ENT Diseases
  • Interests
  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
  • Ear Microsurgery
  • Voice Disorders Surgery
  • Head and Neck Surgery
  • Salivary Gland Disease Surgery
ENT Diseases
  • Interests
  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
  • Ear Microsurgery
  • Voice Disorders Surgery
  • Head and Neck Surgery
  • Salivary Gland Disease Surgery
Medical Park Pendik (Pendik)
Fevzi Çakmak Mahallesi, Eski Karakol Sk. No:9, 34899 Pendik/İstanbul - İstanbul

Medical Park Pendik (Pendik)
Fevzi Çakmak Mahallesi, Eski Karakol Sk. No:9, 34899 Pendik/İstanbul - İstanbul

Academic Background

Education and Specialization
1989-1995 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine
1995-1999 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

1995-1999 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Research Assistant
1999-2000 Samsun Özel Büyük Anadolu Hospital
2000-2000 Ardahan Military Hospital, Lieutenant Colonel
2000-2001 Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Alanya Research and Application Hospital, Lecturer
2001-2002 Yalova State Hospital
2002-2005 Zonguldak Karaelmas University Faculty of Medicine, Assistant Professor
November 2004 Giessen University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Guest Researcher, Giessen, Germany
2005-2007 Zonguldak Karaelmas University Faculty of Medicine, Associate Professor
2007-2012 Özel Sema Hospital, Associate Professor
2012-2016 Istanbul Medeniyet University, Associate Professor
2016-2019 Istanbul Medeniyet University, Professor
2019-2020 VM Medical Park Pendik, Professor
2020-2023 Özel Hospital Park Hospital, Professor
2023-present VM Medical Park Pendik, Professor

Courses and Certifications
Trainer Training, Istanbul Medeniyet University, 2015
25th International Course on Endoscopic Surgery of the Paranasal Sinuses & Skull Base, Ghent University, 2013
Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Course, Marmara University Neurological Sciences Institute, 2012
Videolaryngoscopic Examination and Voice Therapy Workshop, Istanbul ENT-BBC Specialists Association, 2009
Surgical Treatment of Snoring and Sleep Apnea Syndrome, 6th National Sleep and Disorders Congress, 2004
Vestibular Rehabilitation Course, Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, 2004
1st Turkish Workshop on Bipolar Radiofrequency Induced Thermotherapy (RFITT) for ENT Procedures, Celon AG & Istanbul Memorial Hospital, 2003
Total Quality Management in Healthcare, HÜFAM & B. Anadolu Hospital, 2000
Functional Surgery of the Larynx and Neck Course, Laryngology Association, 1998
"Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery: Past, Present, Future" Course, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, 1996

Professional Memberships
Turkish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Anatomy Research Society
Turkish Rhinology Society
Laryngology Association
Istanbul ENT-BBC Specialists Association


Prof. Carlo Calearo “Best Poster Award,” Congresso Italo-Turco Di Laringologia – Turkish-Italian Laryngology Congress, 2004, Italy.

Otolaryngology 2004 Meeting, “Poster First Prize,” Ankara, 2004.

Prof. Dr. İsmet Karacan “Oral Presentation Third Prize,” 6th Sleep and Disorders Congress, İzmir, 2004.

Health Sciences “Awards, Memberships, and Recognition Category” Second Prize, Istanbul Medeniyet University, 2014.

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Scientific Publications


A1. Uzun L, Savranlar A, Beder LB, Ugur MB, Cinar F, Ozdemir H, Gundogdu S. “Enlargement of the bone component in different parts of compensatorily hypertrophied inferior turbinate” Am J Rhinol. 18(6):405-10 (2004).

A2. Uzun L, Ugur MB, Savranlar A, Mahmutyazıcıoğlu K, Özdemir H, Beder LB. “Classification of the inferior turbinate bones: A computed tomography study”, European Journal of Radiology51, 241-245 (2004).

A3. Uzun L, Çınar F, Beder LB, Aslan T, Altıntaş K. “Radical mastoidectomy cavity myiasis caused by Wohlfahrtia Magnifica”, Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 118, 54-56 (2004).

A4. Uzun L, Savranlar A, Altin R, Ugur MB. “Mumps virus: a trigger for sarcoidosis?”

Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis. 21(3):237 (2004).

A5. Uzun L, Ugur MB, Savranlar A. “Pneumatization of the inferior turbinate” European Journal of Radiology Extra, 51, 99-101 (2004).

A6. Ozer T, Uzun L, Numanoglu V, Savranlar A, Hosnuter M, Gundogdu S. “3D-CT investigation of craniofacial and cervical spine anomalies in congenital muscular torticollis”, Diagn Interv Radiol (Tani Girisim Radiol.) 10(4):272-9 (2004).

A7. Özdemir H, Altın R, Söğüt A, Çınar F, Mahmutyazıcıoğlu K, Kart L, Uzun L, Davşancı H, Gündoğdu S, Tomaç N. “Craniofacial differences according to AHI scores of children with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome: cephalometric study in 39 patients”, Pediatric Radiology, 34, 393-399 (2004).

A8. Özdemir H. Altın R, Mahmutyazıcıoğlu K, Uzun L, Davşancı H, “Evaluation of paranasal sinuses mucosa in coal worker's pneumoconiosis; a computed tomographical study”, Archives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 130, 1052-1055 (2004)

A9. Cinar F, Uzun L, Ugur MB, Agaoglu H. “An unusual movement of the tongue”, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 113, 773-774 (2004).

A10. Yilmaz M, Ugur MB, Uzun L, Beder LB, Cinar F. “Traditional tonsillectomy versus radiofrequency dissection tonsillectomy in adults”, Gazi Medical Journal, 15:13-7 (2004).

A11. Uzun L, Ugur MB, Peksoy I, Cabuk M, Cinar F. “The effect of lateral osteotomy of septorhinoplasty on nasolacrimal duct functions: a radionuclide imaging study”

Am J Rhinol. 19(4):388-94 (2005).                                                    

A12. Uzun L, Ugur MB, Altunkaya H, Ozer Y, Ozkocak I, Demirel CB.  “Effectiveness of the jaw-thrust maneuver in opening the airway: a flexible fiberoptic endoscopic study”

ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 67(1):39-44 (2005).

A13. Uzun L, Ugur MB, Ozdemir H. “Cervical sympathetic chain schwannoma mimicking a carotid body tumor: a case report” Tumori. 91(1):84-6 (2005).

A14. Uzun L, Ugur MB, Ulukent SC, Ozdemir H, Koca R. “Vasculo-Behcet's disease mimicking a metastatic neck mass” Tohoku J Exp Med. 206(1):81-4 (2005).

A15. Uzun L, Ugur MB, Cinar F, Coskun O. “Long-term results of radiofrequency-assisted posterior transverse cordotomy in a rabbit model” (Tavşan modelinde radyofrekans yardımlı posterior transvers kordotominin uzun dönem sonuçları), Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 14(1-2):5-9 (2005).

A16. Savranlar A, Uzun L, Ugur MB, Mahmutyazicioglu K, Ozer T, Gundogdu S. “How does nose blowing effect the computed tomography of paranasal sinuses in chronic sinusitis?” Eur J Radiol. 53(2):182-8 (2005).

A17. Sogut A, Altin R, Uzun L, Ugur MB, Tomac N, Acun C, Kart L, Can G. “Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and associated symptoms in 3--11-year-old Turkish children.” Pediatr Pulmonol. 39(3):251-6 (2005).

A18. Savranlar A, Uzun L, Ugur MB, Ozer T. “Three-dimensional CT of Eagle's syndrome.” Diagn Interv Radiol. 11(4):206-9 (2005).

A19. Altin R, Ozdemir H, Mahmutyazicioglu K, Kart L, Uzun L, Ozer T, Savranlar A, Aydin M. “Evaluation of carotid artery wall thickness with high-resolution sonography in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome” J Clin Ultrasound. 33(2):80-6 (2005).  

A20. Peksoy I, Ugur MB, Altin R, Cinar F, Uzun L, Cabuk M, Kart L. “Evaluation of nasal mucociliary functions with rhinoscintigraphy in coal workers' pneumoconiosis” ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 67(3):163-7 (2005).

A21. Acun Z, Cinar F, Cihan A, Ulukent SC, Uzun L, Ucan B, Ugur MB. “Importance of identifying the course of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in total and near-total thyroid lobectomies” Am Surg. 71(3):225-7 (2005).

A22. Ocakci A, Coskun O, Tumkaya L, Kanter M, Gurel A, Hosnuter M, Uzun L. “Beneficial effects of Ebselen on corrosive esophageal burns of rats” Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 70(1):45-52 (2006).

A23. Ugur MB, Savranlar A, Uzun L, Kucuker H, Cinar F. “A reliable surface landmark for localizing supratrochlear artery: Medial canthus”, Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg; 138(2): 162-5 (2008).

A24. Ugur MB, Dogan SM, Sogut A, Uzun L, Cinar F, Altin R, Aydin M

“Effect of Adenoidectomy and/or Tonsillectomy on Cardiac Functions in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea”,  ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 70(3):202-208 (2008).

A25. Cinar F, Ugur MB, Uzun L. “Could radiofrequency myringotomy be an alternative to incisional myringotomy ?”, Int J Pediatric Otorhinolaryngol, 72(10): 1493-1496 (2008).

A26. Ayoglu H, Yapakci O, Ugur MB, Uzun L, Altunkaya H, Ozer Y, Uyanik R, Cinar F, Ozkocak I. Effectiveness of dexmedetomidine in reducing bleeding during septoplasty and tympanoplasty operations. J Clin Anesth. 20(6): 437-441 (2008).

A27. Gun BD, Ozdamar SO, Bahadir B, Uzun L. Salivary gland myoepithelioma with focal capsular invasion, Ear Nose Throat J, 88(7): 1005-1009 (2009).

A28. Karli R, Beşir FH, Uzun L. Unilateral isolated abducens nevre paralysis: an unexpected complication of frontal mucocele, J Craniofac Surg, 21(2): 610-612 (2010).

A29. Tas E, Ugur MB, Cinar F, Uzun L, Gun BD. A misdiagnosed keratoachantoma turned to be a metastatic parotid carcinoma, Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica, 30(2):115-117 (2010).

A30. Aslan G, Uzun L. Adhesive strip patching for tympanic membrane perforations, Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 22(2), 173-174 (2011).


A31. Uzun L, Balbaloglu E, Akinci H. Garlic supplemented diet attenuates gentamicin induced ototxicity: an experimental study. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 121(2):139-143 (2012).

A32. Uzun L, Aslan G, Mahmutyazicioglu K, Yazgan H, Savranlar A. “Is pneumatization of middle turbinates compensatory or congenital ?”. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol. 41: 564-570 (2012).

A33. Uzun L, Sagun OF, Seferoglu B, Mahmutyazicioglu K, Etlik O. “The significance of magnetic resonance and computed tomography findings in sphenoid sinüs agenesis, Ear, Nose & Throat Journal. 93(2), 71-74, 2014.

A34. Yazgan H, Gültekin E, Yazıcılar O, Sagun ÖF, Uzun L. “Comparison of conventional and low dose steroid in the treatment of PFAPA syndrome: Preliminary study”, Int J Ped Otorhinolaryngol, 76, 1588-1590 (2012).

A35. Karli R, Balbaloglu E, Uzun L, Cinar F, Ugur MB. “Correlation of symptoms with total IgE and specific IgE levels in patients presenting with allergic rhinitis”, Ther Adv Respir Dis. 7(2): 75-79 (2013).

A36. Aslan G, Uzun L, Ugur MB, Uckurt YS, Sagun OF, Yazicilar O. “Unilateral Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy, Is it compensatory or congenital?”,  American Journal of Rhinology Allergy, 27(4), 255-259, (2013).

A37. Uzun L, Kokten N, Kilicaslan A, Tasel B, Kalcioglu MT, Tekin M. “Bilateral lower cervical bifurcation of common carotid artery”, Case Reports in Otolaryngology, Volume 2013, Article ID 894804, ttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/894804 (2013).

A38. Tuncturk FR, Uzun L, Kalcioglu MT, Egilmez OK, Timurlenk E, Erguven M. “Carotid Sheath Abscess Caused by a Tooth Decay Infection on the Opposite Side”, Case Reports in Otolaryngology Volume 2015, Article ID 739630, 4 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/739630.

A39. Kokten N, Hanege MF, Cam OH, Uzun L, Tekin M. An unusual peripheric facial paralysis onset. Eur J Gen Med.  Eur J Gen Med 2016; 13(3); 65-66

DOI: 10.15197/ejgm.1490.

A40. Egilmez OK, Uzun L, Ozkanli SS, Kalcioglu MT, Tekin M, "A troublesome lesion of the larynx: lobular capillary hemangioma", Scripta Scientifica Medica, vol.47, pp.1-1, 2015.

A41. Uzun L, Kokten N, Cam OH, Kalcioglu MT, Ugur MB, Tekin M, Acar, GO. “The Effect of Garlic Derivatives (S-Allylmercaptocysteine, Diallyldisulfide, and S-Allylcysteine) on Gentamicin Induced Ototoxicity: An experimental Study”, Clin Exp Otolarygol, 9:4, 309-313, 2016.

A42. Uzun L, Kokten N, Acar GO. “Trapezoid shaped omohyoideus muscle: An anatomic variation seen in Functional Neck Dissection”, Otolaryngology Online Journal, 5(4), 139-143, 2015.

A43. Hanege MF, Uzun L, Yavuz C, Ozkanli SS, Kurtgoz S. Epitheloid hemangioendothelioma of the nasal septum, B-ENT, 12:155-157, 2016.

A44. Kalcioglu MT, Cicek T, Uzun L. Bone cement usage for ossicular reconstruction, Curr Pediatr Res. 20 (1&2): 142-144, 2016.

A45. Uzun L, Ozkanli S, Kalcioglu MT, Kokten N, Kafkasli C. Bilateral multifocal inverted papilloma with osseous metaplasia of the sinonasal cavity, Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bjorl.2016.06.012

A46. Uzun L, Egilmez OK, Kalcioglu MT, Tekin M. Tortuous Carotid artery extended to Neck Level IIb mimicking the metastatic mass" Tortuous Carotid Artery Extended to Neck Level IIb Mimicking the Metastatic Mass. Case Rep Otolaryngol. 2016;2016:137692.,

A47. Kokten N, Cam OH, Kilicaslan A, Hanege MF, Uzun L, Tekin M. Retropharyngeal Abscess: Three Unusual Cases, Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research, 2016, 5(3): 00144.

A48. Sogut A, Acikgoz S, Uzun L, Ugur MB, Altin R, Dagli E, Kaditis A, Ersu R. Leptin levels in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Tuberk Toraks, 2016; 64(4):283-288. doi:10.5578/tt.21009

A49. Egilmez OK, Uzun L, Kalcioglu MT, Tekin M. Multiple Variations in Carotid Arteries: Lower Common Carotid Bifurcation, Hypoplastic and Tortuous Internal Carotid Artery, British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 21(11): 1-4, 2017; Article no.

BJMMR. 33449, ISSN: 2231-0614, NLM ID: 101570965.

A50. Tuncturk FR, Uzun L, Zenginkinet T, Ozkanlı S, Kalcioglu MT. Histopathologically TTF-1 and Calcitonin Positive Laryngeal Typical Carcinoid Tumor with Elevated Serum Calcitonin. Eur J Gen Med 2016; 13(3): 77-80. DOI: 10.15197/ejgm.1488

A51. Kokten N, Uzun L, Karadag AS, Zenginkinet T, Kalcioglu MT. Grinspan’s Syndrome: A Rare Case with Malignant Transformation, Case Reports in Otolaryngology, Volume 2018, Article ID 9427650, 4 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9427650.

A52. Ozdamar OI, Uzun L, Acar GO, Tekin M, Kokten N, Celik S. . Risk Factors for Lingual Nerve Injury Associated With Suspension Laryngoscopy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2019,  doi: 10.1177/0003489419835854.




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