  • Interests
  • Botox applications
  • Filler applications
  • Medical laser applications
  • Thread lift applications
  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Pediatric dermatology
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Interests
  • Botox applications
  • Filler applications
  • Medical laser applications
  • Thread lift applications
  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Pediatric dermatology
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
Medical Park Ankara (Keçiören) (Keçiören)
Kalaba Mahallesi 30. Sokak No:5 Keçiören / Ankara - Ankara

Medical Park Ankara (Keçiören) (Keçiören)
Kalaba Mahallesi 30. Sokak No:5 Keçiören / Ankara - Ankara

Academic Background

Education and Specialization

2006-2013: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine - Medical Degree
2015-2019: Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine - Dermatology Specialization
2013: Sivas Yıldızeli Kavak Family Health Center - Family Doctor
2013-2015: Sivas Yıldızeli District Health Directorate - District Health Director
2015-2019: Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine - Dermatology Assistant Physician
2019-2023: Ankara Dr. Sami Ulus Children’s Health and Diseases Education and Research Hospital - Specialist Physician
2023-Present: VM Medical Park Ankara Hospital - Specialist Physician

Courses and Certifications

Pre-marriage Examination and Counseling Training, Ministry of Health, Jan 2014
Public Health Services Process, Ministry of Health, Feb 2014
Family Medicine Certificate, Ministry of Health, June 2014
Community Health Center Physicians Training, Ministry of Health, June 2014
Laser Training Certificate, Laser Academy, Nd:YAG, Er:YAG, Q-Switched and Pulsed Dye medical laser theoretical, technical and application training, April 2016
Nevus and Melanoma, Dermatology and Dermatopathology Foundation, Feb 2017
Dermatopathology, Dermatology and Dermatopathology Foundation, Feb 2017
Dermal Filler Training, Dermatology and Dermatopathology Foundation, Feb 2017
Botulinum Toxin Applications, Dermatology and Dermatopathology Foundation, Feb 2017
Dermoscopy Training, Ege Dermatology Days, May 2017
PRP and Mesotherapy Training, Ege Dermatology Days, March 2017
Cosmetology Course, Prof. Dr. A. Lütfi Tat Symposium, Nov 2017
PDO Thread Lifting, Ege Dermatology Days, May 2018
Dermatology Winter School, Turkish Dermatology Society, Dec 2018

Professional Memberships

Turkish Dermatology Society
Ankara Medical Chamber
Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dermatology Society


Best Poster Presentation, 13th Ege Dermatology Days, May 9-13, 2018, Sentido Lykia Resort, Fethiye
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Scientific Publications

A. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals

A1. Yalçınkaya R, Polat M, Özdel S, Arslan H, Tanır G ; “Epsteın-Barr Vırus-Assocıated Haemorrhagic Bullous Henoch-Schonlein Purpura”. J Paediatr Child Health. 2020 Dec;56(12):1993. doi: 10.1111/jpc.15187. PMID: 33351245

A2. Özer M, Arslan H, Bostancı İ (2021). Coexistence of atopic dermatitis and skin picking disorder in a 5-year-old child. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 31 (1):12-15. 10.26326/2281-9649.31.1.2199.

A3. Arslan H, Gunduz O; "Micronutrient Deficiencies and Digital Computerized Phototrichogram Analysis in Telogen Effluvium: A Retrospective Correlation Study in a Tertiary Medical Center"  Dermatology Practical & Conceptual                                                    

A4. Arslan H, Gunduz O;  "Bullous Scabies, A Shed Light on Etiopathogenesis and Treatment: Report of Five Pediatric Cases" Advances in Dermatology and Allergology

A5. Yuksel Bulut H, Arslan H, Ertugrul A, Oz FN, Ulusoy Severcan E, Bostanci I. Successful Revaccinatıon of a Child with Gianottı-Crosti Syndrome Followıng Diphtherıa Tetanus and Rabıes Vaccınatıons. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2023 May 13:S2213-2198(23)00543-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2023.05.007.

        B. Presentations at international scientific conferences and abstracts published in proceedings

B1. 1st International Dermatology and Cosmetology Congress (INDERCOS), March 2016 Istanbul

Demirkan S, Gündüz Ö, Arslan H, Dikiş C, Samav G, Altunkaya C, Karabulut AA; “Amyopathıc Dermatomyosıtıs: A Case Report”

B2. 1st International Dermatology and Cosmetology Congress (INDERCOS), March 2016 Istanbul

Gündüz Ö, Demirkan S, Samav G, Arslan H ; “Relapsıng Polychondrıtıs Mısdıagnosed And Treated As A “Soft Tıssue Infectıon” “

B3. 1st International Dermatology and Cosmetology Congress (INDERCOS), March 2016 Istanbul

Demirkan S, Gündüz Ö, Samav G, Dikiş C, Arslan H, Balcı M, Karabulut AA; Sorafenib-Associated Hand–Foot Syndrome”

B4.1st International Dermatology and Cosmetology Congress (INDERCOS), March 2016 Istanbul

Demirkan S, Gunduz O, Arslan H;  “Emerging Psoriasis As a Wolf’s Isotopic Response After Eczema Herpeticum

B5. 2nd International Dermatology and Cosmetology Congress (INDERCOS), March 2017 Istanbul

Sarı G, Gunduz O, Demirkan S, Arslan H, Kocak G, Atasoy P ; “Unılateral Breast Hypoplasıa As A Clınıcal Manıfestatıon Of Becker Naevus”

B6. 4th International Dermatology and Cosmetology Congress (INDERCOS), March 2019, Istanbul

Arslan H, Gunduz O ;A Simple And Easy Way To Remove Solvent Based Glue: A Case Report”

B7. 7th International Dermatology and Cosmetology Congress(INDERCOS), March 2022, Istanbul (Sözel Sunum)

Arslan H, Gündüz Ö ; “A Comperative Evaluation Of “Light-Pull” Tests, Automated Digital Phototrichograms,and Hb, Ferritin, Zinc Serum Levels in “Telogen Effluvium” Patients”

B8. 7th International Dermatology and Cosmetology Congress(INDERCOS), March 2022, Istanbul

Arslan H, Gündüz Ö, Şen ZS, Durak M; “Bullous scabies, report of four cases supporting the hypotesis of superinfection”

B9. 1st International Forum on Infectious Diseases, March 2019, Istanbul (Sözel Sunum)

Durak M, Arslan H, Kocak G, Demırpence N, Karabulut AA ;”Sexually Acquired Reactive Arthritis: A Case Simulating Psoriatic Arthritis”

C. Chapters written in national/international books

C1. Arslan H. Çocuklar alerjik değilse neden kaşınır?

Bostancı İ, editör. Çocuk Sağlığında Pratik Alerji Yaklaşımları. 1. Baskı. Ankara:Türkiye Klinikleri; 2021. p.47-54.

C2. Arslan H. Romatolojik hastalıklarda cilt bulguları

Çiftçi A, editör. İç Hastalıkları- Güncel Kılavuzlar Eşliğinde. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Hipokrat Yayınları; 2022. p. 3381-3387

C3. Arslan H. Alerjik hastalıklarla sık karışan deri hastalıkları

Özmen S, editör, Çocukluk Çağında Alerjik Cilt Hastalıkları ve Karşılaşılan Sorunlar. 1. Baskı; 2022. p.140-144.

D. Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals

D1. Gündüz Ö, Demirkan S, Samav G, Arslan H, Çakartas  R. Relapsing polychondritis misdiagnosed and treated as a ‘‘Soft Tissue Infection” and a brief review of diagnostic clinical clues. Turkiye Klinikleri J Dermatol 2017;27(3):142–6.

E. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:

E1. 1. Sağlık Bilimleri Akademisi Pediatrik Dermatoloji Sempozyumu, 27 Şubat 2021, Online (Sözel Sunum)

Arslan H, Ertuğrul A, Severcan EU, Bostancı İ; “Covid-19 Pandemisinde Pediatrik Dermatoloji Pratiği”

E2. 2. Sağlık Bilimleri Akademisi Pediatrik Dermatoloji Sempozyumu, 27 Şubat 2021, Online (Sözel Sunum)

Aydoğan S, Fettah ND, Arslan H, Dilli D, Zenciroğlu A ; “Yenidoğanlarda Ağır Seyirli Cilt Hastalıklarının Değerlendirilmesi”

E3. 15. Ulusal Çocuk Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Bağışıklama Kongresi, Mart 2022, Antalya

Yalçınkaya R, Şen ZS, Arslan H, Özdem S, Cinni RG, Öz FN, Tanır G ; “Başarılı Bir Şekilde Tedavi Edilen Ağır Bir Tinea Capitis(Kerion) Olgusu”

E4. 30. Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, Ekim 2022, Kıbrıs

Arslan H, Aydın N, Gül Ü ; “Deri yayma incelemesinde ilginç bir kontaminasyon: Şamdan trikom”

E5. 30. Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, Ekim 2022, Kıbrıs

Gül Ü, Arslan H ; “İmmünglobulin G düşüklüğüne eşlik eden püstüler skabies: Süperenfeksiyon mu, skabiesin ayrı bir klinik görünümü mü?”


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