  • Interests
  • Acne
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Warts
  • Corns
  • Hair Loss
  • Fillers
  • Botox.
  • Interests
  • Acne
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Warts
  • Corns
  • Hair Loss
  • Fillers
  • Botox.
Medical Park Ankara (Keçiören) (Keçiören)
Kalaba Mahallesi 30. Sokak No:5 Keçiören / Ankara - Ankara

Medical Park İncek (Ankara Gölbaşı)
Kızılcaşar Mahallesi 2744 Sokak No : 1 Gölbaşı / ANKARA - Ankara

Medical Park Ankara (Keçiören) (Keçiören)
Kalaba Mahallesi 30. Sokak No:5 Keçiören / Ankara - Ankara
Medical Park İncek (Ankara Gölbaşı)
Kızılcaşar Mahallesi 2744 Sokak No : 1 Gölbaşı / ANKARA - Ankara

Academic Background

Education and Specialization:

Ankara University Faculty of Medicine
Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital


Çankırı, Şabanözü Health Center (1995 - 1997)
Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, Dermatology Clinic (1997 - 2000)
Fatih University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Ankara (2000 - 2010)
Turgut Özal University, Department of Dermatology (2010 - 2015)
Private Practice (2016 - 2018)
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Scientific Publications

A. Articles Published in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

• A1 Sarifakioglu E, Yilmaz AE, Gorpelioglu C, Orun E. Prevalence of scalp disorders and hair loss in children. Cutis. 2012 Nov;90(5):225-9.

• A2. Erpolat S, Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E Isotretinoin associated anal fissure and rectal bleeding: a rare complication. Int J Dermatol. 2012 Mar;51(3):358-9.

• A3. Yilmaz AE, Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E, Dogan DG, Bilici M, Celik N. Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions from birth to two years.Niger J Clin Pract. 2011 Jul-Sep;14(3):349-53

• A4. Yilmaz AE, Sarifakioglu E, Dogan G, Cakir B, Karabel M, Gorpelioglu C, Turkay S. Supernumerary nipple: should we be alert? Pediatr Int. 2010 Aug;52(4):e190-1.

• A5. Erpolat S, Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E. A case of progressive macular hypomelanosis treated with 1% topical clindamycin lotion and narrow-band ultraviolet B. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2010 Oct;26(5):277-8

• A6. Gorpelioglu C, Ozol D ve Sarifakioglu E. “Influence of isotretinoin on nasal mucociliary clearance and lung function in patients with acne vulgaris”, Int J Dermatol, 49: 87-90 (2010).

• A7. Gorpelioglu C, Erdal E, Ardicoglu Y, Adam B ve Sarifakioglu E. “Serum leptin, atherogenic lipids and glucose levels in the patients with skin tags”, Indian J Dermatol, 54(1):20-2 (2009).

• A8. Sarifakioglu E, Yilmaz AE ve C. Gorpelioglu.” Nail alterations in 250 infant patients: a clinical study”, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, Jun;22(6):741-4 (2008).

• A9. Gorpelioglu C, Gungor E ve Allı N.” Is prolactin involved in etiopathogenesis of psoriasis?”, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, Sep;22(9):1135-6 (2008).

• A10. Selcoki Y, Gorpelioglu C, Turgut F, Sarifakioglu E, Ozkara A, Tekin O, Kanbay M ve Akcay A. “Isotretinoin: is there any arrhythmic effect?” Int J Dermatol, Feb; 47(2):195 -7 (2008).

• A11. Sarifakioglu, E , IT. Degim ve C. Gorpelioglu, “Determination of the sildenafil effect on alopecia areata in childhood: An open-pilot comparison study”, J Dermatolog Treat, 17(4):235-237 (2006).

• A12. Sarıfakiolgu, E., C. Gunduz ve C. Gorpelioglu, “Oral mucosa manifestations in 100 pregnant versus non-pregnant patients: An epidemiological observational study”, Eur J Dermatol , 16(6) : 674-676 (2006).

• A13. Keskin EA, Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E ve Kafali H. “ Seborrheic keratoses: a distinctive diagnoses of pigmented vulvar lesions: a case report”, Cases J, Feb 10:3:56 (2010).

• A14. Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E ve Ayrım A. “Pyoderma gangrenosum in pregnancy”, Eur J Dermatol, 19 (5):528-9 (2009).

• A15. Yilmaz AE, Sarifakioglu E, Gorpelioglu C, Karabel M ve Dogan G. “Puffy feet in an 11-month-old infant: a quiz. Milroy disease” . Acta Derm Venereol, Nov;89(6):668-670 (2009)

• A16. Sen M, C Gorpelioglu ve Bozer M. “Isolated primary breast tuberculosis: report of three cases and review of the literature”, Clinics (Sao Paulo), 64(6):607-10 (2009).

• A17.Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E ve Bayrak R.” A case of follicular mucinosis treated successfully with pimecrolimus”. Clin Exp Dermatol, Jan;34(1):86-7 (2009).

• A18.Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E ve Haltas H.” Spider bite-induced pagetoid reticulosis?”, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, Apr;23(4):446-7(2009).

• A19. Gorpelioglu C ve Sarifakioglu E. “ Pyoderma gangrenosum of the scalp following hair high lights in a postpartum patient”, Eur J Dermatol, Jan-Feb;18(1):97-8 (2008).

• A20. Sarifakioglu, E., C. Gorpelioglu, ve R. Bayrak, “Numerous yellow-brown papules over the trunk”, Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol,72(3):247-248 (2006).

• A21.Sarifakioglu, E., F. Catal, E. Erdal, A. Karadag ve C. Gorpelioglu, “Congenital poliosis with multiple cardiac anomalies: a case report”, J Dermatol ,32(8):677-678 (2005).

• A22. Çalıkoğlu, E., P. Öztaş, R. Anadolu , F. Çatal ve C. Görpelioğlu .” An un unusual case of faun-tail with aplasia cutis congenita and diastematomyelia”, Dermatology 209(4):333- 4(2004)

• A23. Güngör, E, N. Alli., S. Çomoğlu ve C. Çömcüoğlu. “Phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome “ Neurol Sci , 22; 261-265 (2001)

B. Articles Presented at International Scientific Conferences and Published in the Proceedings:

• B1. Sarifakioglu E, Yilmaz AE, C Gorpelioglu, Orun E. “Prevelance of scalp disorders and hair loss in children: An evaluation of 1003 patients”. 20th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Gothenburg, No:754, October 20-24. Lisbon. Spain, 2011

• B2. Sarifakioglu E, Sarifakioglu N ve C Gorpelioglu. “Acquired acral lipodystrophy in a 21- year old girl treated with autologous lipogrefting. 19th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Gothenburg, No:856, October 6-10. Gothenburg, Swedish, 2010

• B3. Sarifakioglu E, Yilmaz AE, C Gorpelioglu, Dogan D, Bilici M. “Prevalance of oral mucosa lesions in pediatric patients from birth to 2 years”. 10th European Society for Pediatric Dermatology Congress. P:159. May20-22, Lousanne, Swithzerland 2010

• B4. Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E ve Reyhan B. “Pregnancy Induced Multiple Atypical Pyogenic Granuloma; Case Report”, 17th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Paris, No:1667, September 17-21. Paris, France, 2008

• B5. Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E ve Haltas H. “Woringer –Kolopp Disease:Case Report. Spider bite-induced pagetoid reticulosis?”, 17th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Paris, No:1044, September 17-21. Paris, France, 2008

• B6. Sarifakioglu, E, Gunduz C ve C Gorpelioglu, “Oral mucosa manifestations in 100 pregnant patients: A case-controlled study”, 15th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Rhodes, No: 05.46, October 4-8, Rhodes,Greece, 2006

• B7. Gorpelioglu, C, Erdal E, Ardicoglu Y, Adam B ve E Sarifakioglu, “Serum leptin, atherogenic lipids and glucose levels in patients with skin tags”, 15th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, No: 39.21, October 4-8,Rhodes, Greece, 2006

• B8. Sarifakioglu E, Catal F, Erdal E, Karadag A ve C Gorpelioglu, “Congenital poliosis with multiple cardiac anomalies: a case report and review of the literature ”, 13th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, P: 142, No: 02.13, November 17-21 Florence, Italy, 2004

• B9. Erdal E, Koçak OM, Erdal G, Arsakay G ve “Evaluation of depression, anxiety and body cathexis scales in acne patients”, 13th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, P:09.12, S:396, November 17- 21 Florence, Italy, 2004

• B10. Erdal E, Öztaş P, Anadolu RY, Çatal F ve C Gorpelioglu. “An unusual case of faun-tail with aplasia cutis congenita and diastematomyelia”, 13th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, P:05.15, S:306, November 17-21 Florence, Italy, 2004

D. Articles Presented at International Scientific Conferences and Published in the Proceedings

• D1. Koçak OM, Silsüpür G, C Görpelioğlu ve Erdal E . “Akne vulgaris ve psikopatoloji İlişkisini aydınlatmaya yönelik bir çalışma”, Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi, 10(2):69-76 (2007).

• D2. Görpelioğlu C, Silsüpür G ve Erdal E.” Rekürren aftöz stomatitli hastalarda serum çinko, ferritin, vitamin B12 düzeyleri ve psikolojik testlerin değerlendirilmesi”, Dermatose, 2:116-119 (2006).

• D3. Görpelioğlu C, Allı N, Erdal E, Uğurlu A. "Comparison of oral doxycycline and topical monomethasone furoate treatments in pityriasis rosea" Turk Klin J Dermatol, 14:128-131 (2004).

• D4. Erpolat S, C Görpelioğlu, Sarıfakıoğlu E. “Geçici kına dövmesi sonrası gelişen alerjik kontakt dermatit: Bir çocuk olgu sunumu”. Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 28(4):239-240 (2011).

• D5. Yüce S, C Görpelioğlu, Haltaş H, Yenidünya S. “Nanta Nevüs: Dört olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi”, Turk Klin J Dermatol 20(3):167-170 (2010).

• D6. Erpolat S, C Görpelioğlu, Sarıfakıoğlu E ve Bilici M. “İki sağlıklı çocukta herpes zoster”, Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 27:51-52 (2010).

• D7. Görpelioğlu C, Atalar H ve Sarıfakıoğlu E.” Bir subungal ekzositoz olgusu”, Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 23:41-2 (2006).

• D8. Görpelioğlu C, Erdal E. “Cutaneous histoplasmosis in an immunocompetent patient”. Turk Klin J Dermatol 2:87-90 (2005).

• D9. Görpelioğlu C, Erdal E. . “İndometazin tedavisine cevap veren bir eozinofilik püstüler follikülit (Ofuji hastalığı) olgusu”. Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 21:86-7 (2004).

• D10. Çömcüoğlu C, Karakayalı G, Güngör E ve Allı N. “Hidrotik ektodermal dysplasia”, Lepra Mec. 29:116-119 (1998).

• D11. Görpelioğlu C. “Vitiligoda psikolojik faktörler”, T Klin Dermatoloji, 2(4):66-71(2009).

• D12. Görpelioğlu C, Erdal E. “Dermatoloji’de imiquimod’un yeri”. Turk Klin J Dermatol, 14:172-6 (2004).

E. Articles Presented at National Scientific Meetings and Published in Conference Proceedings

• E1. Görpelioğlu C, ZC İltemir Duvan, Sarıfkıoğlu E, Ayrım A, Haltaş H. Liken sklerozlu hastalarda MMP-2 Ve MMP-3 değerlendirilmesi: immünohistokimyasal çalışma. XXIII. Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, S:41, No:PT6,19-23 Ekim 2010 (Tartışmalı Poster).

• E2. Erpolat S, C Görpelioglu , Sarıfakıoğlu E. “İnfantil perianal protüzyon ile juvenil ksantogranülom ve kalça çıkığı birlikteliği”, XIX Prof. Dr. A. Lütfü Tat Simpozyumu, S: 286, No: 239,11-15 Kasım Çeşme, İzmir 2009(poster).

• E3. Erpolat S, C Görpelioglu, Sarıfakıoğlu E. ”Bir Progresif maküler hipomelanozis vakasının Topikal Klindamisin%1 losyon ve dar bant UVB ile başarılı tedavisi”, XIX Prof. Dr. A. Lütfü Tat Simpozyumu, S: 244, No: 139 ,11-15 Kasım Ankara, 2009(poster).

• E4. Erpolat S, C Görpelioğlu, Sarıfakıoğlu E.” İntralezyonel steroid tedavisine yanıt veren eritema elevatum diutinum olgusu” V.Ege Dermatoloji Günleri, P No:57, sayfa 58, 7-11 Mayıs, Muğla, 2009 (poster).

• E5. Görpelioglu C, Özol D, Sarıfakıoğlu E. “Akne vulgarisli hastalarda isotretinoinin nazal klirens testi ve solunum fonksiyon testlerine etkisi”, 22 Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, S: 181, No: 27, 14-18 Ekim, Konya, 2008 (sözlü sunum).

• E6 Görpelioglu C, Sarifakıoğlu E. “Saçlı deride pyoderma gangrenozum”, III. Ege Dermatoloji Günleri, S: 42, No:23, 2-6 Mayıs, Girne, Kuzey Kıbrıs, 2007(poster).

• E7. Görpelioğlu C, Sarıfakıoğlu E, Bayrak R , “Topikal pimekrolimus tedavisine cevap veren primer idyopatik tip foliküler müsinözis olgusu”, II. Ege Dermatoloji Günleri, S:46, No:29, 15-18 Mayıs, Fethiye, Antalya, 2006 (poster).

• E8. Erdal E, Koçak OM, Erdal G, Arkasay G, C Görpelioğlu, Anadolu RY ve Özel H, “Akne vulgarisli hastalarda beden algısını etkileyen sosyal ve psikolojik faktörler”, XX. Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, 7-12 Eylül,Çeşme, İzmir, 2004 (poster).

• E9. Sarıfakıoğlu E, Çatal F, Erdal E, Anadolu R, Karadağ A ve C Görpelioğlu, “Çoklu kardiak anomalinin eşlik ettiği bir konjenital poliosis olgusu”, XX. Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, S:169, No: 183, 7-12 Eylül,Çeşme, İzmir, 2004 (poster).

• E10. Görpelioğlu C ve Çalıkoğlu E, “İndometazin tedavisine cevap veren bir eozinofilik püstüler follikülit olgusu“,S:18, P:40, XVI. Prof. Dr. Lütfü Tat Simpozyumu, 31 Ağustos-4 Eylül, Ankara, 2003 (poster)

• E11. Çalıkoğlu E, Öztaş P, Çatal F ve C Görpelioğlu, “Diastematomyeli, segmental hemanjiom ve aplazia kutis konjenita ile birliktelik gösteren nadir bir faun-tail olgusu“, S:28, P:253, XVI. Prof. Dr. Lütfü Tat Simpozyumu, 31 Ağustos-4 Eylül, Ankara, 2003 (poster)

• E12. Çömcüoğlu C, Çalıkoğlu E ve Üstün H, “İmmünkompetan bir primer kutanöz histoplazmosis olgusu“, S:56, P:42, XIX. Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, 3-7 Eylül Kapadokya, 2002 (poster)

• E13. Çalıkoğlu E, C Çömcüoğlu ve Üstün H, “Setirizin tedavisi ile kontrol altına alınan bir eozinofilik sellülitis (Wells sendromu) olgusu“, 4 Çukurova Dermatoloji Günleri, P:4, 30-31 Mayıs Adana, 2002 (poster)

• E14. Öztaş P, Çalıkoğlu E ve C Çömcüoğlu "Palmoplantar pitriyasis rosea“, 4 Çukurova Dermatoloji Günleri, P:14, 30-31 Mayıs Adana, 2002 (poster)

• E15. Öztaş P, Çalıkoğlu E ve C Çömcüoğlu “Plantar keloid gelişen gebe bir olgu“ 4 Çukurova Dermatoloji Günleri, P:25, 30-31 Mayıs, Adana, 2002 (poster)

• E16. Çömcüoğlu, C, TürkerA ve Allı N.“ Pitriazis rozeada doksisiklin ile topikal momethazon furoate tedavisinin karşılaştırılması“, P.79, S:179, XV. Prof. Dr. Lütfü Tat Simpozyumu, 30 Eylül-4 Ekim Ankara, 2001

• E17. Çömcüoğlu, C, İkizoğlu G, Yarangümeli A, Albayrak B ve Allı N. “Psödoksantoma elastikum“, XVIII. Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, S:38, P:65, 6 Eylül-1 Ekim, Antalya, 2000 (poster)

• E18. Çömcüoğlu, C, Güngör E ve Allı N. “Psöriazisin etitopatogenezinde prolaktinin rolü“ XVIII. Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, SS:16 6 Eylül-1 Ekim Antalya, 2000 (Sözlü sunum).


• A6. Sarifakioglu, E , IT. Degim ve C. Gorpelioglu, “Determination of the sildenafil effect on alopecia areata in childhood: An open-pilot comparison study”, J Dermatolog Treat, 17(4):235-237 (2006). (Atıf Sayısı:1) - 1-Coronel-Perez IM, Rodriguez-Rey EM, Camacho-Martinez FM . “Latanoprost in the treatment of eyelash alopecia in alopecia areata universalis “, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 24 (4): 481- 485 (2010).

• A7. Sarıfakiolgu, E., C. Gunduz ve C. Gorpelioglu, “Oral mucosa manifestations in 100 pregnant versus non-pregnant patients: An epidemiological observational study”, Eur J Dermatol , 16(6) : 674-676 (2006).(Atıf Sayısı:2)

- 1.Saddki N, Yusoff A, Hwang YL. “Factors associated with dental visit and barriers to utilisation of oral health care services in a sample of antenatal mothers in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia”.Bmc Public Health , 10:75 (2010). 2 Dahlen G. “Bacterial infections of the oral mucosa”, Periodontology 2000, 49:13

• A14. Gorpelioglu C ve Sarifakioglu E. “ Pyoderma gangrenosum of the scalp following hair high lights in a postpartum patient”, Eur J Dermatol, Jan-Feb;18(1):97-8 (2008).(Atıf Sayısı:1)

- 1.Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E ve Ayrım A. “Pyoderma gangrenosum in pregnancy”, Eur J Dermatol, 19 (5):528-9 (2009).

• A17.Çalıkoğlu, E., P. Öztaş, R. Anadolu , F. Çatal ve C. Görpelioğlu .” An un unusual case of faun-tail with aplasia cutis congenita and diastematomyelia”, Dermatology 209(4):333- 4(2004) (Atıf Sayısı:2)

- 1 Chander R, Jain A, Jaykar K, et al. “Faun Tail Nevus with Aplasia Cutis Congenita”,. Pedıatrıc Dermatology , 26:484-485 (2009).

- 2 Izci Y, GonuL M. “Aplasia cutis congenita: a rare cutaneous sign of split cord malformations”, Int J Dermatol, 46:1031-1035 (2007).

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