  • Interests
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Hormonal Disorders
  • Hypertension
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Bone Metabolism Diseases
  • Interests
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Hormonal Disorders
  • Hypertension
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Bone Metabolism Diseases
Medical Park Samsun (Atakum)
Mimarsinan Mahallesi, Alparslan Blv. No:17, 55200 Atakum/Samsun - Samsun

Medical Park Samsun (Atakum)
Mimarsinan Mahallesi, Alparslan Blv. No:17, 55200 Atakum/Samsun - Samsun

Academic Background

Education and Specialization

1999 - Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine

2005 - Doctorate/Specialization, Internal Medicine, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine

2011 - Master's Degree (Thesis) in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital


2000 - 2005 - Research Assistant, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine

2005 - 2007 - Specialist Doctor, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine

2008 - 2011 - Subspecialty Assistant Doctor, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

2011 - 2013 - Specialist Doctor (Endocrinology) Adıyaman Training and Research Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases (Compulsory Service)

2013 - Present - Specialist Doctor, Samsun Training and Research Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

Professional Memberships

Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Society

Ankara Diabetes Society


"Comparison of Early Total Thyroidectomy with Medical Treatment in the Course of Moderate Graves' Orbitopathy," 6th Thyroid Diseases Congress, Ankara, 2014 (Second place in oral presentation at the 6th Thyroid Diseases Congress).

"Evaluation of Ovarian Reserve, Ovarian Volume, Antral Follicle Count, and Hormonal Tests in Women with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis," 37th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress, Antalya, 2015 (First place in Poster category at the 37th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress).

Courses and Certifications

National Rheumatology Congress, October 1-5, 2002, Adana

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine 1st Diabetes Mellitus Days, November 12-14, 2003, Ankara

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Internal Medicine 9th Postgraduate Education Course, March 24-27, 2004, Ankara

Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Department, 1st Pituitary Symposium, March 27, 2004, Ankara

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Coronary Heart Disease, Atherogenesis Risk Factors and Modification Course, May 28-29, 2004, Ankara

VI. National Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Congress, June 2-6, 2004, Antalya

XLII ERA-EDTA Congress, June 4-7, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey

Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Society and Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine Endocrinology and Metabolic Unit, 2nd Pituitary Symposium, November 26, 2005, Ankara

In Memory of Prof. Dr. Selahattin Koloğlu, Thyroid Day Meeting, December 17, 2005, Ankara

6th Pituitary Symposium, November 21-22, 2009, Ankara

7th Pituitary Symposium, November 6-7, 2010, Ankara

Diabetes-Hypertension-Hyperlipidemia Education Program for Physicians Working in Primary Healthcare, February 12, 2011, Ankara

5th Turkey Thyroid Diseases Congress, November 23-24, 2012, Ankara

ENDODİAB "Endocrinology and Diabetes Platform" Training Seminar, June 1, 2013, Sinop

37th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress, May 6-10, 2015, Antalya

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Scientific Publications

A.Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler 

A1. N. Düzgün , T. Mete , “Premature myocardial infarction in a young woman with systemic lupus erythematosus”, Rheumatol Int, 27(1), 115-6 (2006).

A2. B.A. Yilmaz, T. Mete, I. Dincer, S. Kutlay, S. Sengül, K. Keven, S. Ertürk,  “Predictors of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with chronic kidney disease”, Ren Fail, 29(3), 303-7 (2007). 

A3. B. Aktas Yilmaz , N. Düzgün , T. Mete , L. Yazicioglu, M. Sayki , A. Ensari , S. Ertürk , “AA amyloidosis associated with systemic lupus erythematosus: impact on clinical course and outcome”, Rheumatol Int, 28(4), 367-70 (2008).

A4. O. Topaloglu, F. Gokay, K. Kuçukler, F.S. Burnik, T. Mete, H.C. Yavuz, D. Berker, S. Guler,  ̎ Is autoimmune thyroiditis a risk factor for early atherosclerosis in premenopausal women even if in euthyroid status?  ̎ , Endocrine, 44(1), 145-151(2013).

A5. T. Mete, Y. Yalcin, D. Berker, B. Ciftci, S.G. Firat, O. Topaloglu, H.C. Yavuz, S. Guler, "Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and its association with vitamin D deficiency", J Endocrinol Invest, 36(9), 681-5 (2013).

A6. T. Mete, Y. Yalcin, D. Berker, B. Ciftci, S.G. Firat, O. Topaloglu, H.C. Yavuz, S. Guler, "Relationship between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and thyroid diseases", Endocrine,44(3), 723-8 (2013).

A7. T. Mete , D. Berker , E. Yilmaz , G. Ozgen, Y. Yalcin , M. Tuna , D. Ciliz , M. Onen , Y. Aydin , S. Guler , "Clinical presentation of Von Hippel Lindau syndrome type 2B associated with VHL p.A149S mutation in a large Turkish family", Endocrine, 45(1), 128-35 (2014).

A8. T. Mete, Y. Yalcin , B. Ciftci , "Lack of association between OSAS and hypothyroidism", Endocrine, 44(3), 822(2013).
A9. T. Mete , Y. Aydin , M. Saka, H. Cinar Yavuz , S. Bilen , Y. Yalcin , B. Arli , D. Berker , S. Guler , "Comparison of efficiencies of michigan neuropathy screening instrument, neurothesiometer, and electromyography for diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy", Int J Endocrinol, 2013:821745 (2013).
A10. H. Taşolar , T. Mete , M. Ballı , B. Altun , M. Çetin , T. Yüce, S. Taşolar , Ö. Otlu , A. Bayramoğlu , H. Pekdemir , "Assessment of atrial electromechanical delay in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome in both lean and obese subjects", J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 40(4), 1059-66 (2014).

A11. O. Topaloglu , F. Gokay , SS. Koparal , G. Akbaba , T. Mete , A. Arduc , MM. Tuna , Y. Yalcin , HC. Yavuz , D. Berker , S. Guler , "Visceral fat measurement by ultrasound as a non-invasive method - can it be useful in evaluating subclinical atherosclerosis in male patients with hypopituitarism and growth hormone deficiency?", Endokrynol Pol, 65(3), 195-202 (2014).
A12. H. Taşolar , T. Mete , M. Çetin , B. Altun, M. Ballı , A. Bayramoğlu , YÖ. Otlu , "Mitral annular plane systolic excursion in the assessment of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in obese adults", Anatol J Cardiol,15(7), 558-64 (2015).
A13. Y. Yalcin , T. Mete , R. Aktimur , GO. Kucuk , G. Duman , AB. Ozbalci , O. Alici , "A Case of Primary Hyperparathyroidism due to Intrathyroidal Parathyroid Cyst", Case Rep Endocrinol, 2014:213283 (2014).
A14. I. Ozer , T. Mete , O. Turkeli Sezer , G. Kolbasi Ozgen, GO. Kucuk , C. Kaya , E. Kilic Kan , G. Duman , HP. Ozturk Kurt , "Association between colchicine resistance and vitamin D in familial Mediterranean fever", Ren Fail, 37(7), 1122-5 (2015).

A15. M. Yaman, T. Mete, I. Ozer, E. Yaman, and O. Beton, "Reversible Myocarditis and Pericarditis after Black Widow Spider Bite or Kounis Syndrome?", Case Reports in Cardiology, Article ID 768089, 3 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/768089 (2015)

A16. M. Yaman, S. Ebinc, O. Beton, T. Mete, "Primary percutaneous coronary intervention for coronary thrombosis during cisplatin, etoposide and bleomycin combination therapy under thromboprophylaxis with nadroparin", International Journal of the Cardiovascular Academy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcac.2015.07.009 (2015)

A17. L. Irak, HÇ. Yavuz, BA. Doğan, T. Mete, D. Berker, S. Güler, "Depression, anxiety and their relation with clinical parameters and androgen levels in hirsute women", Turk J Med Sci, DOI: 10.3906/ sag-1405-72 (2015)

B. Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitaplarında (Proceedings) Basılan Bildiriler
B1. T. Mete, A. Ensari, S. Sengul, K. Keven, B. Erbay, Ş. Ertürk, “The presence of recipient-derived renal ceils in damaged allograft kidneys”, XLII ERA-EDTA Congress, Nephrology Dialysis Transplant, 20 (Suppl 5), 361, Istanbul/Turkey, June 2005
B2. T. Mete, Y. Aydın, D. Berker, Y. Tutuncu, S. Isik, C. Suer, T. Delibasi, S. Guler, “Role of PET scanning in 131-I MIBG and Indium-111 octreotide scintigraphy negative pheochromacytoma: A case report”, 13th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrin Association, page:122, ps:47, Antalya/ Turkey, October 2008
B3. S. Isık, D. Berker, Y. Aydın, Y. Tutuncu, T. Mete, G. Akcil, T. Delibasi, S. Guler, “Clinical significance of macroprolactinemia in patients with hyperprolactinemia”, 13 th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrin Association, page:123, ps:48, Antalya/ Turkey, October 2008
B4. Y. Aydin, Y. Tutuncu, D. Berker, G. Akcil, T. Mete, T. Delibasi, S. Guler, “Efficiency of somastatin analogues in acromegaly: Octreotide vsLanreotide”, 13 th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrin Association, page:124, ps:50, Antalya/ Turkey, October 2008
B5. G. Akbaba, S. Işık, Y. Tutuncu, U. Ozuguz, T. Mete, O. Topaloğlu, D. Berker, S. Guler, “A comparison on efficacy of different strategies in short therm Treatment  of poorly controlled type 2 diabetic patients”, International Diabetes and Obesity Forum, pp035, Athens, October 2010
B6. T. Mete, M. Saka, D. Berker, S. Bilen, S. Isik, G. Akbaba, S. Guler, “Comparing the Effectiveness of Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument and Neurosensory Analyzer, Electromyography in Detecting the Prevalence of Diabetic Neuropathy”, 70th Scientific Sessions, American Diabetes Association, P 413, Orlando, Florida, June 2010
B7. T. Mete, D. Berker, S. Isik, I. Peksoy, S. Guler, “Clinical importance and prevalance of thyroid involvement in 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomographic imaging performed for other reasons than the thyroid pathologies”, 14th International Thyroid Congress, p 0342, Paris, September 2010
B8. MF. Erdoğan, Ö. Demir, RÜ. Ersoy, K. Gül, U. Ünlütürk, Bİ. Aydoğan, ZA. Üç, T. Mete, S. Ertek, B. Çakır, Y. Aral, S. Güler, G. Erdoğan, Ankara Thyroid Study Group, “Comparison of early total thyroidectomy with antithyroid treatment in patients with moderate to severely active Graves’ orbitopathy, a randomized prospective trial”,  36th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association, Eur Thyroid J 2012;1 (suppl 1): 75–208 (DOI:10.1159/000339890), Pisa, Italy, September 2012.
B9. T. Mete, B. Ciftci, Y. Yalcin, S. Fırat Güven, O. Topaloglu, Y. Tutuncu, H. Cinar Yavuz, D. Berker, S. Güler,“ Concurrent presence of endocrine pathologies in patients wıth obstructive sleep apnea syndrome”, 8th Metabolic Syndrome Symposium, Obesity Reviews (Supp) Volume 12 Issue 7 July p:19, No:50, Antalya/ Turkey, July 2011
B10. L. Irak, H. Çınar Yavuz, T. Mete, O. Topaloğlu, D. Berker, S. Güler, “Demographic and clinical characteristics of hospitalized diabetic patients”, 8th Metabolic Syndrome Symposium, Obesity reviews, page: 14 ps:36, Antalya/ Turkey, July 2011
B11. L. Irak, B. Ayçiçek Doğan, H. Çınar Yavuz, T. Mete, D. Berker, S. Güler, “Relationship Of Anxiety And Depression With Clinical And Biochemical Features İn Hirsute Patients”,  8th Metabolic Syndrome Symposium Obesity Reviews, page:14, No:37, Antalya/ Turkey, July 2011

B12. M. Erdoğan, Ö. Demir, RÜ. Ersoy, K. Gül, U. Ünlütürk, Bİ. Aydoğan, ZA. Üç, T. Mete, S. Ertek, B. Çakır, S. Güler, D. Çorapçıoğlu, S. Dağdelen, G. Erdoğan, “Comparison of early total thyroidectomy with antithyroid treatment in patients with moderate to severely active Graves’ orbitopathy, a randomized prospective trial”, 37th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association, Eur Thyroid J 2013; 2(suppl 1):75–194 (DOI:10.1159/000352096), Leiden/ Netherlands, September 2013.

B13. T. Mete, D. Berker, S. Isik, Y. Yalcin, A. Arduc, O. Topaloglu, E. Yilmaz, S. Guler, “First Turkish Family with p.A149S mutation in von Hippel-Lindau Disease”, The Endocrine Society’s 94 th Annual Meeting & Expo, P 282, Houston, Texas, June 2012

B14. MF. Erdoğan, Ö. Demir, RÜ. Ersoy, K. Gül, Z. Alphan, T. Mete, U. Ünlütürk, B. Çakır, Y. Aral, S. Güler, G. Erdoğan, “Comparison of early total thyroidectomy with antithyroid treatment in patients with moderate to severely active Graves’ orbitopathy, a randomized prospective trial”, 35th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association, European Thyroid Journal, 73–198, Krakow/ Poland, September 2011

B15. O. Topaloglu, F. Gokay, S. Koparal, G. Akbaba, T. Mete, A. Arduc, MM. Tuna, Y. Yalcin, D. Berker, S. Guler, “Visceral fat measurement by ultrasound, as a non-invasive method: Can be useful for evaluating the atherosclerosis in the patients with hypopituitarism and growth hormone deficiency?”, The Endocrine Society’s 95 th Annual Meeting & Expo, 301 P 653, San Francisco/ California, June 2013
B16. MF. Erdogan, Ö. Demir, RÜ. Ersoy, K. Gül, Z. Alphan, T. Mete, U. Ünlütürk, B. Çakır, Y. Aral, S. Güler, G. Erdoğan, “Comparison of early total thyroidectomy with antithyroid treatment in patients with moderate to severely active graves’ orbitopathy, preliminary results of a randomized prospective trial”,14th International Thyroid Congress, oral communication, Paris, September 2010
B17. O. Beton, H. Kaya, T. Efe, A. Zorlu, M. Yaman, T. Mete, H. Yücel, MB. Yılmaz, “The association between functional and morphological assessments of endothelial function in patients with lichen planus”, XXVI World congress of echocardiography and Cardiology, İstanbul/ Turkey November 20-22, 2015(poster sunumu olarak kabul edildi)

C1. Yazılan Ulusal /Uluslararası Kitaplar: -
    C2. Yazılan Ulusal/Uluslararası Kitaplardaki Bölümler: -

D.Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
D1. T. Mete, D. Berker, ‘’Diyabetik Nöropati’’, Diabet Bilimi, 7(5), 187-195 (2009).
D2. T. Mete, Ş. Şengül, A. Ensari, K. Keven, B. Erbay, Ş. Ertürk, ‘’The Presence of Recipient-Derived Renal Cells in Kidney Allografts’’, Turk Neph Dial Transpl, 20 (3), 248-254 (2011).
D3. F. Fakılı, T. Mete, D. Çolak, ‘’A Case of Panhypopituitarism with an Addisonian
Crisis Activated by Rifampicin’’, Turk Toraks Derg, DOI:10.5152/ ttd.2013.40 (2013).
D4. D. Yavuz, T. Mete, R. Yavuz, A. Altunoğlu, ‘’D Vitamini, Kalsiyum & Mineral Metabolizması, D Vitaminin İskelet Dışı Etkileri ve Kronik Böbrek Yetmezliğinde Nutrisyonel D Vitamini Kullanımı’’, Ankara Med J, 14(4), 162-171 (2014).
D5. Y. Yalçın, T. Mete, GO. Küçük, AB. Özbalcı, N. Duman Salman, Y. Aydın,‘’Papillary Carcinoma Arising in Struma Ovarii’’, Turk JEM (DOI: 10.4274/tjem.2849, yayın için kabul edilmiştir) (2015).
D6. H. Cinar Yavuz, T. Mete, L. Irak, Y. Aydin, H. Demirci, S. Guler, ‘’Malignancy and complication rate in reoperation of recurrent goiter’’, Gazi Medical
Journal (yayın için kabul edilmiştir) (2015).

E. Ulusal Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitaplarında Basılan Bildiriler
E1. T. Mete, D. Berker, S. Işık, Y. Yalçın, A. Arduç, O. Topaloğlu, E. Yılmaz, S. Güler, “P.A 149S Mutasyonu saptanan Von Hippel Lindau sendromlu ilk Türk ailesi”, 32. Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kongresi, Program ve Özet Kitabı, Sayfa 144, Antalya, Ekim 2010
E2. T. Mete, M. Saka, D. Berker, Ş. Bilen, S. Işık, G. Akbaba, S. Güler, “Diyabetik nöropati prevalansının belirlenmesinde Michigan nöropati tarama testi, nörotezyometre ve elektromiyografinin etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması”, 32. Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kongresi, Program ve Özet Kitabı, Sayfa 98, Antalya, Ekim 2010
E3. A. Arduç, S. Işık, Y. Tütüncü, U. Özuğuz, G. Akbaba, T. Mete, D. Berker, S. Güler, “Malign Melanom Ve Adrenokortikal Kanser Ilişkili Cushing Sendromu Birlikteliği: Bir Olgu Sunumu”, 32. Turkiye Endokrinoloji Ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kongresi, Sayfa 153, Antalya, Ekim 2010
E4. G. Akbaba, S. Işık, Y. Tütüncü, U. Özuğuz, T. Mete, O. Topaloğlu, D. Berker, S. Güler, “Kötü Kontrollü Tip 2 Diabetiklerde Kısa Takip Süresinde Farklı Tedavi Rejimlerinin Etkinliklerinin Karşılaştırılması”, 32. Turkiye Endokrinoloji Ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kongresi, Sayfa 023, Antalya, Ekim 2010
E5. H. Çınar Yavuz, Y. Tütüncü, T. Mete, L. Irak, G. Akbaba, S. Isık, D. Berker, Y. Aydın ve S. Guler, “Fonksiyone tiroid nodüllerinde tiroid kanser sıklığının değerlendirilmesi”, 32. Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kongresi, Sayfa 157, Antalya, Ekim 2010
E6. MF. Erdoğan, Ö. Demir, RÜ. Ersoy, K. Gül, Z. Alphan, T. Mete, U. Ünlütürk, C. Anıl, S. Ertek, B. Çakır, Y. Aral, S. Güler, A. Gürsoy, G. Erdoğan, “Graves orbitopatisinin seyrinde erken total tiroidektominin rolü”, 4. Türkiye Tiroid Hastalıkları Kongresi, Sayfa 33, İstanbul, Nisan 2010
E7. MF. Erdoğan, Ö. Demir, RÜ. Ersoy, K. Gül, Z. Alphan, T. Mete, U. Ünlütürk, C. Anıl, S. Ertek, B. Çakır, Y. Aral, S. Güler, A. Gürsoy, G. Erdoğan, “Graves orbitopatisinin seyrinde erken total tiroidektominin medikal tedavi ile karşılaştırılması”, 32. Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kongresi, Sayfa 156, Antalya, 2010
E8. T. Mete, D. Berker, S. Işık, İ. Peksoy, S. Güler, “Tiroid dışı nedenlerle yapılan 18-fluorodeoksiglukoz pozitron emisyon tomografi incelemesinde tiroid tutulumunun prevalansı ve klinik önemi”, 4. Türkiye Tiroid Hastalıkları Kongresi, Sayfa 52, İstanbul, Nisan 2010
E9. MF. Erdoğan, Ö. Demir, RÜ. Ersoy, K. Gül, U. Ünlütürk, Bİ. Aydoğan, ZA. Üç, T. Mete, S. Ertek, B. Çakır, Y. Aral, S. Güler, G. Erdoğan, “Orta Ciddi Graves Orbitopatisinin Seyrinde Erken Total Tiroidektominin Medikal Tedavi ile Karşılaştırılması”, 5. Tiroid Hastalıkları Kongresi, Ankara, Kasım 2012
E10. O. Topaloğlu, F. Gökay, K. Küçükler, FS. Burnik, T. Mete, HÇ. Yavuz, D. Berker, S. Güler, “Premenopozal kadınlarda ötiroid otoimmün tiroidit varlığı erken ateroskleroz için bir risk faktörü müdür? ”, 35. Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kongresi&Hipofiz Sempozyumu, Sayfa 193, Antalya, Mayıs 2013
E11. GO. Küçük, R. Aktimur, Ö. Alıcı, T. Mete, “Torakoskopi yardımlı özofajektomi esnasında rastlanan insidental paratiroid adenomu”, 11. Ulusal Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Kongresi, Sayfa 156, Antalya, Ekim 2013
E12. MF. Erdoğan, Ö. Demir, RÜ. Ersoy, K. Gül, U. Ünlütürk, Bİ. Aydoğan, ZA. Üç, T. Mete, S. Ertek, B. Çakır, Y. Aral, S. Güler, G. Erdoğan, “Orta Ciddi Graves Orbitopatisinin Seyrinde Erken Total Tiroidektominin Medikal Tedavi ile Karşılaştırılması”, 6. Tiroid Hastalıkları Kongresi, Sözel bildiri, Ankara, Kasım 2014
 E13. GO. Küçük, T. Mete, İ. Özer, A. Karabekiroğlu, B. Kayabaşı, A. İkinci, “Nöropsikiyatrik şikayetlerle acile başvuran hastanın cerrahi tedavisi: Atipik paratiroid adenomu olgusu”, 7. Ulusal Endokrin Cerrahi kongresi, P258, Antalya, Nisan 2015
E14. GO. Küçük, T. Mete, E. Çolak, Ş. Özbilgin, A. İkinci, N. Özlem, “Men-1 sendromlu hastada primer hiperparatiroidizm tedavisi: olgu sunumu”, 7. Ulusal Endokrin Cerrahi kongresi, Sayfa 256, Antalya, Nisan 2015
E15. T. Mete, AB. Özbalcı, EK. Kan, G. Duman, HÇ. Yavuz, GO. Küçük, İ. Özer, HP. Öztürk, A. Atmaca, “Hashimoto Tiroiditi Olan Kadınlarda Over Rezervinin Over Volümü, Antral Follikül Sayısı ve Hormonal Testlerle Değerlendirilmesi”, 37. Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kongresi, sayfa 203, Antalya, Mayıs 2015

E16. M. Yaman, T. Mete, İ. Özer, A. Aksakal, AH. Ateş, O. Beton, “Kronik böbrek yetmezlikli tip 2 diyabet hastalarında subklinik aterosklerozun belirlenmesinde yeni bir ekokardiyografik metod”, 37. Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kongresi, sayfa 308, Antalya, Mayıs 2015

E17. İ. Özer, T. Mete, ÖT. Sezer, GK. Özgen, C. Kaya, GO. Küçük, EK. Kan, G. Duman, “Ailevi Akdeniz Ateşinde kolşisin direnci ve D vitamini arasındaki ilişki”, 37. Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kongresi, sayfa 382, Antalya, Mayıs 2015

F. Diğer Yayınlar ve Atıflar
F1. Yabancı Dilden Çevrilen Ulusal Kitap Bölümleri:-
F2. Eserlere Yapılan Atıflar: 
F2.1. Aşağıdaki esere 1 adet atıf yapılmıştır:
A1. N. Düzgün , T. Mete , “Premature myocardial infarction in a young woman with systemic lupus erythematosus”, Rheumatol Int, 27(1), 115-6 (2006).
a.    Düzgün N, Attilla E, “Aterosklerozis ve Sistemik Otoimmün İnflamatuar Hastalıklar”, Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 28(4), 508-512 (2008).
F2.2. Aşağıdaki esere 7 adet atıf yapılmıştır:
A2. B.A. Yilmaz, T. Mete, I. Dincer, S. Kutlay, S. Sengül, K. Keven, S. Ertürk,  “Predictors of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with chronic kidney disease”, Ren Fail, 29(3), 303-7 (2007).

a.    Canziani MEF, Tomiyama C, Higa A, Draibe SA, Carvalho AB, “Fibroblast growth factor 23 in chronic kidney disease: bridging the gap between bone mineral metabolism and left ventricular hypertrophy”, Blood purification, 31(1-3), 26-32 (2011).
b.    Anderson, WJ, Lipworth B J, Rekhraj S, Struthers AD, George J,“Left ventricular hypertrophy in COPD without hypoxemia: the elephant in the room?”, CHEST Journal, 143(1), 91-97(2013).
c.    Ueshima K, Yasuno S, Oba K, Fujimoto A, Mukoyama M, Ogihara T, Saruta T, Nakao K, “Impact of left ventricular hypertrophy on the time-course of renalfunction in hypertensive patients – a subanalysis of the CASE-Jtrial –”, Circ J, 74(10), 2132-8(2010).
d.    Pakfetrat M, Roozbeh J, Nikoo MH, Asem Z, Malekmakan L, Nikoo MA, “Common echocardiography findings in pretransplant dialysis patients and their associations”, Hong Kong Journal of Nephrology, 15(2), 68-74 (2013).
e.    Baigam, N, Kalar, MU, Qasim SF, Saeed A, Alvi H, “Prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy in end stage renal”, International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, 5(6), 368-376 (2013)
f.    Liao A, Peng H, Wang Y, Li X, “Analysis of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring data of chronic kidney disease patients with refractory hypertension”, Clinical Focus, 24 (19), 1698-1701 (2009)
g.    Xu F, Liu H, “The relationship between serum level of fibroblast growth factor 23 and left ventricular hypertrophy in hemodialysispatients”, Chinese Journal of Blood Purification, vol 6, 305-308 (2013)
F2.3. Aşağıdaki esere 10 adet atıf yapılmıştır:
A3. B. Aktas Yilmaz , N. Düzgün , T. Mete , L. Yazicioglu , M. Sayki , A. Ensari , S. Ertürk , “AA amyloidosis associated with systemic lupus erythematosus: impact on clinical course and outcome”, Rheumatol Int, 28(4), 367-70 (2008).
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F2.4. Aşağıdaki esere 10 adet atıf yapılmıştır:
A4. O. Topaloglu, F. Gokay, K. Kuçukler, F. S. Burnik, T. Mete, H. C. Yavuz, D. Berker, S. Guler, “Is autoimmune thyroiditis a risk factor for early atherosclerosis in premenopausal women even if in euthyroid status?’’, Endocrine, 44(1), 145-151 (2013).
a. Guo H, Sun M, He W, Chen H, Li W, Tang J,Tang W, Lu J, Bi Y, Ning G, Yang T, Duan Y,“The prevalence of thyroid nodules and its relationship with metabolic parameters in a Chinese community-based population aged over 40 years’’, Endocrine, 45(2), 230-235 (2014).
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c. McLeod DS, “Autoimmune thyroid disease: A novel risk factor for atherosclerosis?”, Endocrine, 44(1), 8-10 (2013).
d. Zhang Y, Kim BK, Chang Y, Ryu S, Cho J, Lee WY, Rhee EJ, Kwon MJ, Rampal S, Zhao D, Pastor-Barriuso R, Lima JA, Shin H, Guallar E, “Thyroid hormones and coronary artery calcification in euthyroid men and women’’, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 34(9), 2128-2134 (2014). 
e. Owecki M, Dorszewska J, Sawicka-Gutaj N, Oczkowska A, Owecki MK, Michalak M, Fischbach J, Kozubski W, Ruchała M, “Serum homocysteine levels are decreased in levothyroxine-treated women with autoimmune thyroiditis’’,  BMC endocrine disorders, 14(1), 18 (2014).
f. Biyikli H, Arduc A, Isik S, Ozuguz U, Caner S, Dogru F, Erden G, Berker D, Guler, S, “Assessing the relationship between serum ghrelin levels and metabolic parameters and autoimmunity in patients with euthyroid Hashimoto's thyroiditis’’,  Endocrine Practice, 20(8), 818-824 (2014).
g. Onat A, Aydın M, Can G, Çelik E, Altay S, Karagöz A, Ademoğlu E, “Normal thyroid-stimulating hormone levels, autoimmune activation, and coronary heart disease risk’’,  Endocrine, 48(1), 218-226 (2015).
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F2.5. Aşağıdaki esere 7 adet atıf yapılmıştır:
A5. T.Mete, Y.Yalcin, D. Berker, B. Ciftci, S.G. Firat, O. Topaloglu, H.C. Yavuz, S. Guler, "Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and its association with vitamin D deficiency", J Endocrinol Invest, 36(9), 681-5 (2013).
a.    Erden, ES, Genc S, Ustun I, Ulutas K. T, Bilgic HK, Oktar S,Sungur S, Erem C, Gokce C,"Investigation of serum bisphenol A, vitamin D, and parathyroid hormone levels in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome", Endocrine, 45(2), 311-318 (2014).
b.    Li X, Wang G, Lu Z, Chen M, Tan J, Fang X , "Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D predict prognosis in radioiodine therapy of Graves’ disease", J Endocrinol Invest, 38(7), 753-9 (2015).
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d.    Swanson CM, Shea SA, Stone KL, Cauley JA, Rosen CJ, Redline S, Karsenty G, Orwoll ES, "Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Metabolic Bone Disease: Insights Into the Relationship Between Bone and Sleep", J Bone Miner Res, 30(2), 199-211 (2015).
e.    Ceccato F, Bernkopf E, Scaroni C, "Sleep apnea syndrome in endocrine clinics", J Endocrinol Invest, 38(8), 827-34 (2015).
f.    de Medeiros Cavalcante IG, Silva AS, Costa MJC, Persuhn DC, Issa CI, de Luna Freire TL, Gonçalves MDCR, "Effect of vitamin D3 supplementation and influence of BsmI polymorphism of the VDR gene of the inflammatory profile and oxidative stress in elderly women with vitamin D insufficiency: Vitamin D3 megadose reduces inflammatory markers", Experimental gerontology, 66, 10-16 (2015).
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F2.6. aşağıdaki esere 9 adet atıf yapılmıştır:
A6. T. Mete, Y.Yalcin, D. Berker, B. Ciftci, S.G. Firat, O. Topaloglu, H.C. Yavuz, S. Guler, "Relationship between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and thyroid diseases", Endocrine,44(3), 723-8 (2013).

a.    Erden, ES, Genc S, Ustun I, Ulutas K. T, Bilgic HK, Oktar S,Sungur S, Erem C, Gokce C,"Investigation of serum bisphenol A, vitamin D, and parathyroid hormone levels in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome", Endocrine, 45(2), 311-318(2014).
b.    Lanfranco F, "Sleep apnea syndrome and hypothyroidism", Endocrine, 44(3), 551-552 (2013).
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e.    Mete T, Yalcin Y, Ciftci B, "Lack of association between OSAS and hypothyroidism", Endocrine, 44(3), 822 (2013).
f.    Ceccato F, Bernkopf E, Scaroni C, "Sleep apnea syndrome in endocrine clinics" J Endocrinol Invest, 38(8), 827-834 (2015). 
g.    Sousa, KG, “Análise da gravidade da Síndrome da Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono e a presença de Comorbidades: um estudo entre os gêneros e o envelhecimento.” 
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h.    Carratù P, Dragonieri S, Resta O, "Lack of association between OSAS and hypothyroidism", Endocrine,44 (3), 821 (2013).
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F2.7. Aşağıdaki esere 1 adet atıf yapılmıştır:
A7. T. Mete , D. Berker , E. Yilmaz , G. Ozgen , Y. Yalcin , M. Tuna , D. Ciliz , M. Onen , Y. Aydin , S. Guler ,"Clinical presentation of Von Hippel Lindau syndrome type 2B associated with VHL p.A149S mutation in a large Turkish family", Endocrine, 45(1), 128-35 (2014).

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F2.8. Aşağıdaki esere 11 adet atıf yapılmıştır:
A9. T. Mete , Y. Aydin , M. Saka , H. Cinar Yavuz , S. Bilen , Y. Yalcin , B. Arli , D. Berker , S. Guler ,"Comparison of efficiencies of michigan neuropathy screening instrument, neurothesiometer, and electromyography for diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy", Int J Endocrinol, 2013:821745 (2013).

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F2.9. Aşağıdaki esere 1 adet atıf yapılmıştır:
B1. Mete T, Ensari A, Sengul S, Keven K, and Erbay B, “The presence of recipient-derived renal ceils in damaged allograft kidneys”, XLII ERA-EDTA Congress, Nephrology Dialysis Transplant, 20 (Suppl 5), 361, Istanbul/Turkey 2005
a.    Kuzu I, Beksac M, “Identification of Bone Marrow Derived Nonhematopoietic Cells by Double Labeling with Immunohistochemistry and In Situ Hybridization”, Methods in Molecular Medicine, vol.134, 145-159 (2007).

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