Orthopedics and Traumatology
  • Interests
  • Knee Arthroplasty
  • Hip Arthroplasty
  • Elbow and Shoulder Disorders
  • Elbow and Shoulder Surgery
  • Sports Injuries
  • Muscle and Tendon Injuries
  • Trauma
Orthopedics and Traumatology
  • Interests
  • Knee Arthroplasty
  • Hip Arthroplasty
  • Elbow and Shoulder Disorders
  • Elbow and Shoulder Surgery
  • Sports Injuries
  • Muscle and Tendon Injuries
  • Trauma
Medical Park Mersin (Mezitli)
Menderes Mahallesi, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Blv. D:No: 676, 33200 Mezitli/Mersin - Mersin

Medical Park Mersin (Mezitli)
Menderes Mahallesi, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Blv. D:No: 676, 33200 Mezitli/Mersin - Mersin

Academic Background

Education and Specialization
1990 - Ege University Faculty of Medicine
1995 - Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialization

Assistant Professor, 1998-2004 - Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
Associate Professor, 2004-2009 - Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
Professor, 2009-Present - Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
Chair, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, 2013
General Secretary, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council, 2009-2011
President, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council, 2011-2013
President, National Certification Board, Turkish Medical Association, 2013-2017
Turkey Representative, European Orthopaedic Research Society, 2013
Founding Board Member, Turkish Orthopedic Research Council, 2014-2016

International Experience
Pittsburgh University, School of Medicine, Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Fellowship (3 months), 2001

Professional Memberships
Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association
Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Association
Turkish Medical Association
European Orthopaedic Research Society

2016 - Münir Ahmet Sarpyener Best Specialization Thesis Award, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association
2007 - First Place Poster Award, EKMUD Congress
2005 - National Congress Experimental Research Award, Turkish Orthopedics Association
2004 - Günther Schlag Memorial Award (Prague), European Trauma Society
2003 - National Congress Experimental Research Award, Turkish Orthopedics Association

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Scientific Publications

1. Gunal, I., Oztuna, V. ve Seber, S.,  “Trapezio-lunate external fixation for scaphoid fractures. An experimental and clinical study,” J. Hand Surg. [Br], 19(6), 759-762 (1994).
2. Gunal, I., Oztuna, V., Kose, N. ve Seber, S.,Avascular necrosis of the scaphoid treated by total excision and radial advancement osteotomy,” J. Hand Surg. [Br], 20(6),736-740(1995).

3. Gunal, I., Durak, T., Oztuna, V. ve Seber, S.,Various manifestations of hyperphalangism,” J. Hand Surg. [Br], 21(3), 405-407 (1996).

4. Oztuna, V., Ozge, A., Eskandari, MM., Colak, M., Golpinar, A.  ve Kuyurtar, F., “Nerve entrapment in painful heel syndrome,” Foot Ankle Int., 23(3), 208-211 (2002).
5. Oztuna, V., Öztürk, H., Eskandari, MM. ve Kuyurtar, F.,Mesurement of the humeral head retroversion angle,” Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg., 122(7), 406-409 (2002).

6. Gunal, İ., Oztuna, V., Ozcelik, A., Kose, N., Turgut, A., Gokturk, E. ve Seber, S.,  “Medium-term results of trapezio-lunate external fixation for scaphoid fractures,” J. Hand Surg. [Br],  27(5), 410-412 (2002).

7. Bagis, S.,  Sahin, G., Oztuna, V., Milcan, A., Erdogan, C. ve  Camdeviren, H., “The long-term effect of intraarticular hyaluronic acid on pain and functional status in knee osteoarthritis (one year follow-up),” The Pain Clinic, 14(4),  331-337 (2002).

8. Oztuna, V.,Yıldız, A., Ozer, C., Milcan, A., Kuyurtar, F. ve  Turgut, A., “Involvement of the proximal tibiofibular joint in osteoarthritis of the knee,” Knee, 10(4), 347-349 (2003).

9. Oztuna, V., Ersoz, G., Ayan, I., Eskandari, MM., Uguz, K. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Head injury-associated bone fractures induce bacterial translocation: an experimental study,” J. Orthop. Trauma, 18(2), 92-95, (2004).

10. Ersoz, G., Oztuna, V., Coskun, B., Eskandari, MM., Bayarslan, C. ve Kaya, A., “Addition of fusidic acid impregnated bone cement to systemic teicoplanin therapy in the treatment of rat osteomyelitis,” J Chemother., 16(1), 51-55 (2004).

11. Milcan, A., Yildiz, A., Oztuna, V., Eskandari, MM., Sahin, G. ve Kuyurtar, F., “The anterior center edge angle: a study of 102 volunteers,” Joint Bone Spine, 71(3), 221-223 (2004).

12. Kandemir, O., Oztuna, V., Milcan, A., Bayramoğlu, A., Celik, HH., Bayarslan, C. ve Kaya, A., “Clarithromycin destroys biofilms and enhances bactericidal agents in the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa osteomyelitis,” Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res., 430, 171-175 ( 2005).

13. Eskandari, MM., Oztuna, V. ve Demirkan, F., “Late psychosocial effects of congenital hand anomaly, ” Hand Surg., 9(2), 257-259 (2004).

14. Eskandari, MM., Yilmaz, C., Oztuna, V. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Topographic localization of the motor branch of the median nevre, ”J. Hand Surg. Am., 30(4), 803-807 (2005).

15. Eskandari MM, Ozge A, Oztuna V, Colak M, Kanik A, Kuyurtar F. “Effect of patient age and symptom duration on subjective and objective outcomes of carpal tunnel surgery,” Orthopedics. 2005 Jun;28(6):600-2.

16. Oztuna, V., Yilmaz, A., Yilmaz, C., Eskandari, MM., Ayan, I., Milcan, A. ve Kuyurtar, F., “The use of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (Histoacryl) in primary tendon repair: a biomechanical study with sheep flexor tendons], ” Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc., 39(3), 258-262 (2005).

17. Oztuna, V., Ersoz, G., Ayan, I., Eskandari, MM., Colak, M. ve Polat, A., “ Early internal fracture fixation prevents bacterial translocation, ” Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res., 446, 253-258 (2006).

18. Ayan, I., Colak, M., Comelekoglu, U., Milcan, A., Ogenler, O., Oztuna, V. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Histoacryl glue in meniscal repairs (a biomechanical study), ” Int. Orthop. 31(2), 241-246 (2007).

19. Oztuna, V., Eskandari, MM., Unal, S., Colak, M., Karabacak, T., “The effect of pentoxifylline in treatment of skin degloving injuries: an experimental study, ” Injury, 37(7), 638-641 (2006)  .

20. Oztuna, V., Karatosun, V., Unver, B., Ayan, I. ve Kuyurtar, F., “An alternative patellar resurfacing technique in knee replacement: patellofemoral fascial interposition arthroplasty, ” Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc., 15(10), 1210-1214 (2007).

21. Oztuna, V., Eskandari, M., Bugdayci, R. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Intra-articular injection of tenoxicam in osteoarthritic knee joints with effusion, ” Orthopedics, 30(12), 1039-1042 (2007).

22. Kandemir, O., Oztuna, V., Colak, M., Akdag, A. ve Camdeviren, H., “Comparison of the efficacy of tigecycline and teicoplanin in an experimental methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis model, ” J. Chemother., 20(1), 53-57 (2008).

23. Yilmaz, C., Golpinar, A., Oztuna, V., “The efficacy of subacromial corticosteroid injections in impingement syndrome, ” Joint Dis. Rel. Surg., 19(1), 24-26 (2008).

24. Huri, G.; çabuk, S.; Gürsoy, S.; Akkaya, M.; özkan, S.; Öztuna, V.; Aydıngöz, 􀀽.; şenköylü, A. Evaluation of the orthopaedics and traumatology resident education in Turkey. ACTA ORTHOPAEDİCA ET TRAUMATOLOGİCA TURCİCA, 2016, 50, 567-571.

Uluslararası Vaka takdimi, teknik not, kitap eleştirisi

  1. Gunal, I., Seber, S., Kiraz, N., Turkay, S., Oztuna, V. ve Gokturk, E.,In vitro evaluation of antibiotic diffusion from antibiotic impregnated xenografts,” Rev. Chir. Orthop. Reparatrice, 82(1), 59-62 (1996).

  2. Gunal, I., Oztuna, V. ve Hazer, B., “Trapeziolunate external fixation for transscaphoid perilunate dislocations of the wrist: report of 2 cases,” J. Hand Surg. [Am], 23(1), 158-161 (1998).

  3.  Saray, A., Eskandari, MM. ve Oztuna, V., “Augmentation of shoulder contour using a calfimplant,”Aesthetic Plast. Surg., 24(5), 386-388 (2000).

  4. Milcan, A., Eskandari, MM., Oztuna, V., Çolak, M. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Injection induced contracture of the quadriceps femoris muscle in childhood: a case report,” Orthopedics,  27(1), 65-66 (2004).

  5. Oztuna, V., Çolak, M., Vurucu, A. ve Yılmaz, C., “Vacuum test in hemiarthroplasty. Kalça parsiyel protez ameliyatlarında vakum testi, ” Joint Dis. Rel. Surg., 19(3), 148-149 (2008).



Uluslararası Editöre Mektup

  1. Gulec, S., Gunal, I., Torun, S. ve Oztuna, V.,Cerebrospinal fluid pressure and cetazolamide treatment in idiopathic low back pain, ” Clin. J. Pain, 14(2), 176-177 (1998).

  2. Oztuna, V. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Determining humeral retroversion with computedtomography,” J. Bone Joint Surg. [Am]85-A(6), 1162-1163 (2003).

  3. Aydin, O., Oztuna, V. ve Polat, A., “Three cases of nodular fasciitis: primary diagnoses by fine needle aspiration cytology,” Cytopathology, 12(5), 346-347 (2001).

  4. Oztuna, V., Gunal, I. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Idiopathic flat-top talus,” J. Am. Podiatr. Med. Assoc., 92(6), 368-370 (2002).


En az bir uluslararası alan indeksi kapsamında olan dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

Araştırma makalesi

  1. Oztuna, V., Kiter, E. ve Gunal, I., “Tenographic evaluation of the tibialis posterior tendon in the feet with accessory navicular,” J. Foot Surg. (Ind), 15(1), 42-44 (2000).

  2. Öztuna, V., Ersöz, G., Coskun, B., Kaya, A., Çolak, M. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Farelerde oluşturulan osteomiyelit modellerinde yabancı cisim uygulanmasının lokal ve sistemik  infeksiyon  bulguları  üzerine  etkileri,”  Artroplasti-Artroskopik Cerrahi13(2),  94-98 (2002).

  3. Öztuna, V., Eskandari, MM., Milcan, A., Gölpınar, A. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Halluks valgus tedavisinde uyguladığımız proksimal metatarsal kresent osteotomi sonuçlarımız,” Artroplasti-Artroskopik Cerrahi, 14(4),  214-218 (2003).

  4. Atıcı, Ş., Öztuna, V., Doruk, N., Serinol, H., Kuyurtar F. ve Oral, U., “Kalça artroplastisinde sementleme sırasında gelişen hemodinamik ve respiratuvar değişiklikler,” Artroplasti-Artroskopik Cerrahi, 15(2), 55-60 (2004).

Vaka takdimi, teknik not, kitap eleştirisi

  1. Öztuna, V., Yıldız, A., Eskandari, MM., Milcan, A. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Yenidoğan döneminde humerus distal epifiz yaralanması,” Artroplasti-Artroskopik Cerrahi, 14(1), 36-38 (2003).

  2. Öztuna, V., Milcan, A., Eskandari, MM. ve Kuyurtar, F. . “Skapula ventral yüzündeki osteokondromlar,”.Artroplasti-Artroskopik Cerrahi, 14(2), 105-108 (2003).

  3. Eskandari, MM., Öztuna, V., Aydın, Ö. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Osteochondral mass encircling the patellar tendon,” Artroplasti-Artroskopik Cerrahi, 03, (2005)

Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

Araştırma makalesi

  1. Öztuna, V., Eskandari, MM., Ozturk, H., Milcan, A. ve Kuyurtar F. “Humerus proksimal uç torsiyon profili,”Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc., 35(3), 260-264 (2001).

  2. Milcan A, Eskandari MM, Öztuna V, Yılmaz A ve Kuyurtar F. “Menisküs yırtıklarını tanısında manyetik rezonans görüntülemenin yeri,” Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi3(1), 12-16 (2002).

  3. Öztuna, V., Milcan, A., Eskandari, MM .ve Kuyurtar, F., “Konservatif tedaviye dirençli lateral epikondilitlerin perkütan tenotomi ile tedavisi,” Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc., 36, 336-340 (2002).

  4. Kandemir, Ö., Öztuna, V., Çolak, M., Şahin, E. ve Kaya, A.,”Kronik osteomiyelitli olgularımızın değerlendirilmesi,” Flora, 7(4), 246-251 (2002).

  5. Kandemir, Ö., Öztuna, V., Şahin, E., Eskandari, MM. ve Kaya, A., “Şiddetli diyabetik ayak infeksiyonlarının aerop bakteriler ve klinik yönlerden değerlendirilmesi,” Ankem, 16(4), 466-469 (2002).

  6. Öztuna, V., Banu Coşkun, Ayşe Polat, Fehmi Kuyurtar.” El bileği ekleminin fetal dönemdeki gelişimi,” Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc; 37(3):254-60 (2003).

  7. Milcan A., Özer, C., Öztuna, V., Eskandari, MM., Gölpınar, A., Kuyurtar, F., “ Analysis of  pedicle dimensions of the thoracolumbar spine,” Turkish J. Spinal Surgery, 3(4), (2001).

  8. Milcan, A., Yıldız, A., Ayan, İ., Öztuna, V. ve Kuyurtar, F., “The importance of ultrasonographic examination in the diagnosis of developmental hip dysplasia: A preliminary study of 95 newborns,” Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi, 24, 12-16 (2004).



  1. Öztuna, V., Eskandari, MM. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Kırıklarda acil internal fiksasyon.“ Aktüel  Tıp  Dergisi, 4(11), 607-609 (1999).

  2. Öztuna, V., “Osteomiyelit Patofizyolojisi ve Tedavi Prensipleri, ”  TOTBİD Dergisi, 4(2), 63-71 (2005).

  3. Öztuna, V., “Ortopedi ve Travmatolojide Kullanılan Deneysel Hayvan Modelleri (Temel İlkeler, Etik Unsurlar Ve Modeller), ” TOTBİD Dergisi, 6(2), 47-55 (2007).

  4. Öztuna, V ., Gürer, B., ‘İmplant-Kemik tutunma mekanizmaları’ TOTBİD Dergisi. 10(2), 109-113, 2011.

  5. Öztuna, V. ‘Septik Artrit.’ TOTBİD Dergisi. 9(2), 101-106, 2010.


Vaka takdimi, teknik not, kitap eleştirisi, makale çevirisi

  1. Ozer, C., Eğilmez, H., Apaydın, D., Yıldız, A., Nass Duce, M. ve Öztuna, V.,  “İliopsoas bursasında asemptomatik genişleme: US, BT, MRG ve BT-Artrografi bulguları,” Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(3), 366-369 (2002).

  2. Sevencan A, Öztuna V. “Skafoid kemik kırıkları trapezio-lunat eksternal fiksatör çivi kırılması komplikasyonu”. Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc.32,79-80 (1998).

Uluslararası Bildiriler ve Daveti Konuşmalar                                                                                                                  

  1. Ersöz, G., Oztuna, V., Coşkun, B., Eskandari, MM., Bayarslan, C. ve Kaya, A.,“Addition of fusidic asid in bone cement to systemic teicoplanin treatment of rat osteomyelitis,” 4th  European Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection, S4, Paris, May 2002.

  2. Oztuna, V., Ersoz, G., Ayan, I., Eskandari, MM., Uguz, K. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Head injury-associated bone fractures induce bacterial translocation: an experimental study,” 6th European Trauma Congress, Prag, 16-19 May, 2004.

  3. Oztuna, V., Ersoz, G., Ayan, I., Eskandari, MM., Colak, M. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Early internal fixation of multiple long bone fractures prevents bacterial translocation fom gut,” EFORT Kongresi, 7th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Lizbon, Portekiz, Kongre CD’si, 3-7 June 2005.

  4. Eskandari, MM., Yilmaz, C., Oztuna, V. ve Kuyurtar, F., “Topographic localization of the motor branch of the median nevre,” EFORT Kongresi, 7th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Lizbon, Portekiz, Kongre CD’si, 3-7 june 2005.


  1. 2013 CORS, Venedik. Oztuna, V, Fracture Healing in animal models.


  1. 2014, EORS, Nantes, Oztuna, V, Tendon Healing in animal models


  1. 2015, EFORT, Oztuna, V, Prag, Updates in experimental animal models

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