Olfactory neuroblastoma, also known as esthesioneuroblastoma is a rare cancer that starts in your nasal cavity, affecting the nerves and nasal tissues. Often, the tumor develops in the cribriform plate, a bone between your eyes. As the tumor develops in the nasal cavity, it affects your sense of smell.
Although the tumor starts from the nasal cavity, it can reach up to your
eyes and brain; in some rare cases, even up to your bones, lungs, and neck
region. Normally, the tissue is present as a soft tissue mass in the upper
olfactory recess and extends through the cribriform plate.
Olfactory blastoma mainly affects people in the age of 50-60 years but
people of other ages can also get this cancer. Affected people may suffer from
nose bleeding or trouble breathing as the tumor grows in size. Out of total
nasal cavity tumors, olfactory neuroblastoma makes up only 3%.
Olfactory blastoma is treated with surgery but you need experienced and
trained surgeons for the procedure. If you are looking for surgeons, get in touch
with the medical team for olfactory neuroblastoma treatment in Turkiye
Olfactory Neuroblastoma Symptoms
Some warning signs and symptoms can indicate the possibility of olfactory neuroblastoma:
Nose bleeding
Feeling pain around your eyes
Bulging eyes
Runny nose
Watery eyes
Pus formation in the nose
Nose blockage causing trouble in breathing
Anosmia or reduced sense of smell
Feel pain or pressure in ear
Enlarged lymph nodes
Runny nose
Numbness in the tooth or on face
Difficulty opening mouth
It’s true that you may suffer from these symptoms even without olfactory
neuroblastoma. But if you suffer the majority of these symptoms, it is
advisable to visit a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis.
Who is at Risk
Although there is no particular cause of this tumor, certain factors put you at higher risk of this disease. People who are exposed to harmful chemicals due to their work tend to develop tumors in their nasal cavity.
For instance, people who continuously get exposed to flour, nickel and cadmium, wood dust, regular dust, glues, formaldehyde and various other solvents are at higher risk. Staying away from these factors as much as possible can somewhat prevent you from developing this nasal tumor.
Stages of Olfactory Neuroblastoma
As you know, every type of cancer spreads in stages. It’s the stages of the
cancer that help your healthcare providers know about the extent of its spread
in your body parts. Knowing the stages of cancer is important to plan treatment
Often, the olfactory neuroblastoma stages are decided once the surgeons
remove the tumor from the nasal cavity.
The different stages of this cancer are:
Stage A- under this stage, the tumor remains confined to the nasal cavity
Stage B- by this stage, the tumor must have spread to the sinuses lying
around the nose.
Stage C: in this stage, cancer starts moving out of nasal cavity and start
infecting nearby tissues
Stage D- it’s the last stage and by this time, the tumor had spread to
lymph nodes and all other parts of the body including brain, bones and lungs.
Depending on the stage of the tumor, olfactory neuroblastoma life
expectancy ranges between 50-90%.
Diagnosis of Olfactory Neuroblastoma
When you visit a healthcare provider with the symptoms of olfactory
neuroblastoma, the healthcare provider may suggest you undergo some imaging
tests. These tests include MRI, CT scan, and X-rays. All these tests confirm
the presence of tumor and also tells how far and how much the tumor has spread
in the body.
To confirm their diagnosis, the doctor may send a small sample of your
tumor for biopsy to confirm the type of tumor.
Olfactory Neuroblastoma Treatment
When you visit for olfactory neuroblastoma treatment in Turkiye hospitals,
the healthcare providers will suggest the best possible treatment according to
your condition. mostly, the first line of treatment includes olfactory
neuroblastoma surgery to remove tumor and surrounding tissues.
Surgery can be done by two invasive procedures called medial maxillectomy
and wide local excision. Both of these procedures may involve changes in your
facial structure but this is the safest possible treatment. And that’s why
often in people undergoing surgeries for olfactory neuroblastoma, face change
is seen.
If your tumor has not spread out of the nasal cavity or in some other
instances, surgeons may perform a non-invasive surgery called endoscopic
Olfactory neuroblastoma patients also undergo radiation therapy either as a
part of the primary treatment or after the surgery to minimize the chances of
cancer hitting back.
When a tumor spreads to other parts of the body, chemotherapy is also done
to kill the cancer cells. Chemotherapy can also be part of radiation therapy
Complications Associated with Olfactory Neuroblastoma Treatment
Every cancer treatment has its own set of side effects be it short term or
long term. If you are undergoing olfactory neuroblastoma treatment in Turkiye
hospitals, your healthcare providers will inform you of all possible
complications beforehand.
Some of these include:
Damage in your bones
Loss or change in Vision
Changes in the facial structure
Spinal fluid leakage
Managing Life with Olfactory Neuroblastoma
Knowing that you are having cancer is terrible but if you get diagnosed on
time, chances are there for survival. As soon as you notice changes in your
body, contact your healthcare provider.
Try to get into a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious food and
exercising daily.
Although preventing olfactory neuroblastoma is tough, try to stay away from
inhaling harmful chemicals and smoking tobacco.
Try to bring in notice of any change in your body before, during and after
Don’t miss your follow-up appointments, medications, tests and other
procedures. Clear your queries and discuss your concerns at every visit.
Be in touch with your family and friends, talk to them as it helps managing
your anxiety
Try to get into support groups with people suffering from cancer. Getting
associated with such groups gives you strength and ability to fight cancer.
· Lastly, try to be stay calm and positive