ENT Diseases
  • Interests
  • Functional Aesthetic Nose Surgery
  • Prominent Ear Correction
  • Pediatric Ear
  • Nose
  • and Throat Diseases
  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
  • Ear Disorders
  • Voice Disorders
  • Vertigo
ENT Diseases
  • Interests
  • Functional Aesthetic Nose Surgery
  • Prominent Ear Correction
  • Pediatric Ear
  • Nose
  • and Throat Diseases
  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
  • Ear Disorders
  • Voice Disorders
  • Vertigo
Medical Park Adana (Seyhan)
Köprülü, Mustafa Kemal Paşa Blv. No:15, 01140 Seyhan/Adana - Adana

Medical Park Adana (Seyhan)
Köprülü, Mustafa Kemal Paşa Blv. No:15, 01140 Seyhan/Adana - Adana

Academic Background

Education and Specializations
Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine
Ege University, Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Mardin Nusaybin State Hospital, Emergency Department
Mardin Nusaybin State Hospital, Otorhinolaryngology
Courses and Certifications

2nd Conference Live Surgery Hands-on Workshop: Difficult Airway & Laryngotracheal Stenosis, 5-6 February 2016, İzmir
EGE ENT Cadaver Dissection Days - Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Rhinoplasty, and Temporal Bone Course, 11-13 November 2016, İzmir
EGE ENT Cadaver Dissection Days, 25-26 November 2017, İzmir
14th Turkish Rhinology Congress, 6th National Otology and Neurotology Congress, 2nd National Head and Neck Surgery Congress, 28 April - 1 May 2018, Antalya
40th Turkish National ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Congress, 7-11 November 2018, Antalya
6th Oral Mucosal Diseases Symposium, 22 December 2018, İzmir
10th Intercontinental Rhinoplasty, 3-4 May 2019, İzmir
EGE ENT Cadaver Dissection Days, 7 December 2019, İzmir
All in One Rhinoplasty Live Surgery Symposium, 18-19 January 2019, Istanbul
Turkish National ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Virtual Congress, 26-28 November 2020
14th National and 1st Virtual Congress of the Facial Plastic Surgery Society, 12-13 December 2020
Rhinoplasty Difficult Cases Workshop, 11 December 2021, Adana
19th Videoconferences, 24-26 March 2022, Adana
16th National Congress of the Facial Plastic Surgery Society, 9-11 December 2022
Ateş M., Durusoy D., Kaya İ., Biçeroğlu H., Özgiray E., Karcı B., Göde S.: Frontoethmoid Osteoma Causing Pneumocephalus - Pure Nasal Endoscopic Approach, 14th Turkish Rhinology Congress, 28 April - 1 May 2018, Video Presentation Second Prize

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Scientific Publications

Ozturk, K., Turhal, G., Durusoy, D., Sahin, E., Akagunduz, O., Eyigor, S., Akyıldız N. S. , Esassolak, M. (2021). Long-term swallowing outcomes of radiotherapy and transoral laser microsurgery for T1 glottic cancer treatment. Clinical Otolaryngology, 46(2), 340-346

 Yalcin, A., Aras, I., Gode, S., Durusoy, D., Sezgin, B., Eyigor, S., & Aras, A. (2023). Evaluation of swallowing in transverse maxillary deficiency patients before and after rapid maxillary expansion. The Angle Orthodontist.

 Sezgin, B., Durusoy, D., Demirci, M. S., Ozturk, K., Kaya, I., Eyigor, S., & Gode, S. (2018). The effect of “xanthan gum-based fluid thickener” on hydration, swallowing functions and nutritional status in total maxillectomy patients. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 275, 2997-3005.

 Aras, I., Yalcin, A., Gode, S., Aras, A., Sezgin, B., Durusoy, D., & Eyigor, S. (2023). Evaluation of Swallowing Function in Relation to Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Patients with Operated Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 10-1097.

 Ateş, M. S., Turhal, G., Aysel, A., Durusoy, D., & Öztürk, K. (2020). A case with thyroid cartilage fracture after sneezing. Turkish archives of otorhinolaryngology, 58(3), 197.

 Ateş, M. S., Durusoy, D., Eraslan, S., Kaya, İ., Biçeroğlu, H., Göde, S., Özgiray E. , Midilli R., Çağlı S. & Karcı, B. (2018). Our Results of Clivus Chordoma with Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery-Our Clinical Experiences. Eur J Rhinol Allergy, 1(2), 32-7

Baha, S., Sibel, E., Duygu, D., Ezgi, K., Tayfun, K., & Serhat, B. (2020). Oropharyngeal swallowing functions are impaired in patients with naive-achalasia. European Archives of OtoRhino-Laryngology, 277, 1219-1226.


Benzer M., Kaya İ., Göde S., Durusoy D., Bilgen C., Kirazlı T. Kolestetaomlu Kronik Otis Hastalarında Prokalsitonin , HS-CRP, Albumin, Prealbumin ve Nötrofil Oran Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi - 39. Türk Ulusal KBB VE Baş- Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi 8-12 Kasım 2017 Antalya

 Öztürk K., Sezgin B., Kaya İ., Durusoy D., Akyıldız S., Öğüt F., Uluöz Ü. Tip 4 Lazer Kordektomi ve Açık Kordektomi Uygulanan T1 Larenks Karsinomlu Hastalarda Ses Analizleri - 39. Türk Ulusal KBB VE Baş- Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi 8-12 Kasım 2017 Antalya

 Durusoy D., Eraslan S., Kaya İ., Göde S., Midilli R., Bilgen C., Karcı B., Kirazlı T. Septorinoplasti Operasyonu Uygulanan Hastalarda Osteotominin Kohlear Fonksiyon Üzerine Etkisi - 39. Türk Ulusal KBB VE Baş- Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi 8-12 Kasım 2017 Antalya

 Benzer M., Kaya İ., Göde S., Durusoy D., Ateş M., Midilli R., Biçeroğlu H., Özgiray E., Karcı B. Posterior Fossa Cerrahisi Deneyimimiz -39. Türk Ulusal KBB VE Baş- Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi 8-12 Kasım 2017 Antalya

 Ateş M., Durusoy D., Kaya İ., Biçeroğlu H., Özgiray E., Karcı B., Göde S. Pnömosefaliye Neden Olan Frontoetmoid Osteom- Pür Nazal Endoskopik Yaklaşım -14. Türk Rinoloji Kongresi 28 Nisan - 1 Mayıs 2018

 Kirazlı T., Öztürk A., Kaya İ., Durusoy D., Bilgen C., Öğüt F. Açık Kalite Timpanomastoidektomide Mastoid Kavitede Trombositten Zengin Fibrin Klinik Etkinliğinin Araştırılması 40. Türk Ulusal KBB VE Baş- Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi 7-11 Kasım 2018 Antalya

 Eyigör S., Durusoy D., Sezgin B., Sahin E., Soylu B., Öztürk K. Sarcopenia ın Patients With Supracricoid Laryngectomy 41st ESPEN Congress - 31 August - 3 September 2019 Krakow

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