchivan University, 2020-2021 Academic Year Opening Lecture ‘The Mental Aspect of the COVID-19 Pandemic’ (Online)
EBYU Faculty of Health Sciences ‘COVID-19 Pandemic and Vaccine Studies’ 23.02.2021 (Online)
MEB Internal Audit Unit Training Seminar ‘The Role of Stress in Mental and Physical Health’ and ‘Stress and Anger Management’ Istanbul Beyoğlu Teacher’s House, 14-18 November 2022 
Tekman S, Sunam G, Gül V, Ekinci A (1978), Brain serotonin levels of the rabbits immunized by semi-synthetic antigens., Journal of Istanbul Fac. Pharm., 14, 140-143.
Tekman S, Karaca AR, Gül V (1978), Histopathological changes in the reticulo-endothelial systems of rabbits immunized with semi-synthetic antigens. Journal of Bursa Med. Faculty, 5, 1-7.
Tekman S, Gül V, Karaca AR, Erol 0 (1979), Histopathological changes in the central nervous system of the rabbits immunized with semi-synthetic antigens., Journal of Bursa Medical Faculty, 6, 57-61.
Karaca AR, Erol O, Ozcetin S, Alemli A, Onat A, Gül V., (1979) Investigation of possible carcinogenic effect of intramuscularly injected burnt sunflower oil in mice., Acta Oncologica Turcica, 1, 51-61.
Karaca AR, Erol 0, Ozcetin S, Alemli A, Onat A, Gul V., (1980), Possible carcinogenic effect of intramuscularly injected burnt hashish oil in rabbits., Acta Oncologica Turcica, 3, 146-157
Tekman S, Gul V (1980), Humoral immunity in rabbits immunized with semi -synthetic antigens, Journal of Bursa Medical Faculty., 3, 57-62.
Tekman S, Gul V (1981). The effect of excessive blood loss on humoral immunity of rabbits immunised with semisynthetic antigens, Journal of Bursa Medical Faculty, 1, 26-31.
Gul V, Stierle HE, Corke CE, Holborow EJ (1983), A pitfall in reverse haemolytic plaque assay using staphylococcal protein A., J Immunol Methods, 58, 273.
Corke CF, Gul V, Stierle HE, Holborow EJ, Huskisson EC (1983), Increased numbers of functioning B cells in circulation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Presented at the “Workshop of the European League Against Rheumatism” was held at Mainz, Germany, on 17-18 Feb. 1983.
Winrow VR, Stierle HE, Gul V, Northon J, Holborow EJ (1983), Macrophages contribute to increased responsiveness of rheumatoid lymphocytes, in vitro, to Ebstein Barr Virus. Presented at the third EULAR workshop of rheumatology, Mainz,Germany,17-18 Feb.1983
Corke CF, Gul V, Holborow EJ, Huskisson EC (1983), T subsets and circulating immunoglobulin ‘secreting cells in rheumatoid arthritis. Presented at the Heberden Round in Edinburg on 7-8 July 1983
Karaca Ali Riza, Güre Ataman, Gül Vahdet (1984), Yanık yağların farelerde ve sıçanlarda karsinojenik etkileri., TÜBİTAK, Doga Bilimleri Dergisi Tıp Seri C, 8(1): 44-53
Winrow VR, Gul V, Archer JR, Holborow EJ (1983), A comparison of rheumatoid and healthy peripheral blood immunoglobulin secreting cells in two B cell subpopulation. Presented at the Heberden Round in Edinburgh on 7-8 July 1983.
Haskard DO, Gul V, Archer JR, Holborow EJ (1984), Monoclonal antibodies from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Presented at the Society for Rheumatology meeting, Bristol, on 4-6 April 1984.
Corke CF, Gul V, Holborow EJ, Huskisson EC (1984), Increased numbers of active B cells in the circulation of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis., Rheumatol International, 4, 19-21.
Gul V, Corke CF, Huskisson EC, Holborow EC (1984), The influence of D-penicillamine therapy on numbers of circulating immunoglobulin secreting cells in rheumatoid arthritis., Rheumatol International, 4, 157-158.
Archer JR, Stubbs MM, Haskard DO, Gul V (1984), A monoclonal antibody identifying the specificity of autoantibodies in a patient with relapsing polychondritis. British J. Rheumatology 23, 138
Haskard DO, Gul V, Archer JR (1984), Human monoclonal auto-antibodies against cellular constituents in rheumatoid arthritis. Presented at the ANA-symposium, Leuven, Belgium, on 24-25 May 1984.
Haskard DO, Gul V, Archer JR (1985), Cross reactivity between sold phase immunoassay plates and intermediate filaments demonstrated by human monoclonal antibodies. J. Immunol Methods, 77, 291-295.
Haskard DO, Gul V, Morgan A, Kataha P, Staines NA, Archer JR (1985), Human monoclonal antibodies from patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Cross reactions against cellular constituents. Clin Exp Immunol, 61, 496-502.
Gül V, Mackenzie (1993), Medical counseling and patient compliance in Greek and Turkish speaking communities in Haringey and Enfield., J Royal Soc.Health, Dec.1993 286-287.
Okrasinsky H, Gul V., Allergic contact dermatitis in the Asir Region of Saudi Arabia, A pilot study (1995). Annals of Saudi Medicine, 15(3) 478- 480.
Gül V, Öner Ertan, Uyar K., Kultur und Ethnizität, Ihre Rolle bei der Entstehung psychischer Störungen am Beispiel der türkischen Gemeinschaft in Deutschland. Psychoneuro, 2008; 34 (2):97-99
Gül V, Kolb S., Acculturation, Bicultural Identity and Psychiatric Morbidity in Young Turkish Patients in Germany. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry. 2008:20(2): 1-7 (in English), 138-143 (in Turkish).
Gül V, Kolb S, Saglam H., Somatisierungsstörungen und psychische Komorbidität, Diagnose und Therapieoptionen am Beispiel türkischer Patienten in Deutschland. Psychoneuro, 2008; 34 (2):97-99
Gül V, Ruf GD., Vaginismusbehandlung bei türkischen Frauen, Der Nervenarzt, 2009: 80; 288-294.
Gül V, Ruf GD. Substanzinduzierte Psychose unter Mefloquin zur Malariaprophylaxe bei gleichzeitigem Konsum von Cannabis. 2009; Tägliche Praxis, 50;577-579
Gül V, Ruf GD., Frauen Gesundheit in der Praxis, Vaginismus bei türkische Frauen.  Der Gynäkologe, 2009; 42: 891-898.
Gül V, Geschwindt G, Sen C., Funktionelle gastrointestinale Störungen und psychiatrische Morbidität bei türkischen Patienten in Deutschland. Intern. Praxis, 2011; 51: 107-114
Çetin A, Gul V, Çoban A, Gunay M, Kuzucu M, Çankaya M. Biodegradation C.I. direct black 38 by Deinococcus Radiodurans R1 and optimisation of the bioprocess. Poster Abstracts – IFCC WorldLab Istanbul 2014 – Istanbul, 22-26 June 2014 • DOI 10.1515/cclm-2014-4023 Clin Chem Lab Med 2014; 52, Special Suppl, pp S1 – S1760, June 2014.
Gül V., “How much progress has psychiatry made in the last century. Do we know enough about the human psyche to prescribe the medication?”, Oral Presentation, Internatıonal Eurasia Pharmacy Congress, Erzincan 3-7Ekim 2015 Turkey,
Gül V, Sen C, Coban A. (2015) Is there a relationship between poor iron status and the severity of depression? A study carried out on Turkish women living in Germany. J J Psych Behav Sci. 1(2): 1-8,
Gul V, Sen C, Erdogan H (2015) Tourette’s Syndrome Following Severe Head Trauma Sustained during Adolescence: A Case Report. Prensa Med Argent 101:3. doi:/10.4172/lpma.1000150
Mertoglu C, Gunay M, Gul V, Kulhan M, Aktas M, Coban A. Does myo-inositol oxygenase, the only enzyme to catalyze myo-inositol in vivo, play a role in the etiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome? Gynecological Endocrinology, DOI: 10.1080/09513590.2017.1409710
Yıldırım A, Biçer Ş, Hacıhasanoğlu Aşılar R, Özdamar M.Y, Şahin H, Gül V. “Fonksiyonel kabızlığı ve fekal inkontinansı olan çocuklara  ve annelerine verilen eğitimin kabızlık yönetimi üzerine etkisi”, 5.Uluslararası 16.Ulusal Hemşirelik Kongresi, ANKARA, 5-8 Kasım 2017, pp.24-24
Mertoglu C, Gunay M, Gul V, Suleyman H, Coban A.  Subclinic inflammation and oxidative stress increase in rainy and moisture air. (OP-030) Presented at the International Biochemistry Congress 2017/ 19-23 September Ataturk University, Erzurum.   
Mertoglu C, Gunay M, Gurel A, Gungor M, Gul V. Ischemic modified albumin increases in acute kidney injury. Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 26, Nr. 1, January 2018.  DOI: 10.1515/rrlm-2018-0002
Onk D, Mammadov R, Suleyman B, Keskin CF , Cankaya M, Gul V, Altuner D, Senol O,  Malkoc I , Suleyman H. The Effect of Thiamine and its Metabolites on Peripheral Neuropathic Pain Induced by Cisplatin in Rats Experimental Animals, Original Paper, Experimental Animals, vol.-, no.-, pp.17-90, 2018
Süleyman Halis, G
ül Vahdet, Erhan Ertuğrul. Oksidatif Stres ve Doku Hasarı, Erzincan Tıp Dergisi, vol.1, Sayı 1 pp.1-1, 2018.
Süleyman Halis, Gül Vahdet, Hirik Erkan. İskemi-Reperfüzyon Hasarı, Erzincan Tıp Dergisi, vol.1, Sayı 2, pp.51-54, 2018 
Mertoğlu Cuma, Günay Murat, Gül Vahdet, Halis Süleyman, Çoban Abdulkadir.  The Effects of Increased Humidity and Wet Weather Conditions on Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Markers in Healthy Rats, Osmangazi Journal of Medicine, 2018
Duran İlyas, Çoban Dilber, Özçelik Fatih, Kılıçarslan Emrah, Gül Vahdet. Klinik Olarak Sessiz Olan Hemoglobin Varyantı, Hb D-Punjab, Erzincan Medical Journal, vol.1, pp.60-63, 2018 
Onk Didem, Coşkun Reşit, Onk O Alper, Keskin Ç Ferda, Kurt Nezehat,  Süleyman Bahadır, Mammadov Renad. The effect of esomeprazole on postoperative pain and lung and heart complications in rats, Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, vol.37, pp.1182-1191, 2018
Onk Didem, Coşkun Reşit, Onk O Alper, Keskin Ç Ferda, Kurt Nezehat, Süleyman Bahadır, Mammadov Renad,,Altuner Durdu, Gül Vahdet, Malkoç İsmail, Özbek  B. Aslı, Süleyman Halis. Esomeprazolun, postoperatif ortaya çıkan ağrı, pulmoner, kardiak ve renal komplikasyonlara etkisi, Ulusal Yoğun Bakım Kongresi19 – 22 Nisan 2018 – Titanic Deluxe Belek / Antalya, TÜRKİYE, 2018 
Mertoğlu C., Günay M., Gül V., Süleyman H., Çoban T.A., “Subclinic inflammation and oxidatıve stress increase in rainy and moisture air”, International Biochemistry Congress – 2017 /28 the National Biochemistry Congress, ERZURUM, TÜRKIYE,
Mertoğlu C., Günay M., Gül V., Aktaş M., Çoban T.A., “Does Myo-Inositol Oxygenase Enzyme Play A Role In The Aetiology Of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?  International Biochemistry Congress & 28 th National Biochemistry Congress, 2017
 Vahdet Gul, Azize Huseynova, Saleh Maharramov (2020). Anthelmintic effect of essential oil and extract produced from Salvia Sclarea L., (Lamiacea) on nematodes living in gastrointestinal system of sheep. Annals of Medical 409  2020; 27(1): 252-8

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