  • Interests
  • Adrenal Gland Surgery
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Kidney Cancer Surgery
  • Prostate Cancer Surgery
  • Artificial Bladder
  • Prostate HoLEP Surgery
  • Stone Disease Surgery
  • Endoscopic Surgeries
  • Interests
  • Adrenal Gland Surgery
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Kidney Cancer Surgery
  • Prostate Cancer Surgery
  • Artificial Bladder
  • Prostate HoLEP Surgery
  • Stone Disease Surgery
  • Endoscopic Surgeries
Medical Park Kocaeli (Başiskele)
Ovacık Mahallesi, Topsahası Sk. No:34, 41140 Başiskele/Kocaeli - Kocaeli

Medical Park Kocaeli (Başiskele)
Ovacık Mahallesi, Topsahası Sk. No:34, 41140 Başiskele/Kocaeli - Kocaeli

Academic Background

Education and Specialization
1993-1999: Ege University Faculty of Medicine - İzmir
2000-2005: Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, Urology Clinic
2009-2013: Dicle University, Department of Urology
2014-2015: MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA (Observer and Research Fellow)
2015-2019: Dicle University, Department of Urology, Uro-Oncology Section Head

2005-2009: Private Southeastern Medical Center
2009-2010: GATA Urology Department
2010-2013: Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Faculty Board Member
2010-2016: Head of Urology Department, Dicle University
2012-2014: Deputy Chief Physician, Dicle University Hospitals
2014-2015: MD Anderson Cancer Center, specializing in robotic surgery for prostate and urogenital cancers
2016-Present: Board Member and Treasurer, Turkish Urology Association Southeastern Anatolia Branch

European Association of Urology (EAU)
Turkish Urology Association
Turkish Andrology Association
Turkish Urology Association Southeastern Anatolia Branch
Endourology Society
Urooncology Society


Women's Urology Course, Ankara, 2002
Urological Laparoscopic Techniques Symposium, Konya, 2010
Current Andrology Course, Van, 2011
Robotic Surgery Live Course, İzmir, 2015
Laparoscopic Kidney Surgery Course, Diyarbakır, 2016

Scientific Congresses

17th-25th National Urology Congress (Various years, Turkey and international locations)
Medical Oncology and Hematology Conference, MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2014
Advances in Clinical Practice, MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2014
Disciplinary Uro-Oncology Meetings, Antalya, 2011-2018


Third Place Poster Award, 4th Urooncology Winter Symposium, 2011
Best Presentation Award, 27th National Urology Congress, 2018
Recognition Certificates for outstanding academic contributions at Dicle University, 2011-2012
Read more

Scientific Publications

  1. A.    Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler:
    1-    Atar M, Bodakci MN, Sancaktutar AA, Penbegul N, Soylemez H, Bozkurt Y, Hatipoglu NK, Cakmakci S. Comparison of pneumatic and laser lithotripsy in the treatment of pediatric ureteral stones. J Pediatr Urol. 2012 Apr 9. 
    2-    Söylemez H, Bozkurt Y. Comparison of Nephrostomy Drainage Types. Re: Comparison of Nephrostomy Drainage Types following Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Requiring Multiple Tracts: Single Tube versus Multiple Tubes versus Tubeless [Urol Int 2011;87:23-27]. Urol Int. 2012 Mar 24
    3-    Sancaktutar AA, Bozkurt Y, Söylemez H, Ziypak T. Letter to the editör regarding the article "Experience on semirigid ureteroscopy and pneumatic lithotripsy in children at a single center". World J Urol. 2012 Mar 23.
    4-    Soylemez H, Atar M, Ali Sancaktutar A, Bozkurt Y, Penbegul N. Varicocele among healthy young men in Turkey; prevalence and relationship with body mass index.Int Braz J Urol. 2012 Jan;38(1):116-21. PubMed PMID: 22397773.
    5-    Y. Bozkurt, H. Soylemez, AA. Sancaktutar, Y. Islamoglu, A. Kar, N. Penbegul, M. Atar, MN. Bodakci, NK. Hatipoglu. Relationship Between Mean Platelet Volume and Varicocele: A Preliminary Study. Urology. 2012 May;79(5):1048-51. Epub 2012 Mar 3. PubMed PMID: 2238125.
    6-    Söylemez H, Altunoluk B, Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar AA, Penbegül N, Atar M. Radiation Exposure-Do Urologists Take it Seriously in Turkey? J Urol. 2012 Apr;187(4):1301-5. Epub 2012 Feb 15. PubMed PMID: 22341291.
    7-    Sancaktutar AA, Söylemez H, Bozkurt Y, Oktar T. Single session removal of forgotten encrusted ureteral stents: combined endourological approach. Urol Res.  2012 Jan 13. PubMed PMID: 22246315.
    8-    Y. Bozkurt, N. Penbegul, H. Soylemez, M. Atar, AA. Sancaktutar, K. Yıldırım, M.E. Sak.The efficacy and safety of ureteroscopy for ureteral calculi in pregnancy: our experience in 32 patients. Urol Res. 2012 Oct;40(5):531-5
    9-    AA. Sancaktutar, Y. Bozkurt, H. Onder, H. Soylemez, M. Atar, N. Penbegul, T. Ziypak, G. Tekbas, A. Tepeler. A New Practical Model Of Testes Shield: The Effectiveness During Abdominopelvic Computerized Tomography. J Androl. 2012 Sep;33(5):984-9. Epub 2011 Dec 29. PubMed PMID: 22207708.
    10-     N. Penbegul, A. Tepeler, AA. Sancaktutar, Y. Bozkurt, M. Atar, K. Yıldırım, H. Soylemez. Safety and Efficacy of Ultrasound-guided Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Treatment of Urinary Stone Disease in Children. Urology. 2012 May;79(5):1015-9. Epub 2011 Dec 22. PubMed PMID: 22196411.
    11-    H. Soylemez, M. Atar, AA. Sancaktutar, N. Penbegul, Y. Bozkurt, K. Onem. Relationship between penile size and somatometric parameters in 2276 healthy young men. Int J Impot Res. 2012 May-Jun;24(3):126-9. doi: 10.1038/ijir.2011.53. Epub 2011 Dec 22. PubMed PMID: 22189447.
    12-    N. Penbegul, Y. Bez, M. Atar, Y. Bozkurt, AA. Sancaktutar, H. Soylemez, S. Ozen. No evidence of depression, anxiety, and sexual dysfunction following penile racture. Int J Impot Res. 2012 Jan;24(1):26-30. doi: 10.1038/ijir.2011.42. Epub 2011 Sep 15. 
    13-    AA. Sancaktutar, H. Soylemez, Y. Bozkurt, N. Penbegul, M. Atar. Treatment of forgotten ureteral stents: how much does it really cost? A cost-effectivenes study in 27 patients. Urol Res. 2012 Aug;40(4):317-25. Epub 2011 Aug 11. 
    14-    Söylemez H, Sancaktutar AA, Bozkurt Y, Atar M, Penbegül N, Yildirim K. A cheap minimally painful and widely usable alternative for retrieving ureteral stents. Urol Int. 2011;87(2):199-204. 
    15-    Söylemez H, Kiliç S, Atar M, Penbegül N, Sancaktutar AA, Bozkurt Y. Effects of micronised purified flavonoid fraction on pain, semen analysis and scrotal color Doppler parameters in patients with painful varicocele; results of a randomized placebo-controlled study. Int Urol Nephrol. 2012 Apr;44(2):401-8. Epub 2011 Jul 30. PubMed PMID: 21805085.
    16-    AA. Sancaktutar, A. Tepeler, H. Soylemez, N. Penbegul, M. Atar, Y. Bozkurt, K. Yıldırım. A solution for medical and legal problems arising from forgotten ureteral stents: initial results from a reminder short message service (SMS). Urol Res. 2012 Jun;40(3):253-8. Epub 2011 Jul 27. PubMed PMID: 21792673.
    17-    Dayanc M, Irkilata HC, Kibar Y, Bozkurt Y, Basal S, Xhafa A. Y-type urethral  duplication presented with perineal fistula in a boy. Ger Med Sci. 2010 Nov 29;8:Doc33. PubMed PMID: 21139990; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2996059.
    18-    Sancaktutar AA, Pembegül N, Bozkurt Y, Kolcu B, Tepeler A. Multiple circumferential urethrocutaneous fistulae as a rare complication of circumcision  and review of literature. Urology. 2011 Mar;77(3):728-9. Epub 2010 Aug 30.Review. PubMed PMID: 20800885.
    19-    Tahmaz L, Irkilata HC, Goktolga U, Yildirim I, Bozkurt Y, Basal S, Dayanc M. Modified psoas hitch with Lich-Gregoir onlay technique for the reconstruction of lower ureter during gynecologic or obstetric operations. Urol Int.2010;85(3):257-60. PMID: 20668367.
    20-    Bozkurt Y, Yıldırım İ, Kibar Y, Demirer Z, Göktaş S, Dayanç M. Metachronous, Sertoli and Leydig cell tumors of the testes in a patient: Case Report. BJUI. webside. 2010. 
    21-     Atar M, Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar  AA, Soylemez H, Penbegul N, Sak ME,Tekin R, Bodakci MN,  Hatipoglu NK. Bacterial profile and drug susceptibility pattern of urinary tract infection in pregnant women with ureteral stones and hydronephrosis. Afr. J. Microbiol.Res. 2012;6 (12):3029-33.
    22-     Dostbil Z, Pembegül N, Küçüköner M, Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar AA, Yildiz Y,Tekbaş G. Comparison of split renal function measured by 99mTc-DTPA, 99mTc-MAG3 and 99mTc-DMSA renal scintigraphies in paediatric age groups. Clin. Rev. Opinions. 2011; 3(2): 20–25.
    23-    Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar AA, Soylemez H, Atar M. A Solution for Delay and Survival in Bladder Cancer: The Use of Reminder Short Message Service. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2012;18(4):241. Epub 2012 May 17. 
    24-    Y. Bozkurt, H. Soylemez, AA. Sancaktutar, Y. Islamoglu, A. Kar, N. Penbegul, M. Atar, MN. Bodakci, NK. Hatipoglu.  Reply by the authors. Urology. 2012 Sep;80(3):747. PubMed PMID: 22925261.
    25-    H. Soylemez, N. Penbegul, M. Atar, Y. Bozkurt, A.A. Sancaktutar, B. Altunoluk. Comparison of  Laparoscopic and Microscopic Subinguinal Varicocelectomy in terms of Postoperative Scrotal Pain. Journal of the Society of Laparoendscopic Surgeons 2012; 16: 212–217.
    26-     AA Sancaktutar, H. Kilinçaslan, M. Atar, H. Söylemez, N. Penbegül, Y. Bozkurt, A. Tepeler, "Severe phimosis leading to obstructive uropathy in a boy with Lichen sclerosus"", Scand J Urol Nephrol (ISI) , 2012 Oct;46(5):371-4. Epub 2012 May 18. PubMed PMID: 22594961.
    27-    Y. Bozkurt, U. Fırat, M. Atar, AA. Sancaktutar, N. Penbegul, H. Soylemez, H. Yüksel, H. Alp, MN. Bodakci, NK. Hatipoglu, S. Büyükbaş.  The Protective Effect of Ellagic Acid Against Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Male Rats. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 18 (5): 823-828, 2012.
    28-    Bakır S, Fırat U, Gün R, Bozkurt Y, Yorgancılar E, Kınış V, Penbegül N, Gökalp O, Topçu I. Histopathologic results of long-term sildenafil administration on rat inner ear. Am J Otolaryngol. 2012 Jun 8. [Epub ahead of print] 
    29-    M. Kucukoner, U. Fırat, A. Inal, M.A. Kaplan, Y. Bozkurt,  M. Atar, A. Isikdogan, Z. Urakci. Testis Mesothelioma: A Case Report: World J Nephrol Urol  2012; 1(2-3): 91-93. doi:10.4021/wjnu19w.
    30-    AA Sancaktutar, Y. Bozkurt, A. Tüfek, H. Söylemez, H. Onder, M. Atar, N. Penbegül, MN. Bodakçı, NK. Hatipoğlu, T. Oktar. Radiation-free percutaneous nephrostomy performed on neonates, infants, and preschool-age children. J Pediatr Urol. 2012 Jul 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22763106.
    31-    M. Atar, AA. Sancaktutar, N. Penbegul, H. Soylemez, MN Bodakci, NK. Hatipoglu, Y. Bozkurt, S. Cakmakci. Comparison of a 4.5 F semi-rigid ureteroscope with a 7.5 F rigid ureteroscope in the treatment of ureteral stones in preschool-age children. Urol Res. 2012 Jul 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22782116.
    32-    M. Atar, NK. Hatipoglu, H. Soylemez, N. Penbegul, Y. Bozkurt, H. Gumus, AA. Sancaktutar, S. Kuday, MN. Bodakci. Relationship between colon and kidney: A critical point for percutaneous procedures. Scand J Urol Nephrol. 2012 Jul 30. 
    33-    Z. Demirer, M. Zor, B. Kurt, Y. Bozkurt, I. Yildirim. Bilateral Renal Metastasis of an Inguinal Malignant Solitary Fibrous Tumor, 9 Years after Primary Surgical Treatment.
    Med Princ Pract 2012; 21: 585–587.
    34-    N. Penbegul, H. Soylemez, Y. Bozkurt, AA. Sancaktutar, MN. Bodakci, NK. Hatipoglu, M. Atar, K. Yildirim. An alternative and inexpensive percutaneous access needle in pediatric patients. Urology. 2012 Oct;80(4):938-40. doi: 10.1016/j. urology.2012.07.010. Epub 2012 Aug 22. PubMed PMID: 22921707.
    35-    Y. Bozkurt, M. Atar, N. Penbegul, H. Soylemez, AA. Sancaktutar. Re: Re: The efficacy and safety of ureteroscopy for ureteral calculi in pregnancy: our experience in 32 patients. Urol Res. 2012 Sep 16. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22983460.
    36-    Y. Bozkurt, H. Soylemez, AA. Sancaktutar, N. Penbegul, M. Atar, MN. Bodakci, NK. Hatipoglu, Y. Islamoglu, A. Kar. Reply by the authors. Urology. 2012 Oct;80(4):962-3. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2012.05.005. PubMed PMID: 23021682.
    37-    Y. Bozkurt, H. Soylemez. Reply by the authors. Urology. 2012 Oct;80(4):956-7. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2012.06.024. PubMed PMID: 23021671.
    38-    AA. Sancaktutar, S. Adanur, B. Reşorlu, A. Tepeler, T. Ziypak, H. Soylemez, M. Atar, Y. Bozkurt, N. Penbegül, A. Tüfek, S. Yavuz. The forgotten ureteral stent in children: From diagnosis to treatment. J Urol. 2012 Sep 25. pii: S0022-5347(12)04984-1. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2012.09.089. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23022000.
    39-    H. Söylemez, AA. Sancaktutar, MS. Silay, N. Penbegül, Y. Bozkurt, M. Atar, B. Altunoluk, MN. Bodakci, NK. Hatipoglu. Knowledge and Attitude of European Urology Residents about Ionizing Radiation. Urology. Accepted (with revisions): July 10, 2012 [Epub ahead of print]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.urology.2012.07.097.
    40-    H. Söylemez, AA. Sancaktutar, MS. Silay, N. Penbegül, Y. Bozkurt, M. Atar, B. Altunoluk, MN. Bodakci, NK. Hatipoglu. Reply to Editorial Comment for: “Knowledge and Attitude of European Urology Residents about Ionizing Radiation”. Urology. Accepted (with revisions): September 7, 
    41-    Y. Bozkurt, M. Bozkurt, G. Turkçu, AA. Sancaktutar, H. Soylemez, N. Penbegul, M. Atar, MN. Bodakci, NK. Hatipoglu, H. Yuksel, E. Kıbrıslı, C. Yavuz. Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Protects Kidneys against Acetylsalicylic Acid Toxicity in Rats. Ren Fail. 2012;34(9):1150-5. Epub 2012 Sep 6. PubMed PMID: 22950656.
    42-    H. Söylemez, Y. Bozkurt, N. Penbegül, AA. Sancaktutar, B. Altunoluk, , M. Atar, O. Evliyaoğlu, MN. Bodakci, NK. Hatipoglu. Time Dependent Oxidative Stress Effects of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. Urol Res. Accepted (with revisions): September 24, 2012 [Epub ahead of print].
    43-    Türkcü FM, Yüksel H, Sahin A, Murat M, Bozkurt Y, Caça I. Central serous chorioretinopathy due to tadalafil use. Int Ophthalmol. 2012 Oct 14. Int Ophthalmol (2013) 33:177–180 DOI 10.1007/s10792-012-9646-x
    44-     Atar M, Bozkurt Y, Soylemez H, Penbegul N, Sancaktutar AA,  Bodakcı MN, Hatipoglu NK, Hamidi C, Ozler A. Use of Renal Resistive Index and Semi-Rigid Ureteroscopy for Managing Symptomatic Persistent Hydronephrosis During Pregnancy. International Journal of Surgery 2012; (10): 629-633.
    45-    Bozkurt Y, Soylemez H, Atar M, Sancaktutar AA, Penbegul N, Hatipoglu NK, Bodakcı MN, Evsen MS. Effectiveness and Safety of Ureteroscopy in Pregnant Women: A comparative Study. Urol Res. Accepted (with revisions): November 2012.
    46-     Bodakci MN, Bozkurt Y, Soylemez H, Hatipoglu NK, Penbegul N, Atar M, et al. Relationship between premature ejaculation and postcircumcisional mucosal cuff length. Scandinavian journal of urology. 2013 Oct;47(5):399-403. PubMed PMID: 23356828.
    47-     Soydinc HE, Sak ME, Evsen MS, Bozkurt Y, Keles A. Unusual case of extraovarian granulosa cell tumor. European review for medical and pharmacological sciences. 2012 Oct;16 Suppl 4:30-1. PubMed PMID: 23090801.
    48-     Penbegul N, Hatipoglu NK, Bodakci MN, Atar M, Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar AA, et al. Role of ultrasonography in percutaneous renal access in patients with renal anatomic abnormalities. Urology. 2013 May;81(5):938-42. PubMed PMID: 23473736.
    49-     Hatipoglu NK, Bodakci MN, Penbegul N, Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar AA, Atar M, et al. Debate on monoplanar percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Urolithiasis. 2013 Oct;41(5):453-4. PubMed PMID: 23887356.
    50-     Hatipoglu NK, Bodakci MN, Penbegul N, Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar AA, Atar M, et al. Monoplanar access technique for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Urolithiasis. 2013 Jun;41(3):257-63. PubMed PMID: 23564416.
    51-     Hatipoglu NK, Evliyaoglu O, Isik B, Bodakci MN, Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar AA, et al. Antioxidant Signal and KIM-1 Levels in SWL Induced Kidney Injury. Journal of endourology / Endourological Society. 2013 Sep 17. PubMed PMID: 24044353.
    52-    N. Penbegul, Y. Bozkurt, K. Yıldırım, AA. Sancaktutar, H. Soylemez, M. Atar, Y. Bez., "Multıple Surgerıes due to pneumaturıa, sıstolıtıasıs and neurogenıc bladder in a case with Munchausen’s Syndrome", Urol J. 2014 Mar 4;11(1):1331-4.
    53-    Bozkurt M, Gocmez C, Soylemez H, Daggulli M, Em S, Yildiz M, Atar M, Bozkurt Y, Ozbey I. Association between neuropathic pain, pregabalin treatment, and erectile dysfunction. J Sex Med. 2014 Jul;11(7):1816-22. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12458. PMID:  24612455
    54-    Bodakci MN, Daggülli M, Sancaktutar AA, Söylemez H, Hatipoglu NK, Utangaç MM, Penbegül N, Ziypak T, Bozkurt Y. Minipercutaneous nephrolithotomy in infants: a single-center experience in an endemic region in Turkey.Urolithiasis (2014) 42:427–433. doi: 10.1007/s00240-014-0677-9. Epub 2014 Jul 9.PMID: 25004801
    55-    Penbegul N, Dede O, Daggulli M, Hatipoglu NK, Bozkurt Y. A novel percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) set: The 'Economical One-shot PCNL Set' (Ecoset). Arab J Urol. 2017 Jun 26;15(3):199-203. doi: 10.1016/j.aju.2017.05.003. 
    56-    Penbegul N, Atar M, Kendirci M, Bozkurt Y, Hatipoglu NK, Verit A, Kadıoglu A. Primitive robotic procedures: automotions for medical liquids in 12th century Asia minor. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2014 Dec 30;86(4):300-3. doi: 10.4081/aiua.2014.4.300. PMID: 25641458
    57-    Dede O, Bas O, Sancaktutar AA, Daggulli M, Utangac M, Penbegul N, Hatipoglu NK, Bodakci MN, Bozkurt Y. Comparison of monoplanar and biplanar access techniques for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. J Endourol. 2015 Apr 28. Volume 29, Number 9, September 2015 Pp. 993–997 DOI: 10.1089/end.2015.0166 PMID: 25919344
    58-    Dede O, Sancaktutar AA, Baş O, Dağgüllu M, Utangaç M, Penbegul N, Soylemez H, Hatipoglu NK, Bodakci MN, Bozkurt Y, Atar M, Dede G. Micro-percutaneous nephrolithotomy in infants: a single-center experience. Urolithiasis (2016) 44:173–177 DOI 10.1007/s00240-015-0807-z PMID: 26209010
    59-    Dağgülli M, Utanğaç MM, Dede O, Bodakçi MN, Penbegül N, Hatipoğlu NK, Atar M, Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar AA. Micro-percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the treatment of pediatric nephrolithiasis: A single-center experience. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 51 (2016) 626–629  DOI:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2015.09.012 PMID: 26460156 
    60-    Daggülli M, Utangaç MM, Dede O, Bodakci MN, Hatipoglu NK, Penbegül N, Sancaktutar AA, Bozkurt Y, Söylemez H. Potential biomarkers for the early detection of acute kidney injury after percutaneous nephrolithotripsy. Urolithiasis (2016) 44:173–177 DOI 10.1007/s00240-015-0807-z PMID: 26481764 
    61-    Daggulli M, Dede O, Utangac MM, Bodakci MN, Hatipoglu NK, Penbegul N, Sancaktutar AA, Bozkurt Y, Türkçü G, Yüksel H. Protective effects of carvacrol against methotrexate-induced testicular toxicity in rats. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2014 Dec 15;7(12):5511-6. eCollection 2014. PMID: 25664063
    62-    Cakmakci S, Penbegul N, Utangac MM, Daggulli M, Dede O, Bodakci MN, Sancaktutar AA, Bozkurt Y. Holmium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Ho:YAG) laser for resection of bladder tumor in a pediatric patient. Ped Urol Case Rep 2015;2(5):10-5 doi:10.14534/PUCR.2015512750
    63-    Göya C, Hamidi C, Bozkurt Y, Yavuz A, Kuday S, Gümüş H, Türkçü G, Hattapoğlu S, Bilici A. The Role of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Quantification in Differentiating Benign and Malignant Renal Masses by 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Balkan Med J. 2015 Jul;32(3):273-8. doi: 10.5152.  
    64-    Williams SB, Bozkurt Y, Achim M, Achim G, Davis JW. Sequencing robot-assistepextended pelvic lymph node dissection prior to radical prostatectomy: a step-by-step guide to exposure and efficiency. BJU Int. 2016 Jan;117(1):192-8. doi: 10.1111/bju.13228. PMID: 26190197.
    65-    Penbegul N, Utangac MM, Daggulli M, Dede O, Bozkurt Y, Bodakci MN, Atar M: A novel drainage technique during micropercutaneous nephrolithotomy in pediatric patients: Double angiocath. Journal of pediatric surgery 2016;51:1051-1053.
    66-    Penbegul N, Atar M, Alan C, Bozkurt Y, Hatipoglu NK. A very easy technique of stenting for laparoscopic pyeloplasty: penbegul intravenous cannula (PICA) technique. Int Braz J Urol. 2018 Dec 15;45. doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2018.0303. [Epub ahead of print]
    67-    Utanğaç MM, Dağgülli M, Dede O, Sancaktutar AA, Bozkurt Y. Effectiveness of ureteroscopy among the youngest patients: One centre's experience in an endemic region in Turkey.J Pediatr Urol. 2017 Feb;13(1):37.e1-37.e6. doi:10.1016/j.jpurol.2016.10.016.  PMID:28012707
    68-    Metcalfe MJ, Troncoso P, Guo CC, Chen HC, Bozkurt Y, Ward JF, Pisters LL. Salvage prostatectomy for post-radiation adenocarcinoma with treatment effect: Pathological and oncological outcomes. Can Urol Assoc J. 2017 Jul;11(7):E277-E284. doi: 10.5489/cuaj.4304.  PMID: 28761588
    B.    Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
    1.    Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar AA, Bostancı Y, Kapan M, Çaycı HM. Comparison of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) versus Ureteroscopic Stone Extraction (URS) in the Treatment of Ureteral Stones. Eur J Gen Med 2010; 7(1):29-34.
    2.    Bozkurt Y, Mertoğlu O, Zorlu F. Üriner stres inkontinansda sling cerrahisi öncesi ürodinamik değişkenlerin preoperatif ve postoperatif klinik yansımaları. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2008; 35: 254-259.
    3.     Bozkurt Y, Ece A, Yolbaş İ, Sancaktutar AA, Kelekçi S, Güneş A, Yel S. Pediatrik ürolitiyazis: 342 hastaya ait verilerin değerlendirilmesi. Düzce Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2009; 11(2):21-25.
    4.    Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar AA, Yağcı S, Kapan M, Çaycı HM. Üreter taşları: 146 olguda ESWL tedavisi sonuçları. Düzce Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2009; 11(3):11-15.
    5.    Bozkurt Y, Sancaktutar AA, Kuvel M, Kapan M, Toksöz M. Alt ve orta üreter taşlarının üreteroskopik yöntemle rutin kılavuz tel (guide wire)  kullanmaksızın çıkarılması. Yeni Tıp Dergisi.2008;25:223-27.
    6.    Haluk Söylemez, Murat Atar, Yaşar Bozkurt, Necmettin Penbegul, Ahmet Ali Sancaktutar Askerlik Çağındaki Erkeklerde İnguinal ve Genital Organ Anomalisi Sıklığı ve Farkındalığı. Türk Üroloji Dergisi. 2011;37(2):153-158.
    7.    Ahmet Ali Sancaktutar, Murat Atar, Haluk Söylemez, Yaşar Bozkurt, Necmettin Penbegül, Mehmet Nuri Bodakçı, Hatice Gümüş. Üç yaş altı çocuklarda üreter taşlarının tedavisinde 4.5 F semirijit üreteroskopinin (Mini-URS) etkinliği. Turkish Journal of Urology 2011; 37(4): 335-340.
    8.    Evliyaoğlu O, Bozkurt Y, Selvi Kelekçi S, Tutanç M, Yel S. Ailesel Akdeniz Ateşi Bulunan Çocuklarda İdrarla Kalsiyum Atılımı. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi. 2009; 3(2): 28-34.
    9.     Kilciler M, Bozkurt Y, Ürolojik Laparoskopik Cerrahide Port Yeri Metastazı: Derleme. Yeni Üroloji Dergisi 2009, 5 (3): 103-110
    10.     Kapan M, Aslanmirza MY, Karip AB, Bozkurt Y, Evsen MS, Sak E, Öngören AU. Lokal fenitoin ve üre uygulamasının yara iyileşmesi üzerine olan etkilerinin karşılaştırılması. Yeni Tıp Dergisi 2008;25: 209-212
    11.    Çaycı HM, Bozkurt Y, Sarı H, Bilici S, Kapan M. Sakrokoksigeal Pilonidal Sinus Eksizyonu Sonrası Yara İyileşmesinde Sıcak Su Banyosunun Etkinliği. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 2009; 36 (2 ): 104-109.
    12.    Evsen MS, Sak ME, Özkul Ö, Bozkurt Y, Kapan M. Acil Peripartum Histerektomi. Dicle Tıp Dergis 2009; 3:23-27.
    13.    Evsen MS, Sak E, Bozkurt Y, Kapan M, Bakır Ç.  Nedbesiz uterus rüptürü: Bölgesel insidans, nedenler ve tedavi. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2008; 35: 260-264
    14.    Namık Kemal Hatipoğlu, Necmettin Penbegül, Haluk Söylemez, Murat Atar, Yaşar Bozkurt, Ahmet Ali Sancaktutar, Mehmet Nuri Bodakçı. Ürolojik laparoskopik cerrahi: Dicle üniversitesindeki ilk 100 deneyimimiz. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations. 2012; 3 (1): 44-48
    15.    M.N Bodakçı, Y Bozkurt, M Atar, N.K Hatipoğlu, N Penbegül, H Söylemez, A.A Sancaktutar, K Yıldırım, "Düşük prostat spesifik antijen değeri olan hastalara yapılan transrektal prostat biyopsisi sonuçlarımız", Dicle Tıp Dergisi , 2012 , DOI: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.02.0134 
    16.     Sancaktutar AA, Penbegül N, Söylemez H, Bozkurt Y, Atar M, Gedik A, Gümüş H. Temiz aralıklı kateterizasyon uygulayan hastada dev üretra taşı. Dicle Tıp Dergisi. 2011; 38 (2): 250-252
    17.    Penbegül N, Söylemez S, Sancaktutar AA, Atar M, Bozkurt Y, Yıldırım K, Kılıç F. Ağır Kifoskolyozlu Hastada Supin Pozisyonda Ultrasonografi Eşliğinde Perkütan Nefrolitotripsi. Marmara Medical Journal 2011;24:208-10
    18.    Kapan M, Toksöz M, Bakır Ş.D, Yazar B.Ç, Evsen M.S, Bozkurt Y. Primary thyroid tuberculosis: case report and review of the literature. Eur J Gen Med 2011;8(4):357-360.
    19.    Kapan M, Toksöz M, Bakır Ş.D, Sak M.E, Evsen M.S, Bozkurt Y, Önder A. Tuberculosis of breast: report of two cases and review of the literature. Eur J Gen Med 2010;7(2):216-219.
    20.    Sancaktutar AA, Bozkurt Y, Tepeler A, Penbegül N, Atar M. An Unusual Mass on the Skin of Scrotum: Acrochordon. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine Publihed Online: 12.01.2012.
    21.    H. Söylemez, S. Kılıç, Y. Bozkurt, AA. Sancaktutar.  Yemek Sonrası Kronik Karın Ağrısı Kliniği Olan Nadir Görülen Dev Adrenal Miyelolipom. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine Publihed Online: 20.06.2012; 1-3.
    22.    Y. Bozkurt, A.A. Sancaktutar, Y. Kibar. İnmemiş testis ve eşzamanlı kasık fıtığı birlikteliği: Derleme. Dicle Tıp Dergisi; 2012; 39 (3): 462-466. 
    23.    AA. Sancaktutar, H Söylemez, N Penbegül, M Atar, Y Bozkurt, NK. Hatipoğlu, F. Kılıç. Okul öncesi çocuklarda perkütan nefrolitotomi deneyimlerimiz. Turkish Journal of Urology 2012; 38(3): 143-8.
    24.    H. Söylemez, H. Çakıcı, AA. Sancaktutar, M. Atar, Y. Bozkurt.  Seven Batteries in the Bladder Due to Autoerotism. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2012; 2: xx-xx (Basımda).
    25.    N.Penbegül, Y. Bozkurt, H.Söylemez. Üretral Travmalar: Derleme. Turkiye Klinikleri J Urology-Special Topics 2012;5(4): 15-27.
    26.    AA Sancaktutar, H Söylemez, M Atar, N Penbegül, Y Bozkurt. “Obstrüktif anürinin sıradışı bir nedeni: soliter böbrekte enkruste unutulmuş DJ stent” Turkish Journal of Urology 2012; 38(4): 249-52 • doi:10.5152/tud.2012.052
    27.    A.A. Sancaktutar, T Ziypak, Ş  Adanur, H Söylemez, C Hamidi, Y Bozkurt, M Atar, M. N. Bodakçi. Ürologların gonad kalkanı kullanımı hakkında bir anket çalışması. Dicle Tıp Dergisi / 2012; 39 (4): 485-491.
    28.    NK Hatipoğlu, MN. Bodakçı, N. Penbegül, H. Söylemez, AA. Sancaktutar,  M. Atar, M. Dağgulli, Y. Bozkurt. " Retrograd intrarenal cerrahi deneyimlerimiz.", Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 2014; 41 (1): 95-98  
    29.    Mansur Dağgülli, Mehmet Mazhar Utanğaç, Yaşar Bozkurt, Onur Dede, Mehmet Nuri Bodakçi, Ahmet Ali Sancaktutar, Necmettin Penbegül, Namık Kemal Hatipoğlu. Laparoskopik radikal nefrektomi deneyimlerimiz. Dicle Tıp Dergisi  2014; 41 (4): 732-737  doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.04.0508
    30.    Mansur Dağgülli, Mehmet Mazhar Utangaç, Onur Dede, Mehmet Nuri Bodakcı, Necmettin Penbegül, Ahmet Ali Sancaktutar, Süleyman Çakmakcı, Yaşar Bozkurt. PNL ve açık böbrek taşı cerrahisi sonrası rekürrens. Yeni Üroloji Dergisi - The New Journal of Urology 2015; 10 (1): 16-20.
    C.    Yazılan Ulusal / Uluslararası Kitaplardaki Bölümler
    1-    Bozkurt Y, Örgen S. Genitoüriner travmalar. N. Bozdemir, İ.H. Kara. Birinci Basamak Hekiminin Tanı ve Tedavi. Nobel Yayınları, ADANA,  2011. sayfa:1196-1198
    2-    Atar M, Bozkurt Y. Prostat Kanseri Tedavisinde Cerrahi. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Oncol-Special Topics 2015;8(3):10-7
    3-    Necmettin Penbegul, Murat Atar, Muammer Kendirci, Yasar Bozkurt, Namık Kemal Hatipoglu, Ayhan Verit, Ateş Kadıoglu. Pioneering Robotic Procedures: Automations for medical liquids in 12th century Asia Minor. Archivio Italiano di Urologia e Andrologia 300 2014; 86, 4
    4-    Bozkurt Y. Testis Tümörlerinde Güncelleme (Düşük hacimli Metastatik Hastalık) 
    Türk üroloji akademisi yayını no: 5, Sayfa 83-86, 2016..  ISBN: 978-605-83191-0-3
    5-    Bozkurt Y, Aktaş M. Böbrek Tümörlerinde İmmünoterapi. TÜD/Türk Ürolojı Akademısı Yayını No: 17. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, sayfa 97-102. Ocak 2018 – Istanbul
    ISBN: 978-605-83191-7-2
    6-    Bozkurt Y. Parsiyel Nefrektomi Komplikasyonlarından Kaçınmanın Yolları ve Komplikasyona Yaklaşım. Ürolojik Onkoloji Bülteni, BÖBREK KANSERİ 2017; Cilt 1 - Sayı 2: 119-126. ISSN 2564-6699


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