Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • Interests
  • Pregnancy Follow-up
  • High-Risk Pregnancy Follow-up
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Hysteroscopic Surgery
  • Gynecologic Oncology
  • Genital Aesthetics
  • Urogynecology
  • Endoscopic Procedures
Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • Interests
  • Pregnancy Follow-up
  • High-Risk Pregnancy Follow-up
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Hysteroscopic Surgery
  • Gynecologic Oncology
  • Genital Aesthetics
  • Urogynecology
  • Endoscopic Procedures
Medical Park Kocaeli (Başiskele)
Ovacık Mahallesi, Topsahası Sk. No:34, 41140 Başiskele/Kocaeli - Kocaeli

Medical Park Kocaeli (Başiskele)
Ovacık Mahallesi, Topsahası Sk. No:34, 41140 Başiskele/Kocaeli - Kocaeli

Academic Background

Education and Specialization
1994 - 2000 Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
2005 - 2010 Istanbul Haydarpasa Training and Research Hospital – Specialization

2010-2012: Bayburt State Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Head
2012-2016: Kocaeli Derince Training and Research Hospital, Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology
2016-2020: Health Sciences University Derince Training and Research Hospital, Assistant Professor
2018-2021: Derince Training and Research Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Administrative Head

Courses and Certifications

Endometrial and Ovarian Cancers, 10th Uludag Oncology Symposium, December 16-18, 2005
10th National Gynecological Oncology Congress, April 19-23, 2006
Minimal Access Surgery Course, Istanbul Göztepe Training and Research Hospital, April 16-20, 2008
Cerrahpasa Obstetrics and IVF Days, May 30-31, 2008
3rd National Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Congress, October 16-19, 2008
Minimal Surgery in Infertility Course, Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, October 25, 2008
Neonatal Resuscitation Program Practitioner Course, May 5-7, 2009
Controversial Issues in Urogynecology Symposium, Turkish Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery Association, January 23-24, 2010
Reconstructive Surgical Approaches in Urogynecology Course, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, April 29, 2010
Gynecological Endoscopy Workshop, Kocaeli Derince Training and Research Hospital, November 24, 2012
Urogynecology Surgical Workshop, Kocaeli Derince Training and Research Hospital, March 31, 2013
11th National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress, May 15-19, 2013
2nd Gynecological Endoscopy Workshop, Kocaeli Derince Training and Research Hospital, May 29-30, 2013
Western Black Sea Workshop and Symposium, February 15-16, 2014
Emergency Obstetric Care Clinical Training, Ministry of Health, April 7-9, 2014
3rd Gynecological Endoscopy Workshop, Kocaeli Derince Training and Research Hospital, April 19-20, 2014
12th National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress, May 15-19, 2014
Basic Good Clinical Practices Training, January 16-17, 2015
Laparoscopy and Robotic Surgery Course, October 7, 2016
National Cancer Week Registration and Screening Training, April 6-8, 2016
Gynecological Robotic Surgery Symposium, March 25-26, 2016
Baby-Friendly Hospital Training and Evaluator Training, October 10-14, 2016
Young Endoscopists Platform Symposium, January 13-15, 2017
Gynecological Laparoscopy Cadaver Course, February 16-17, 2017
Step-by-Step Surgery for Deep Endometriosis Pre-Congress Course, October 18, 2017

Professional Memberships

Turkish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Society of Gynecological Endoscopy
Turkish Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery Association
Kocaeli Turkish Medical Association Read more

Scientific Publications

A.Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler:


A.1 TURKAY ÜNAL,Aydın Ümit,Çalıskan Ebru,salıcı Mehmet,Terzi Hasan,Astepe Bahar Sarıibrahim

(2018). Comparison of the pregnancy results between adolescent Syrian refugees and local

adolescent Turkish citizens who gave birth in our clinic. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal Neonatal

Medicine, 33(8), 1353-1358., Doi: 10.1080/14767058.2018.1519016,


A.2 TURKAY ÜNAL, Aydın Ümit,Salıcı Mehmet,Çalıskan Ebru,Terzi Hasan,Astepe Bahar

Sarıibrahim,VARLIKLI ONURSAL (2020). Comparison of pregnant Turkish women and Syrian

refugees: Does living as a refugee have an unfavorable effect on pregnancy outcomes?.

International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics, 149(2), 160-165.,


A.3 TURKAY ÜNAL,Yavuz Arzu,Hortu İsmet,Terzi Hasan,Kale Ahmet (2020). The impact of

chewing gum on postoperative bowel activity and postoperative pain after total laparoscopic

hysterectomy. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 40(5), 705-709., Doi:



A.4 Terzi Hasan,TURKAY ÜNAL,Uzun Navdar Dogus,Salıcı Mehmet (2018). Hysterectomy and

salpingo-oophorectomy by transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (V-NOTES)

assisted by an umbilical camera: Case report and new hybrid technique in gynecology.

International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 51, 349-351., Doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2018.08.053,


A.5 Terzi Hasan,Kale Ebru,Kale Ahmet,TURKAY ÜNAL,chong Go,Lee YS (2014). New method: are tumor markers in vaginal-washing fluidsignificant in the diagnosis of primary ovarian carcinoma?.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GYNAECOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY, 36(5), 560-563.


A.6 Biler Alper,ertas Ibrahim Egemen,Tosun Gokhan,Hortu Ismet,TURKAY ÜNAL,Gultekin Ozge E,Igci Gulfem (2018). Perioperative complications and short-term outcomes of abdominal

sacrocolpopexy, laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy, and laparoscopic pectopexy for apical prolapse.

International braz j urol, 44(5), 996-1004., Doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2017.0692,


A.7 Sukgen Gökmen,TURKAY ÜNAL (2019). The Effect of Laparoscopic and Abdominal Hysterectomyon Urinary Incontinence. Journal of SAFOMS, 7(2), 50-53.,


A.8 Terzi Hasan,Biler Alper,TURKAY ÜNAL,Kale Ahmet(2019). A comparison of novel laparoscopic suturing techniques in single-port surgery. Minimally Invasive Therapy Allied Technologies, 28(6),338-343., Doi: 10.1080/13645706.2019.1567554,


A.9 Selçuk Adin,Terzi Hasan,TURKAY ÜNAL,Kale Ahmet,Genç Selahattin (2014). Does

gestational diabetes result in cochlear damage?. The Journal of Laryngology Otology, 128(11),

961-965., Doi: 10.1017/S0022215114002515,


A.10 Astepe Bahar Sarıibrahim,Aytuluk Hande Gürbüz,Yavuz Arzu,TURKAY ÜNAL,Terzi Hasan ,Kale Ahmet (2020). Intraoperative superior hypogastric plexus block during cesarean section: a new technique for pain relief. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal Neonatal Medicine, 33(15), 2657-2663.,


A.11 Kale Ahmet,Aksu S,Terzi Hasan,Demirayak Gökhan,TURKAY ÜNAL,Sendag Fatih (2014).

Uterine artery ligation at the beginning of total laparoscopic hysterectomy reduces total blood loss

and operation duration. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 35(6), 612-615., Doi:



A.12 Özsürmeli M., TURKAY Ü., Salıcı, B., Salıcı, M., Bölge, K. N., & Terzi, H. (2021). Evaluation of inflammatuar response in hysterectomies: a retrospective study in Kocaeli, Turkey. Ginekologia Polska, 92(2), 105-109.


A.13 Hortu I., TURKAY Ü., Terzi, H., Kale, A., Yılmaz, M., Balcı, C., ... & Laganà, A. S. (2020). Impact of bupivacaine injection to trocar sites on postoperative pain following laparoscopic hysterectomy: Results from a prospective, multicentre, double-blind randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 252, 317-322.



B. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :


B.1 TURKAY ÜNAL, Kale Ahmet, Terzi Hasan,Salıcı Mehmet,Astepe Bahar Sarıibrahim (2019). Erken Evre Serviks Kanserli Laparaskopik Sinir Koruyucu Radikal Histerektomi Yapılan 13

Olguda ki Klinik ilk Deneyimimiz. Gazi Saglık Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(3), 28-36.,


B.2 TURKAY ÜNAL,Sayharman Sema Etiz,Karayel Serdar,Köse Gültekin, Aka Nurettin,Tüfekçi Ertugrul Can, Terzi Hasan, Kale Ahmet (2013). Stres Üriner Inkontinans Tedavisinde

NeedlelessProsedürünün Etkinliginin Degerlendirilmesi. Kocaeli Tıp Dergisi, 2(1), 25-31.,


B.3 TURKAY ÜNAL, Terzi Hasan,Yavuz Arzu, Kale Ahmet (2013). Klinigimizde ektopik gebelik

nedeniyle tedavi edilen 64 olgunun retrospektif analizi. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 35(4), 548-

554., Doi: 10.7197/1305-0028.2155,


B.4 TURKAY ÜNAL,Salıcı Mehmet, Terzi Hasan,Astepe Bahar Sarıibrahim (2018). Analysis of

Stillbirths in our clinic. Kocaeli Medical Journal, 7(3), 77-81., Doi: 10.5505/ktd.2018.77699,


B.5 Astepe Bahar Sarıibrahim,yılmaz Burçin ögretmenler, Yavuz Arzu,TURKAY ÜNAL, Terzi Hasan

(2019). Comparison of paracervical lidocaine, Intrauterine lidocaine and rectal indomethacine for

pain control during endometrial sampling with suction curretage. Kocaeli Medical Journal, 8(2),

119-125., Doi: 10.5505/ktd.2019.63626,


B.6 Sukgen Gökmen,TURKAY ÜNAL (2019). Pelvic Floor Disorder with Advancing Age. Kocaeli Medical Journal, 8(2), 150-154., Doi: 10.5505/ktd.2019.00921,


B.7 Sukgen Gökmen,TURKAY ÜNAL (2019). Laparoscopic hysterectomy experience and learning

curve: in our clinic. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 41(2), 398-403., Doi: 10.7197/,



B.8 Sukgen Gökmen,TURKAY ÜNAL (2019). Our Recurrence Ratios in Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgical Repair. Kocaeli Medical Journal, 8(2), 1-7.,


B.9 Demirtaş Ömer,Terzi Hasan,TURKAY ÜNAL,Kale Ahmet (2012). The Efficacy Of Emergency

Hysterectomy In Peripartum Vaginal Bleeding. The Journal of Tepecik Education and Research

Hospital, 22(3), 177-180., Doi: 10.5222/terh.2012.84264,


B.10 Sukgen Gökmen,TURKAY ÜNAL (2020). Vajinal Doğum Sırasında İstenmeyen Durumlar: Omuz Distosisi Uncertainted Cases During Vaginal Birth: Shoulder Dystocia. Bozok Tıp Dergisi, 10(4), 7-14.


B.11 TURKAY ÜNAL., Özsürmeli Mehmet., Salıcı Bahar., Terzi Hasan,Salıcı Mehmet, H. (2020) Evaluation of Inflammatory Markers in Single-Port Laparoscopic and Vaginal Hysterectomies: A Retrospective Study in Kocaeli, Northwest Turkey . Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. 51(3):155-158

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