Academic Background
Education and Specialization
Professional Memberships
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Education and Specialization
Professional Memberships
Scientific Publications
1.1a Original Articles Published in SCI-Expanded Indexed Journals
An unusual cause of cholecystitis: Heterotopic pancreatic tissue in the gallbladder
Mediastinal, cystic, and functional parathyroid adenoma in patients with double parathyroid adenomas: A case report
Extramedullary hematopoiesis mimicking acute appendicitis: A rare complication of idiopathic myelofibrosis
Incidental calcifying fibrous tumor of the stomach presenting as a polyp
Adenocarcinoma arising in villous adenoma of the ampulla of Vater with synchronous malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the duodenum: A case report
Expression of c-erbB-2 and p53 in breast carcinoma patients: Comparison with traditional prognostic factors and survival
Clinical importance of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) for papillary thyroid carcinomas
p27 Labeling Index and Proliferation in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: Correlations with Clinicopathologic Factors and Recurrence
Bcl-2 and p53 expression in insular and well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas with an insular pattern
A Gastrochisis-Like Abdominal Wall Defect in the Left Hypochondrium
1.1b Case Reports Published in SCI-Expanded Indexed Journals
Adenocarcinoma arising in villous adenoma of the ampulla of Vater with synchronous malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the duodenum: A case report
An Unusual Cause of Ureteral Colic
1.2a Original Articles and Reviews Published in Journals Indexed Outside of SCI-Expanded
The effect of pentoxifylline on oxidative stress in CO(2) pneumoperitoneum
p27 expression and proliferation in gastrointestinal stromal tumors
The factors affecting morbidity and mortality in surgical treatment of severe necrotizing pancreatitis
1.2b Case Reports Published in Journals Indexed Outside of SCI-Expanded
Mediastinal, cystic, and functional parathyroid adenoma in patients with double parathyroid adenomas: A case report
A descending colon tumor prolapsing from the anus: A case report
1.3 a Original Articles and Reviews Published in National Peer-Reviewed Journals Outside of SCI-Expanded and Other International Indexes
Sezer C, Arıcı C, Çetin S, Öğüş M, Gülmez H, Yazıcıoğlu G, Karpuzoğlu G. "Hashimoto's Thyroiditis with Coexisting Oxiphilic (Oncocytic) Variant Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma." Endokrinolojide Diyalog, 1(2):69-74, June 2004.
İmir NG, Nasırcılar AG, Akça H, Gelen T, Öğüş M, Karaveli Ş, Özeş ON. "IFN-g-Mediated Transcriptional Induction of the IDO (Indolamine 2,3-Dioxygenase) Gene Requires Activity of p68/PKR Protein Kinase." Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 32(3):195-199, 2002.
Gültekin S, Tuncer M, Sarkaya M, Öğüş M, Ersoy F, Yakupoğlu G, Karpuzoğlu T. "Effect of Mibefradil on Blood Cyclosporine Level in Hypertensive Renal Transplant Patients." Türk Nefroloji Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Dergisi, 4(1):236-238, 2001.
Gül K, Öğüş M, Ertuğ Z, Şahin N, Ağaçsert A, Oygür N. "Use of Nitrous Oxide in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Anesthesia and Oxidative Stress." Endoskopik Laparoskopik ve Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi Dergisi, 8(3):87-90, 2001.
Arıcı C, Erdoğan O, Öğüş M, Çolak T, Öğünç G. "Cholecystoenteric Fistula and Gallstone Ileus." Çağdaş Cerrahi Dergisi, 14:50-53, 2000.
Arıcı C, Çolak T, Erdoğan O, Öğüş M, Demirbaş A, Emek K. "Acute Suppurative Cholangitis: Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches." Çağdaş Cerrahi Dergisi, 13:169-172, 1999.
Büyükkeçe A, Öğüş M, Aktan Ş. "Experience with Embolectomy in Acute Mesenteric Ischemia." Ulusal Travma Dergisi, 5(4):242-245, 1999.
Erdoğan O, Arıcı C, Çolak T, Yıldız S, Öğüş M, Akaydın M. "Factors Affecting Mortality in Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections." Ulusal Travma Dergisi, 5(3):184-188, 1999.
Öğüş M, Büyükkeçe A, Aslan C, Aktan Ş, Emek K. "Is Previous Abdominal Surgery a Contraindication for Laparoscopic Surgery?" Endoskopik Laparoskopik ve Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi Dergisi, 5(1):22-25, 1998.
Öğüş M, Ertuğ Z, Büyükkeçe A, Şahin N, Emek K, Akaydın M. "Effects of Nitrous Oxide Use in Laparoscopic Surgery Anesthesia on Blood Gases." Endoskopik Laparoskopik ve Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi Dergisi, 4(3):133-137, 1997.
Oygür N, Büyükkeçe A, Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Akaydın M, Süleymanlar G, Karpuzoğlu T. "CMV in Our Transplant Patients." Akdeniz Üniv Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, XIII(1-3):1996.
Şimşek T, Demirbaş A, Özgür K, Üner M, Öğüş M, Sönmez C. "Acute Pancreatitis in Pregnancy." Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, XIV(1-3):73-75, 1996.
1.3 b Case Reports Published in National Peer-Reviewed Journals Outside of SCI-Expanded and Other International Indexes
Büyükkeçe A, Öğüş M, Emek K. "Primary Sarcoma of the Breast: Case Report." Klinik ve Deneysel Cerrahi Dergisi, 7(3):219-220, 1999.
Öğüş M, Gelen T, Ceylan H, Akaydın M. "Verrucous Carcinoma Developing on Chronic Perianal Fistula: A Case Report." Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, XIV(1-3):65-68, 1996.
2. Conference Presentations
2.1 a Full Texts Published in International Conference Proceedings
2.1 c National Congress Presentations
Dinçkan A, Arıcı C, Dinçer D, Çolak T, Mesci A, Öğüş M. "Relationship between recurrence and H. Pylori infection after primary repair in perforated duodenal ulcer." Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.10, 26-30 May 2004, Antalya.
Öğüş M, Dinçkan A, Şahin E, Gümüşlü S, Emek K. "Effect of pentoxifylline on free oxygen radicals in carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum." Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.196, 26-30 May 2004, Antalya.
Alakuş H, Mayir B, Okutan A, Çolak T, Öğüş M. "Evaluation of cases with open abdomen due to intra-abdominal sepsis." Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.216, 26-30 May 2004, Antalya.
Öğüş C, Öğüş M, Gümüşlü S, Dinçkan A, Şahin E, Özbudak Ö, Özdemir T. "Effect of pentoxifylline on oxidative lung injury in carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum in a laparoscopic rat model." Toraks Derneği 7. Yıllık Kongresi Toraks Dergisi, p.100, 8 April-1 May 2004, Antalya.
Öğüş M, Çolak T, Mesci A, Arı E, Ünal Ş, Aktan Ş, Oygür N, Karpuzoğlu T. "Our cases with A-V grafts for circulatory access." Organ Nakli Kuruluşları Koordinasyon Derneği IV. Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.25, 15-19 September 2004, Ürgüp.
Öztekin S, Gelen T, Öğüş M. "A rare case of solitary fibroma in the ileum." XV. Ulusal Patoloji Sempozyumu, p.142, 24-27 May 2000, Antalya.
Nural Ö, Gelen MT, Erdoğan G, Öğüş M, Aslan G, Karpuzoğlu T. "Carcinoid tumor in the presacral region (a case report)." XV. Ulusal Patoloji Sempozyumu, p.239, 24-27 May 2000, Antalya.
Peşterli EH, Öğüş M, Ören N, Karpuzoğlu G, Karpuzoğlu T. "p53 and bcl-2 distribution in thyroid insular carcinoma and insular-pattern follicular and papillary carcinomas." 1. Ulusal Tiroid Cerrahisi Kongresi Özet Kitabı, p.21, 6-9 October 1999, Istanbul.
Öğüş M, Arıcı C, Erdoğan O. "Incisional hernia development at trocar entry site after laparoscopic surgery." 3. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.138, 31 August-4 September 1999, Antalya.
Arıcı C, Çolak T, Erdoğan O, Öğüş M. "Acute suppurative cholangitis." 3. Ulusal Travna ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.54, 31 August-4 September 1999, Antalya.
Erdoğan G, Ören N, Gelen T, Öğüş M. "Eosinophilic cholecystitis." XIV. Ulusal Patoloji Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.316, 11-17 April 1999, Kuşadası.
Erdoğan O, Arıcı C, Çolak T, Öğüş M, Akaydın M. "Factors affecting mortality in cases with necrotizing fasciitis." I. Bölgesel Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.38, 17-20 December 1998, Bursa.
Büyükkeçe A, Öğüş M, Yılmaz L, Aktan Ş. "Our experience with embolectomy in acute mesenteric ischemia." I. Bölgesel Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.65, 17-20 December 1998, Bursa.
Süleymanlar G, Sarıkaya M, Oygür N, Tuncer M, Aktan Ş, Demirbaş A, Öğüş M, Ersoy F, Yakupoğlu G, Karpuzoğlu T. "Effectiveness and safety of Mycophenolate Mofetil (mMf) in renal transplant recipients with chronic allograft nephropathy." Organ Nakli Kuruluşları Koordinasyon Derneği 1. Kongresi Özet Kitabı, p.35, 11-15 November 1998, Antalya.
Öğüş M, Büyükkeçe A, Ertuğ Z, Şahin N, Emek K, Akaydın M. "Effect of nitrous oxide use in laparoscopic surgery anesthesia on blood gases." Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Dergisi, III. Ulusal Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Kongresi, (14-16 May) Özet Kitabı, 4(2):30, June 1997.
Öğüş M, Arıcı C, Arslan C, Öğünç G, Aktan Ş, Akaydın M. "Are previous abdominal surgeries contraindications for laparoscopic cholecystectomy?" Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Dergisi, III. National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, Abstract Book, 4(2):24, June 1997, Istanbul.
Öğüş M, Erdoğan O, Bozan H, Yıldız S, Oygür N, Karpuzoğlu T. "Safety of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in cases with acute cholecystitis." Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Dergisi, III. National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, Abstract Book, 4(2):24, June 1997, Istanbul.
Elpek Ö, Tüzüner ŞD, Karaveli Ş, Öğüş M, Sargın F. "Comparison of mean nuclear volume, c-erb B-2, and Ulex Europaeus Lectin 1 (UEA-1) staining in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast." XII. National Pathology Congress Abstract Book, p.90, 12-15 October 1996, Ankara.
Tüzüner ŞD, Karaveli Ş, Oygür N, Akaydın M, Öğüş M, Karpuzoğlu T. "Comparison of Ulex Europaeus Agglutinin 1 (UEA1) staining with prognostic factors in primary breast carcinoma cases with axillary metastasis." National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.98, 15-19 May 1996, Antalya.
Aktan Ş, Emek K, Sulu A, Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Karpuzoğlu T. "Prospective evaluation of acute appendicitis cases." National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.69, 15-19 May 1996, Antalya.
Emek K, Erdoğan O, Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Başaran K, Ceylan H. "Outcomes of our cases with hepatic resection." National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.53, 15-19 May 1996, Antalya.
Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Erdoğan O, Bozan H, Aktan Ş, Karpuzoğlu T. "Diagnostic challenges in traumatic retroperitoneal hematoma." National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.49, 15-19 May 1996, Antalya.
Öğüş M, Akaydın M, Yıldız İ, Öngüç G, Emek K, Oygür N. "Is videoendoscopic surgery preferable in overweight or obese cases?" National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.30, 15-19 May 1996, Antalya.
Öğünç G, Öğüş M, Erdoğan O, Aktan Ş, Emek K, Oygür N. "Comparison of diagnostic methods in post-traumatic spleen rupture." 1st Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.391, 19-23 September 1995, Istanbul.
Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Erdoğan O, Bozan H, Emek K, Oygür N. "Outcomes of our cases with traumatic liver rupture." 1st Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.254, 19-23 September 1995, Istanbul.
Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Erdoğan O, Aktan Ş, Akaydın M. "Our cases with traumatic diaphragm rupture." 1st Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.168, 19-23 September 1995, Istanbul.
Öğünç G, Öğüş M, Emek K, Aktan Ş, Akaydın M, Oygür N. "Timing of surgical treatment in acute pancreatitis." 2nd International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.22, 21-22 September 1995, Istanbul.
Tunç M, Gelen T, Özbilim G, Öğüş M, Sargın F, Süleymanlar İ. "Immunohistochemical determination of p53 oncoprotein in hepatocellular carcinoma." XII. National Pathology Symposium Abstract Book, p.73, 19-22 October 1995, Bursa.
Melikoğlu M, Karagüzel G, Öğüş M, Aslan A, İnan M. "Left lateral abdominoschisis: A different type of abdominal wall defect." XIV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.16, 26-30 September 1995, Pamukkale.
Öğüş M, Çolak T, Apaydın A, Emek K, Akaydın M, Lüleci E, Karpuzoğlu T. "Prevalence of asymptomatic gallstone disease in renal transplant recipients." 9th National Congress on Renal Diseases and Transplantation Abstract Book, p.150, 1-4 October 1992, Ürgüp.
Çolak T, Öğüş M, Ersoy F, Aktan Ş, Emek K, Oygür N, Akaydın M, Yakupoğlu G, Karpuzoğlu T. "OKT3 treatment in steroid-resistant and recurrent acute rejection in kidney transplantation." 9th National Congress on Renal Diseases and Transplantation Abstract Book, p.96, 1-4 October 1992, Ürgüp.
Aktan Ş, Tatlıcıoğlu E, Oygür N, Öğüş M. "Suspension fixation and results in the treatment of rectal prolapse." National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.230, 27-30 May 1990, Istanbul.
Ertürk C, Oygür N, Akaydın M, Aktan Ş, Sulu A, Öğüş M, Karpuzoğlu T. "Complications of ureteroneocystostomy after transplantation." 6th National Congress on Renal Diseases and Transplantation Abstract Book, p.36, 1-3 November 1989, Antalya.
Karpuzoğlu T, Akaydın M, Yeğin O, Yakupoğlu G, Oygür N, Aktan Ş, Süleymanlar G, Öğüş M, Çolak T. "Factors affecting graft survival in kidney transplant patients." 6th National Congress on Renal Diseases and Transplantation Abstract Book, p.3, 1-3 November 1989, Antalya.
1 Title: A gastroschisis-like abdominal wall defect in the left hypochondrium. Case report and literature review Author(s): Melikoglu M, Karaguzel G, Ogus M, Aslan A, Inan M Source: European Journal of Pedıatrıc Surgery 8 (1): 52-54 FEB 1998
-Yoshioka H, Aoyama K, Iwamura Y, et al.Two cases of left-sided gastroschisis: review of the literature Pedıatrıc Surgery Internatıonal 20 (6): 472-473 JUN 2004
2 Title: A gastroschisis-like abdominal wall defect in the left hypochondrium. Case report and literature review Author(s): Melikoglu M, Karaguzel G, Ogus M, Aslan A, Inan M Source: European Journal of Pedıatrıc Surgery 8 (1): 52-54 FEB 1998
-Castanon M, Guimaraes L, Tarrado X, et al.Congenital epigastric evisceration: A case report Journal of Pedıatrıc Surgery 38 (8): 1253-1254 AUG 2003
3 Title: A gastroschisis-like abdominal wall defect in the left hypochondrium. Case report and literature review Author(s): Melikoglu M, Karaguzel G, Ogus M, Aslan A, Inan M Source: European Journal of Pedıatrıc Surgery 8 (1): 52-54 FEB 1998
-Carrera IA, Pitarch V, Garcia MJ, et al.Unusual congenital abdominal wall defect and review Amerıcan Journal Of Medıcal Genetıcs Part A 119A (2): 211-213 JUN 1 2003
4 Title: A gastroschisis-like abdominal wall defect in the left hypochondrium. Case report and literature review Author(s): Melikoglu M, Karaguzel G, Ogus M, Aslan A, Inan M Source: European Journal of Pedıatrıc Surgery 8 (1): 52-54 FEB 1998
- Fraser N, Crabbe DCG An unusual left-sided abdominal-wall defect
Pedıatrıc Surgery Internatıonal 18 (1): 66-67 JAN 2002
5 Title: An unusual case of ureteric colic Author(s): Bulut K, Kukul E, Ogus M, Guntekin E. Source: Brıtısh Journal of Urology 82 (1): 148-149 JUL 1998
-Miller JT, Scheidler MG, Miller R, et al.Cystoscopic removal of a large-caliber bullet from the left ureter: A case report of missile migration after a gunshot wound
Journal of Trauma-Injury Infectıon And Crıtıcal Care 56 (5): 1141-1143 MAY 2004
6 Title: Bcl-2 and p53 expression in insular and in well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas with an insular pattern Author(s): Pestereli HE, Ogus M, Oren N, Karpuzoglu G, Karpuzoglu T
Source: Endocrıne Pathology 12 (3): 301-305 FAL 2001
Hirokawa M, Kuma S, Miyauchi A, et al.Morules in cribriform-morular variant of papillary thyroid carmoma: Immunohistochemical characteristics and distinction from squamous metaplasia APMIS 112 (4-5): 275-282 APR-MAY 2004
1 Mehmet Öğüş: Böbrek Naklinin Psikososyal ve Ekonomik Boyutları. (Marcy H. Gitlin, Terri H. Sayama, Robert S. Gaston) Böbrek Nakli El Kitabı. Handbook of Kidney Transplantation. (Gabriel M. Danovictch ed.), (Tuncer Karpuzoğlu Çeviri ed.).Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti- Lippincott Williams&Wilkins. 2003 (19):411-420.
2 Mehmet Öğüş: Ostomi Bakımı. Gastroenteroloji el kitabı. Manuel of Gastroenterology Diagnosis an Therapy (Canan Avunduk ed), (İnci Süleymanlar Çeviri Ed). Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti- Liipincott Williams&Wilkins. Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti- Lippincott Williams&Wilkins. 2004 (39):274-275.
3 Mehmet Öğüş: Hemoroidler ve Anorektal Hastalıklar. Gastroenteroloji el kitabı. Manuel of Gastroenterology Diagnosis an Therapy (Canan Avunduk ed), (İnci Süleymanlar Çeviri Ed). Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti- Liipincott Williams&Wilkins. Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti- Lippincott Williams&Wilkins. 2004 (40):276-280.
1 Mezuniyet Sonrası Transplantasyon Kursu. 30-31 Ekim 1989 Antalya.
2 1st European Advanced Surgical Infection Course. 18-21 March 1998 Ankara-Turkey.
3 Tıp Eğitiminde Ölçme Değerlendirme Kursu 03-06 Haz 2002 Antalya
6.1 a Ulusal Kuruluşlarca Desteklenen Projeler
1 Karaveli Ş., Özeş O.N., Gelen T., Öğüş M., Akça H., Nasırcılar A.: P68 Kinaz Enziminin Tümör Baskılayıcı ve İnterferon Gama Sinyal İletim Mekanizmasındaki Rolünün Araştırılması. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurulu. Proje No: SBAG-1449.
2 Karaüzüm SB, Lüleci G, Alper Ö, Nasırcılar A, Özeş ON, Karaveli Ş, Gelen T, Öğüş M.: Meme karsinomlarında kurulan primer doku kültüründe sitogenetik ve moleküler genetik çalışmalar. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurulu. Proje No: SBAG-1465.
6.1 b Yerel Kuruluşlarca Desteklenen Projeler
1 Mehmet Öğüş. Karbondioksit insüflasyonunda oluşan serbest oksijen radikalleri üzerine pentoksifillinin etkisi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi. 2002. 01.0103.006
1 1. Akdeniz Video-Endoskopik Temel Cerrahi Kursları; Eğiticilik 12-16 Nisan 1995 Antalya.
2 2. Akdeniz Video-Endoskopik Temel Cerrahi Kursları; Eğiticilik 3-5 Nisan 1996 Antalya.
3 3. Akdeniz Video-Endoskopik Temel Cerrahi Kursları; Eğiticilik 26-28 Mart 1998 Antalya.
1 İlker Ersoy: Peritonitlerde Karın İçi Basıncının Değerlendirilmesinde Mesane Basıncı Ölçümü Güvenilir Bir Yöntem midir? (Deneysel Çalışma) Tez Danışmanı: Mehmet Öğüş. ANTALYA 2004.
*:Başlıca Araştırma Eseri
1.1a Original Articles Published in SCI-Expanded Indexed Journals
An unusual cause of cholecystitis: Heterotopic pancreatic tissue in the gallbladder
Mediastinal, cystic, and functional parathyroid adenoma in patients with double parathyroid adenomas: A case report
Extramedullary hematopoiesis mimicking acute appendicitis: A rare complication of idiopathic myelofibrosis
Incidental calcifying fibrous tumor of the stomach presenting as a polyp
Adenocarcinoma arising in villous adenoma of the ampulla of Vater with synchronous malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the duodenum: A case report
Expression of c-erbB-2 and p53 in breast carcinoma patients: Comparison with traditional prognostic factors and survival
Clinical importance of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) for papillary thyroid carcinomas
p27 Labeling Index and Proliferation in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: Correlations with Clinicopathologic Factors and Recurrence
Bcl-2 and p53 expression in insular and well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas with an insular pattern
A Gastrochisis-Like Abdominal Wall Defect in the Left Hypochondrium
1.1b Case Reports Published in SCI-Expanded Indexed Journals
Adenocarcinoma arising in villous adenoma of the ampulla of Vater with synchronous malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the duodenum: A case report
An Unusual Cause of Ureteral Colic
1.2a Original Articles and Reviews Published in Journals Indexed Outside of SCI-Expanded
The effect of pentoxifylline on oxidative stress in CO(2) pneumoperitoneum
p27 expression and proliferation in gastrointestinal stromal tumors
The factors affecting morbidity and mortality in surgical treatment of severe necrotizing pancreatitis
1.2b Case Reports Published in Journals Indexed Outside of SCI-Expanded
Mediastinal, cystic, and functional parathyroid adenoma in patients with double parathyroid adenomas: A case report
A descending colon tumor prolapsing from the anus: A case report
1.3 a Original Articles and Reviews Published in National Peer-Reviewed Journals Outside of SCI-Expanded and Other International Indexes
Sezer C, Arıcı C, Çetin S, Öğüş M, Gülmez H, Yazıcıoğlu G, Karpuzoğlu G. "Hashimoto's Thyroiditis with Coexisting Oxiphilic (Oncocytic) Variant Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma." Endokrinolojide Diyalog, 1(2):69-74, June 2004.
İmir NG, Nasırcılar AG, Akça H, Gelen T, Öğüş M, Karaveli Ş, Özeş ON. "IFN-g-Mediated Transcriptional Induction of the IDO (Indolamine 2,3-Dioxygenase) Gene Requires Activity of p68/PKR Protein Kinase." Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 32(3):195-199, 2002.
Gültekin S, Tuncer M, Sarkaya M, Öğüş M, Ersoy F, Yakupoğlu G, Karpuzoğlu T. "Effect of Mibefradil on Blood Cyclosporine Level in Hypertensive Renal Transplant Patients." Türk Nefroloji Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Dergisi, 4(1):236-238, 2001.
Gül K, Öğüş M, Ertuğ Z, Şahin N, Ağaçsert A, Oygür N. "Use of Nitrous Oxide in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Anesthesia and Oxidative Stress." Endoskopik Laparoskopik ve Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi Dergisi, 8(3):87-90, 2001.
Arıcı C, Erdoğan O, Öğüş M, Çolak T, Öğünç G. "Cholecystoenteric Fistula and Gallstone Ileus." Çağdaş Cerrahi Dergisi, 14:50-53, 2000.
Arıcı C, Çolak T, Erdoğan O, Öğüş M, Demirbaş A, Emek K. "Acute Suppurative Cholangitis: Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches." Çağdaş Cerrahi Dergisi, 13:169-172, 1999.
Büyükkeçe A, Öğüş M, Aktan Ş. "Experience with Embolectomy in Acute Mesenteric Ischemia." Ulusal Travma Dergisi, 5(4):242-245, 1999.
Erdoğan O, Arıcı C, Çolak T, Yıldız S, Öğüş M, Akaydın M. "Factors Affecting Mortality in Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections." Ulusal Travma Dergisi, 5(3):184-188, 1999.
Öğüş M, Büyükkeçe A, Aslan C, Aktan Ş, Emek K. "Is Previous Abdominal Surgery a Contraindication for Laparoscopic Surgery?" Endoskopik Laparoskopik ve Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi Dergisi, 5(1):22-25, 1998.
Öğüş M, Ertuğ Z, Büyükkeçe A, Şahin N, Emek K, Akaydın M. "Effects of Nitrous Oxide Use in Laparoscopic Surgery Anesthesia on Blood Gases." Endoskopik Laparoskopik ve Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi Dergisi, 4(3):133-137, 1997.
Oygür N, Büyükkeçe A, Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Akaydın M, Süleymanlar G, Karpuzoğlu T. "CMV in Our Transplant Patients." Akdeniz Üniv Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, XIII(1-3):1996.
Şimşek T, Demirbaş A, Özgür K, Üner M, Öğüş M, Sönmez C. "Acute Pancreatitis in Pregnancy." Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, XIV(1-3):73-75, 1996.
1.3 b Case Reports Published in National Peer-Reviewed Journals Outside of SCI-Expanded and Other International Indexes
Büyükkeçe A, Öğüş M, Emek K. "Primary Sarcoma of the Breast: Case Report." Klinik ve Deneysel Cerrahi Dergisi, 7(3):219-220, 1999.
Öğüş M, Gelen T, Ceylan H, Akaydın M. "Verrucous Carcinoma Developing on Chronic Perianal Fistula: A Case Report." Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, XIV(1-3):65-68, 1996.
2. Conference Presentations
2.1 a Full Texts Published in International Conference Proceedings
2.1 c National Congress Presentations
Dinçkan A, Arıcı C, Dinçer D, Çolak T, Mesci A, Öğüş M. "Relationship between recurrence and H. Pylori infection after primary repair in perforated duodenal ulcer." Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.10, 26-30 May 2004, Antalya.
Öğüş M, Dinçkan A, Şahin E, Gümüşlü S, Emek K. "Effect of pentoxifylline on free oxygen radicals in carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum." Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.196, 26-30 May 2004, Antalya.
Alakuş H, Mayir B, Okutan A, Çolak T, Öğüş M. "Evaluation of cases with open abdomen due to intra-abdominal sepsis." Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.216, 26-30 May 2004, Antalya.
Öğüş C, Öğüş M, Gümüşlü S, Dinçkan A, Şahin E, Özbudak Ö, Özdemir T. "Effect of pentoxifylline on oxidative lung injury in carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum in a laparoscopic rat model." Toraks Derneği 7. Yıllık Kongresi Toraks Dergisi, p.100, 8 April-1 May 2004, Antalya.
Öğüş M, Çolak T, Mesci A, Arı E, Ünal Ş, Aktan Ş, Oygür N, Karpuzoğlu T. "Our cases with A-V grafts for circulatory access." Organ Nakli Kuruluşları Koordinasyon Derneği IV. Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.25, 15-19 September 2004, Ürgüp.
Öztekin S, Gelen T, Öğüş M. "A rare case of solitary fibroma in the ileum." XV. Ulusal Patoloji Sempozyumu, p.142, 24-27 May 2000, Antalya.
Nural Ö, Gelen MT, Erdoğan G, Öğüş M, Aslan G, Karpuzoğlu T. "Carcinoid tumor in the presacral region (a case report)." XV. Ulusal Patoloji Sempozyumu, p.239, 24-27 May 2000, Antalya.
Peşterli EH, Öğüş M, Ören N, Karpuzoğlu G, Karpuzoğlu T. "p53 and bcl-2 distribution in thyroid insular carcinoma and insular-pattern follicular and papillary carcinomas." 1. Ulusal Tiroid Cerrahisi Kongresi Özet Kitabı, p.21, 6-9 October 1999, Istanbul.
Öğüş M, Arıcı C, Erdoğan O. "Incisional hernia development at trocar entry site after laparoscopic surgery." 3. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.138, 31 August-4 September 1999, Antalya.
Arıcı C, Çolak T, Erdoğan O, Öğüş M. "Acute suppurative cholangitis." 3. Ulusal Travna ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.54, 31 August-4 September 1999, Antalya.
Erdoğan G, Ören N, Gelen T, Öğüş M. "Eosinophilic cholecystitis." XIV. Ulusal Patoloji Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.316, 11-17 April 1999, Kuşadası.
Erdoğan O, Arıcı C, Çolak T, Öğüş M, Akaydın M. "Factors affecting mortality in cases with necrotizing fasciitis." I. Bölgesel Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.38, 17-20 December 1998, Bursa.
Büyükkeçe A, Öğüş M, Yılmaz L, Aktan Ş. "Our experience with embolectomy in acute mesenteric ischemia." I. Bölgesel Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, p.65, 17-20 December 1998, Bursa.
Süleymanlar G, Sarıkaya M, Oygür N, Tuncer M, Aktan Ş, Demirbaş A, Öğüş M, Ersoy F, Yakupoğlu G, Karpuzoğlu T. "Effectiveness and safety of Mycophenolate Mofetil (mMf) in renal transplant recipients with chronic allograft nephropathy." Organ Nakli Kuruluşları Koordinasyon Derneği 1. Kongresi Özet Kitabı, p.35, 11-15 November 1998, Antalya.
Öğüş M, Büyükkeçe A, Ertuğ Z, Şahin N, Emek K, Akaydın M. "Effect of nitrous oxide use in laparoscopic surgery anesthesia on blood gases." Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Dergisi, III. Ulusal Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Kongresi, (14-16 May) Özet Kitabı, 4(2):30, June 1997.
Öğüş M, Arıcı C, Arslan C, Öğünç G, Aktan Ş, Akaydın M. "Are previous abdominal surgeries contraindications for laparoscopic cholecystectomy?" Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Dergisi, III. National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, Abstract Book, 4(2):24, June 1997, Istanbul.
Öğüş M, Erdoğan O, Bozan H, Yıldız S, Oygür N, Karpuzoğlu T. "Safety of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in cases with acute cholecystitis." Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Dergisi, III. National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, Abstract Book, 4(2):24, June 1997, Istanbul.
Elpek Ö, Tüzüner ŞD, Karaveli Ş, Öğüş M, Sargın F. "Comparison of mean nuclear volume, c-erb B-2, and Ulex Europaeus Lectin 1 (UEA-1) staining in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast." XII. National Pathology Congress Abstract Book, p.90, 12-15 October 1996, Ankara.
Tüzüner ŞD, Karaveli Ş, Oygür N, Akaydın M, Öğüş M, Karpuzoğlu T. "Comparison of Ulex Europaeus Agglutinin 1 (UEA1) staining with prognostic factors in primary breast carcinoma cases with axillary metastasis." National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.98, 15-19 May 1996, Antalya.
Aktan Ş, Emek K, Sulu A, Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Karpuzoğlu T. "Prospective evaluation of acute appendicitis cases." National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.69, 15-19 May 1996, Antalya.
Emek K, Erdoğan O, Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Başaran K, Ceylan H. "Outcomes of our cases with hepatic resection." National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.53, 15-19 May 1996, Antalya.
Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Erdoğan O, Bozan H, Aktan Ş, Karpuzoğlu T. "Diagnostic challenges in traumatic retroperitoneal hematoma." National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.49, 15-19 May 1996, Antalya.
Öğüş M, Akaydın M, Yıldız İ, Öngüç G, Emek K, Oygür N. "Is videoendoscopic surgery preferable in overweight or obese cases?" National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.30, 15-19 May 1996, Antalya.
Öğünç G, Öğüş M, Erdoğan O, Aktan Ş, Emek K, Oygür N. "Comparison of diagnostic methods in post-traumatic spleen rupture." 1st Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.391, 19-23 September 1995, Istanbul.
Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Erdoğan O, Bozan H, Emek K, Oygür N. "Outcomes of our cases with traumatic liver rupture." 1st Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.254, 19-23 September 1995, Istanbul.
Öğüş M, Öğünç G, Erdoğan O, Aktan Ş, Akaydın M. "Our cases with traumatic diaphragm rupture." 1st Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.168, 19-23 September 1995, Istanbul.
Öğünç G, Öğüş M, Emek K, Aktan Ş, Akaydın M, Oygür N. "Timing of surgical treatment in acute pancreatitis." 2nd International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.22, 21-22 September 1995, Istanbul.
Tunç M, Gelen T, Özbilim G, Öğüş M, Sargın F, Süleymanlar İ. "Immunohistochemical determination of p53 oncoprotein in hepatocellular carcinoma." XII. National Pathology Symposium Abstract Book, p.73, 19-22 October 1995, Bursa.
Melikoğlu M, Karagüzel G, Öğüş M, Aslan A, İnan M. "Left lateral abdominoschisis: A different type of abdominal wall defect." XIV. National Pediatric Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.16, 26-30 September 1995, Pamukkale.
Öğüş M, Çolak T, Apaydın A, Emek K, Akaydın M, Lüleci E, Karpuzoğlu T. "Prevalence of asymptomatic gallstone disease in renal transplant recipients." 9th National Congress on Renal Diseases and Transplantation Abstract Book, p.150, 1-4 October 1992, Ürgüp.
Çolak T, Öğüş M, Ersoy F, Aktan Ş, Emek K, Oygür N, Akaydın M, Yakupoğlu G, Karpuzoğlu T. "OKT3 treatment in steroid-resistant and recurrent acute rejection in kidney transplantation." 9th National Congress on Renal Diseases and Transplantation Abstract Book, p.96, 1-4 October 1992, Ürgüp.
Aktan Ş, Tatlıcıoğlu E, Oygür N, Öğüş M. "Suspension fixation and results in the treatment of rectal prolapse." National Surgery Congress Abstract Book, p.230, 27-30 May 1990, Istanbul.
Ertürk C, Oygür N, Akaydın M, Aktan Ş, Sulu A, Öğüş M, Karpuzoğlu T. "Complications of ureteroneocystostomy after transplantation." 6th National Congress on Renal Diseases and Transplantation Abstract Book, p.36, 1-3 November 1989, Antalya.
Karpuzoğlu T, Akaydın M, Yeğin O, Yakupoğlu G, Oygür N, Aktan Ş, Süleymanlar G, Öğüş M, Çolak T. "Factors affecting graft survival in kidney transplant patients." 6th National Congress on Renal Diseases and Transplantation Abstract Book, p.3, 1-3 November 1989, Antalya.
1 Title: A gastroschisis-like abdominal wall defect in the left hypochondrium. Case report and literature review Author(s): Melikoglu M, Karaguzel G, Ogus M, Aslan A, Inan M Source: European Journal of Pedıatrıc Surgery 8 (1): 52-54 FEB 1998
-Yoshioka H, Aoyama K, Iwamura Y, et al.Two cases of left-sided gastroschisis: review of the literature Pedıatrıc Surgery Internatıonal 20 (6): 472-473 JUN 2004
2 Title: A gastroschisis-like abdominal wall defect in the left hypochondrium. Case report and literature review Author(s): Melikoglu M, Karaguzel G, Ogus M, Aslan A, Inan M Source: European Journal of Pedıatrıc Surgery 8 (1): 52-54 FEB 1998
-Castanon M, Guimaraes L, Tarrado X, et al.Congenital epigastric evisceration: A case report Journal of Pedıatrıc Surgery 38 (8): 1253-1254 AUG 2003
3 Title: A gastroschisis-like abdominal wall defect in the left hypochondrium. Case report and literature review Author(s): Melikoglu M, Karaguzel G, Ogus M, Aslan A, Inan M Source: European Journal of Pedıatrıc Surgery 8 (1): 52-54 FEB 1998
-Carrera IA, Pitarch V, Garcia MJ, et al.Unusual congenital abdominal wall defect and review Amerıcan Journal Of Medıcal Genetıcs Part A 119A (2): 211-213 JUN 1 2003
4 Title: A gastroschisis-like abdominal wall defect in the left hypochondrium. Case report and literature review Author(s): Melikoglu M, Karaguzel G, Ogus M, Aslan A, Inan M Source: European Journal of Pedıatrıc Surgery 8 (1): 52-54 FEB 1998
- Fraser N, Crabbe DCG An unusual left-sided abdominal-wall defect
Pedıatrıc Surgery Internatıonal 18 (1): 66-67 JAN 2002
5 Title: An unusual case of ureteric colic Author(s): Bulut K, Kukul E, Ogus M, Guntekin E. Source: Brıtısh Journal of Urology 82 (1): 148-149 JUL 1998
-Miller JT, Scheidler MG, Miller R, et al.Cystoscopic removal of a large-caliber bullet from the left ureter: A case report of missile migration after a gunshot wound
Journal of Trauma-Injury Infectıon And Crıtıcal Care 56 (5): 1141-1143 MAY 2004
6 Title: Bcl-2 and p53 expression in insular and in well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas with an insular pattern Author(s): Pestereli HE, Ogus M, Oren N, Karpuzoglu G, Karpuzoglu T
Source: Endocrıne Pathology 12 (3): 301-305 FAL 2001
Hirokawa M, Kuma S, Miyauchi A, et al.Morules in cribriform-morular variant of papillary thyroid carmoma: Immunohistochemical characteristics and distinction from squamous metaplasia APMIS 112 (4-5): 275-282 APR-MAY 2004
1 Mehmet Öğüş: Böbrek Naklinin Psikososyal ve Ekonomik Boyutları. (Marcy H. Gitlin, Terri H. Sayama, Robert S. Gaston) Böbrek Nakli El Kitabı. Handbook of Kidney Transplantation. (Gabriel M. Danovictch ed.), (Tuncer Karpuzoğlu Çeviri ed.).Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti- Lippincott Williams&Wilkins. 2003 (19):411-420.
2 Mehmet Öğüş: Ostomi Bakımı. Gastroenteroloji el kitabı. Manuel of Gastroenterology Diagnosis an Therapy (Canan Avunduk ed), (İnci Süleymanlar Çeviri Ed). Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti- Liipincott Williams&Wilkins. Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti- Lippincott Williams&Wilkins. 2004 (39):274-275.
3 Mehmet Öğüş: Hemoroidler ve Anorektal Hastalıklar. Gastroenteroloji el kitabı. Manuel of Gastroenterology Diagnosis an Therapy (Canan Avunduk ed), (İnci Süleymanlar Çeviri Ed). Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti- Liipincott Williams&Wilkins. Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti- Lippincott Williams&Wilkins. 2004 (40):276-280.
1 Mezuniyet Sonrası Transplantasyon Kursu. 30-31 Ekim 1989 Antalya.
2 1st European Advanced Surgical Infection Course. 18-21 March 1998 Ankara-Turkey.
3 Tıp Eğitiminde Ölçme Değerlendirme Kursu 03-06 Haz 2002 Antalya
6.1 a Ulusal Kuruluşlarca Desteklenen Projeler
1 Karaveli Ş., Özeş O.N., Gelen T., Öğüş M., Akça H., Nasırcılar A.: P68 Kinaz Enziminin Tümör Baskılayıcı ve İnterferon Gama Sinyal İletim Mekanizmasındaki Rolünün Araştırılması. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurulu. Proje No: SBAG-1449.
2 Karaüzüm SB, Lüleci G, Alper Ö, Nasırcılar A, Özeş ON, Karaveli Ş, Gelen T, Öğüş M.: Meme karsinomlarında kurulan primer doku kültüründe sitogenetik ve moleküler genetik çalışmalar. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurulu. Proje No: SBAG-1465.
6.1 b Yerel Kuruluşlarca Desteklenen Projeler
1 Mehmet Öğüş. Karbondioksit insüflasyonunda oluşan serbest oksijen radikalleri üzerine pentoksifillinin etkisi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi. 2002. 01.0103.006
1 1. Akdeniz Video-Endoskopik Temel Cerrahi Kursları; Eğiticilik 12-16 Nisan 1995 Antalya.
2 2. Akdeniz Video-Endoskopik Temel Cerrahi Kursları; Eğiticilik 3-5 Nisan 1996 Antalya.
3 3. Akdeniz Video-Endoskopik Temel Cerrahi Kursları; Eğiticilik 26-28 Mart 1998 Antalya.
1 İlker Ersoy: Peritonitlerde Karın İçi Basıncının Değerlendirilmesinde Mesane Basıncı Ölçümü Güvenilir Bir Yöntem midir? (Deneysel Çalışma) Tez Danışmanı: Mehmet Öğüş. ANTALYA 2004.
*:Başlıca Araştırma Eseri