General Info

Breast Surgery

Breast surgery encompasses diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for breast conditions, including breast cancer. Advanced imaging techniques such as breast ultrasonography, digital mammography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are employed to detect abnormalities. Below are key applications of breast surgery:

Applications of Breast Surgery

  1. Mass Detection: Identifying the presence of a mass in the breast.
  2. Biopsy: Evaluating whether a detected mass is cancerous.
  3. Definitive Diagnosis: Establishing a definitive diagnosis of malignant masses through biopsies and other diagnostic tools.
  4. Breast-Conserving Surgery: Also known as lumpectomy, this technique removes only the cancerous tissue while preserving the rest of the breast. It is often combined with radiotherapy.
  5. Mastectomy: In cases where breast-conserving surgery is unsuitable, mastectomy is performed. This involves removing the entire breast tissue. There are two types:
    • Simple Mastectomy: Entire breast tissue removal.
    • Modified Radical Mastectomy: Removal of breast tissue along with axillary lymph nodes.
  6. Lymph Node Biopsy: To evaluate cancer spread, lymph nodes near the tumor are biopsied by injecting a radioactive substance around the tumor.
  7. Lymph Node Surgery: If cancerous cells are detected in the lymph nodes, they may be removed alongside breast tissue.

Breast-Conserving Surgery: Eligibility

Breast-conserving surgery is a preferred method for patients meeting the following criteria:

  • Presence of a single tumor in the breast.
  • No distant metastasis of the cancer.
  • No family history of breast cancer.
  • Tumor size smaller than 5 cm, compatible with breast size.
  • Suitability for radiotherapy.
  • A cancer type that aligns with breast-conserving surgery.
  • Absence of widespread microcalcifications in the breast.
  • Low risk of cancer recurrence.

This content was developed with contributions from the Medical Park Editorial Board. It is intended solely for informational purposes and does not include elements related to therapeutic healthcare services. For diagnosis and treatment, always consult your healthcare provider.

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