General Surgery
  • Interests
  • Cancer Surgery
  • Advanced Laparoscopic Cancer Surgery
  • Oncoplastic Breast Cancer Surgery
  • Stomach Surgery
  • Colorectal Surgery
  • Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)
  • Thyroid Surgery
  • Obesity Surgery
General Surgery
  • Interests
  • Cancer Surgery
  • Advanced Laparoscopic Cancer Surgery
  • Oncoplastic Breast Cancer Surgery
  • Stomach Surgery
  • Colorectal Surgery
  • Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)
  • Thyroid Surgery
  • Obesity Surgery
VM Medical Park Kocaeli (Başiskele)
Ovacık Mahallesi, Topsahası Sk. No:34, 41140 Başiskele/Kocaeli - Kocaeli

VM Medical Park Kocaeli (Başiskele)
Ovacık Mahallesi, Topsahası Sk. No:34, 41140 Başiskele/Kocaeli - Kocaeli

Academic Background

Education and Specialization
2014-2016 Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgical Oncology, Subspecialty Residency
2008-2013 Health Sciences University, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, General Surgery Residency
2001-2008 Ege University, Faculty of Medicine

2018-2022 Health Sciences University, Derince Training and Research Hospital, Surgical Oncology Specialist
2017-2018 Health Sciences University, Samsun Training and Research Hospital, Surgical Oncology Specialist
2016-2017 Health Sciences University, Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Surgical Oncology Specialist
2013-2014 Muş State Hospital, General Surgery Department, General Surgery Specialist

Courses Attended
December 2016 Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Course, Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery
March 2015 Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery Course, Izmir Breast Diseases Association
November 2014 Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC Course, Surgical Oncology Association
2014 Surgical Endoscopy Certification, Turkish Surgical Society

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Scientific Publications

Aslan M, Genez S, Bekmez E. Acute Transverse Myelitis in a Case of Gastric Adenocarcinoma Following Gastrectomy: A Rare Occurrence, Case Report. Journal of Molecular Virology and Immunology. May 2021.doi: 10.46683/jmvi.2021.30]


Mehmet Aslan, Acar Aren. Modified Dick Procedure in Giant İncisional Hernia, A Single Center Experience. Kocaeli Med J 2019;8;3;1-6 (Thesis)


Esen E, Aslan M, Sonbahar BÇ, Kerimoğlu RS. YouTube English videos as a source of information on breast self-examination.Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2018 Nov 15. doi: 10.1007/s10549-018-5044-z. [Epub ahead of print]


Oktay Karaköse, Servet Karagül, Mehmet Aslan. Laparoscopic surgery for gastric tumor: a single-center experience. Laparosc Endosc Surg Sci. 2018; 25(2): 43-46


Gökçe K, Aslan M, Akbulut S. Sentinal Lenf Nodu Biopsisi Sonrası Her İki Memede Metilen Mavisine Karşı Gelişen Alerjik Reaksiyon: Olgu Sunumu. Maltepe Tıp Dergisi/Maltepe Medical Journal Cilt:9 Sayı:3/2017


Demirkazik A, Eroğlu A, Altundağ K.M, Aslan M, Göktuğ U, Cicek E, Karasoy D. The effect of molecular subtypes on disease-free survival in 3358 Turkish woman with primary breast cancer. Annals of Oncology 25 (Supplement 4): iv85–iv109, 2014, doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdu327.32


Kurt G,Gursoy D,Yavaş S,Koc O,Sarı YS,Tunalı V,Aslan M. Unitemizde Endoskopik Retrograt Kolanjiyo Pankreatikografi İşlemlerinde Uyguladığımız Hemşire Protokolu. İstanbul Med J 2013; 14: 106-8. DOI: 10.5152/imj.2013.29


Aslan M, Bekmez E. The Ratio of Hemoglobin to Red Cell Distribution Width Predicts Pathological Complete Response with Rectal Cancer Treated by Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy, Eurasian Journal of Medical Investigation, accepted article at the publishing stage.


Aslan, M, and A. Gunes. "The role of breast cancer molecular subtypes in axillary lymph node positivity." Med Science 12.2 (2023): 490-4.


Aslan M, Karakose O. Short-term outcomes of subtotal colectomy for splenic flexure tumors: A single-center experience. Med Science. 2023;12(3):737-40.

Mehmet Aslan, and Koray Topgül. "A novel, easier and safer alternative method for oesophagojejunal reconstruction after totally laparoscopic total gastrectomy." Surgical Endoscopy 37.5 (2023): 4075-4083.

Esen E, Aslan M, Morkavuk SB, Azili C, Ersoz S, Bahcecioglu IB, Unal AE. Can combined use of tumor markers in pancreatic cancer be a solution to short- and long-term consequences? A retrospective study. Medicine 2023;102:11(e33325).

ASLAN, C., TERZİ DEMİRSOY, E., ASLAN, M., & DİNDAR, G. (2023). A Rare Case of Hepatic MALT Lymphoma with Coexistence of Hepatitis B Virus and Echinococcus Infection. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Case Reports31(2).

Aslan M, Karakose O. A Modified Anal Eversion Technique for Colorectal Anastomosis in Laparoscopic Rectal Cancer Surgery, Kastamonu Medical Journal, accepted article at the publishing stage

Sözlü Bildiriler ve Konuşmacı Olarak Katıldığı Ulusal Toplantılar

Laparoscopic Total Gastrectomy and Anastomosis, Surgical Oncology Association Gastric Cancer Symposium, November 2019, Diyarbakır, Turkey


Laparoscopic Esophagojejunostomy Technique, Surgical Oncology Association, February 2019, Adana, Turkey


Cytoreductive surgery, Postoperative Care, Society of Surgical Oncology ,Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC Course, November 20,21, 2014


Genel ve Cerrahi Komplikasyonların Önlenmesi ve Yönetimi, Sitoredüksiyon, Hipek ve Pipac Kursu, 6. Ulusal Cerrahi Onkoloji Kongresi Şubat 2022


Masif Splenomegali Tedavisinde Laparoskopik Splenektomi Yöntemi ve Kısa Dönem Sonuçları: Tek Merkez Deneyimi, 13th UTSAK, 26-27 August, Ankara    | 543 Makale id= 110


Alt Kadran Tümörlerinde Onkoplastik Meme Cerrahisi, İnferior Rotasyonel Flep, Tek Merkez Deneyimi, 12th International Hippocrates Congress on Medical and Health Sciences    | 371 Presentation ID / Sunum No=  41


Poster Sunumları

Morkavuk S.B, Güner M, Kalaycı O, Durhan A, Aslan M, Demirci S. Özefagus Kanserinde İvor Lewis Prosedürü: Olgu Sunumu.20. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi 13-17 Nisan 2016 Antalya. PS-0549


Morkavuk S.B, Güner M, Aslan M, Kalaycı O, Ünal A.E. Gastrektomi Sonrası Görme Kaybı Gelişen Hastada Posterior Reversible Ensefalopati Sendromu (PRES):Olgu Sunumu. 20. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi 13-17 Nisan 2016 Antalya. PS-0585


Güner M, Morkavuk Ş. B, Kalaycı O, Aslan M, Gökçe K, Ünal A. E. Eş Zamanlı (Senkron) iki odaklı primer mide kanseri: Olgu Sunumu. 20. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi 13-17 Nisan 2016 Antalya. PS-0597


Morkavuk Ş.B, Güner M, Kalaycı O, Aslan M, Gökçe K, Demirci S. Anogenital Buschke Loewenstein Tümörü (Dev Condyloma Acuminata) Zemininde Gelişen Verrüköz Karsinom: Olgu Sunumu. 20. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi 13-17 Nisan 2016 Antalya. PS-0985


Kitap Çevirileri ve Derlemeler

Schwarz Cerrahinin İlkeleri Onuncu Baskı, Kısım II Özel Konular;16. Deri ve Subkutan Doku. Mehmet Aslan

Aslan M, Ünal AE. Kolorektal Kanserlerde Peritoneal Hastalığa Yaklaşım ve Sitoredüktif Cerrahi-HİPEK. Türkiye Klinikleri Sitoredüktif Cerrahi Özel Sayısı;makale no: 2016-54280; Review Turkiye Klinikleri J Gen Surg-Special Topics 2017;10(2):107-12

Kitap Bölümü Yazarlığı

Mide Kanserinde Minimal İnvaziv Yaklaşım, Akademisyen Yayın Evi 2020, Bölüm 7, Proksimal Gastrektomi ve Gastrik Transpozisyon

Fıtık Cerrahisi, Akademisyen Yayın Evi 2020, Bölüm 30, Karın Ön Duvarı Tümörleri Cerrahisi

Onkolojik Cerrahi, Akademisyen Yayın Evi 2021, Bölüm 38, İzole Peritoneal Metastazlı Mide Kanserinde Sitoredüktif Cerrahi ve Hipertermik İntraperitoneal Kemoterapinin Yeri

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