Medical Oncology
  • Interests
  • Chemotherapy
  • Nutrition in Cancer
  • Immunotherapy
  • Cancer
Medical Oncology
  • Interests
  • Chemotherapy
  • Nutrition in Cancer
  • Immunotherapy
  • Cancer
Medical Park Mersin (Mezitli)
Menderes Mahallesi, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Blv. D:No: 676, 33200 Mezitli/Mersin - Mersin

Medical Park Mersin (Mezitli)
Menderes Mahallesi, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Blv. D:No: 676, 33200 Mezitli/Mersin - Mersin

Academic Background

Education and Specialization
1997-2003 - Fırat University Faculty of Medicine – Medical Education
2004-2010 - Mersin University Faculty of Medicine – Internal Medicine Specialization
2011-2014 - Mersin University Faculty of Medicine – Medical Oncology Specialization

Courses and Certifications
Advanced Training Course for Research Assistants, Mersin, 2009
Advanced Clinical Trials School, Cyprus, 2012
Statistical Analysis Training, Mersin, 2013

Professional Memberships
Member of the Turkish Society of Medical Oncology (TTOD)
Member of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
Member of the TTOD Press and Public Relations Committee (2015–2017)
Member of the Medical Oncology Group (TOG)
Vice Chair of the TOG Epidemiology and Prevention Group (2014–Present)
Vice Chair of the TOG Young Researchers Group (2015–Present)

Best Oral Presentation Award: Do MTHFR polymorphisms lead to progression of steatosis and fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C? Turkish Gastroenterology Association, 2006
Third Prize for Best Poster Presentation: Clinical, pathological, and treatment response analysis of head and neck non-Hodgkin lymphoma cases. Lymphoma Myeloma Association, 2012
Third Prize for Best Study at the 6th TTOK: Can elevated hemoglobin levels during tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment be a positive predictive marker in metastatic renal cell carcinoma? Turkish Society of Medical Oncology, 2016
Best Oral Presentation Award at the 6th TTOK: Assessment of knowledge and attitudes of Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology physicians regarding consolidation radiotherapy in cases with complete response on PET-CT after chemotherapy in Non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin lymphomas (Turkish Oncology Group Study). Turkish Society of Medical Oncology, 2016
Second Prize for Best Oral Presentation at the 11th Multidisciplinary Neuro-Oncology Symposium: Outcomes and survival analysis of irinotecan/bevacizumab therapy and its relationship with NLR in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme. Neuro-Oncology Association, 2017
Best Oral Presentation Award at the 22nd National Cancer Congress: Comparison of combined chemoradiotherapy regimens: paclitaxel plus carboplatin and cisplatin plus etoposide for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a randomized phase III trial. Turkish Society of Medical Oncology, 2017
Third Prize for Article in the Journal of Oncological Sciences: Comparative investigation of antitumoral effectiveness of Rho-kinase inhibitor Y-27632, pravastatin, and atorvastatin in anaplastic thyroid cancer cell culture. Turkish Society of Medical Oncology, 2018

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Scientific Publications

Araştırma ve Yayınlar:
A. Science Citation Index (SCI) ve Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E)’a Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

A1. Sezgin O, Altintas E, Nayir E, Ucbilek E. A pilot study evaluating sequential administration of a PPI-amoxicillin followed by a PPI-metronidazole-tetracycline in Turkey. Helicobacter 2007 ;12(6):629-32
A2. Akbay E, Muslu N, Nayir E, Ozhan O, Kiykim A. Serum retinol binding protein 4 level is related with renal functions in Type 2 diabetes. J Endocrinol Invest. 2010 ;33(10):725-9

A3. Abali H, Celik I, Karaca B, Turna H, Saglam EK, Akman T, Oztop I, Coskun HS, Turhal NS, Sezer A, Nayır E et al. Cutaneous melanoma in Turkey : analysis of 1157 patients in the Melanoma Turkish Study. JBUON 2015 ;20(4) : 1137-1141

A4. Nayır E, Ata A, Arican A. Do medical oncologists and cancer patients care about treatment cost of systemic anticancer therapy? JBUON 2015 ;20(6) :1606-1611

A5. Unlu A, Nayır E, Kırca O, Ozdogan M. Ganoderma lucidum (reishi mushroom) and cancer JBUON 2016 ;21(4) : 792-798

A6. Unlu A, Nayir E, Kalenderoglu MD, Kirca O, Ozdogan M. Curcumin (Turmeric) and cancer JBUON 2016 ; 21(5) : 1050-1060

A7. Nayir E, Tanriverdi O, Karakas Y, Kilickap S, Turhal NS, Avci N, Okutur K, Koca D, Erdem D, Abali H, Yamac D, Bilir C, Kacan T. Tendency of cancer patients, and their relatives to use internet for health-related searches : Turkish Oncology Group (TOG) Study. JBUON 2016 ; 21(3) :714-719

A8. Eras N, Nayir E, Arican A, Bahar L, Guler M, Akbas E. TS 1494del6 polymorphism and increased risk of developing breast cancer. Int J Clin Exp Med 2016 ;9(6) :11756-11763

A9. Nayir E, Koyuncu MB, Esin E, Turker I, Tanriverdi O, Uysal M, Er O, Demir A, Akman TT, Pilanci KN, Paydas S, Kocar M, Saip P, Kilickap S, Turhal S, Kacan T. Attitudes of cancer patients after diagnosis : How cancer affects social life ? (Turkish Oncology Group Study) JBUON 2016 ; 21(5)

A10. Unlu A, Nayir E, Kirca O, Ay H, Ozdogan M. Ginseng and cancer. JBUON 2016 ; 21(6): 1383-1387

A11. Bilir C, Yıldız I, Bilici A, Ucar M, Berk V, Yıldız Y, Yazıcı O, Imamoglu GI, Karadurmus N, Pilancı KN, Arpacı E, Tanrıverdi O, Karcı E, Temiz S, Nayir E, Oktay E, Dal P, Petekkaya I, Varim C, Cinemre H. Is Change in Hemoglobin Level a Predictive Biomarker of Tyrosine Kinase Efficacy in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma? A Turkish Oncology Group Study. Cancer Invest. 2017 Apr 21;35(4):248-255

B. Emerging Sources Citation Index’e Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

B1. Akca M, Ata A, Nayir E, Erdogdu S, Arican A. Impact of Surgery Type on Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients J Breast Health 2014;10:222-8

B2. Nayır E, Ata A, Erdoğdu S, Arıcan A. Türkiye’de onkoloji alanındaki klinik araştırmaların durumu. Türk Onkoloji Dergisi 2014;29(4):181-182

B3. Nayır E, Aygün S, Ata A, Arıcan A. Relationship Between IL-18 and Bone Metastasis in Female Breast Cancer Turk J Oncol 2016;31(1):10-14

B4. Unlu A, Nayır E, Ay H, Kırca O, Ozdogan M. Aloe vera and cancer. Turk J Oncol 2016;31(2):68-72

B5. Vatansever M, Bozkurt FM, Dinc E, Yılmaz EB, Nayir E, Sari AA, Yildirim O, Kara T. Orbital metastasis of multiple myeloma: Case report. Turk J Ophthalmol 2016;46:148-150

B6. Nayir E, Keskin O. Do We Initiate Chemotherapy at an Early Stage of Hormone-Sensitive Metastatic Prostate Cancer? Turk J Oncol 2016;31(4)


C. Diğer dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

C1. Nayır E, Sezgin O, Altıntaş E, Üçbilek E, Pratisyen hekimlerin hepatit B ve hepatit C hakkındaki bilgi düzeyleri. Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi 2012;11(2): 58-62

C2. Altintas ZM, Altintas E, Sezgin O, Edgunlu TG, Ucbilek E, Nayir E, Barlas IO, Erdal ME. The Effect of Genetic Variations of Methylene Tetrahydropholate Reductase Gene Polymorphisms on Ribavirin-Induced Anemia in Hepatitis C Patients. J Liver: Dis Transplant 2013;2:1

C3. Altintas E, Altintas ZM, Sezgin O, Ucbilek E, Nayir E, Erdal ME, Polat A, Orekeci G. Polymorphisms in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene: Their impact on liver steatosis and fibrosis of chronic hepatitis c patients. Open Journal of Gastroenterology 2014;4:73-80

C4. Nayir E, Koyuncu MB, Erdogdu S, Ata A, Yılmaz IA, Arican A. Stiff Person Syndrome in a patient with pancreatic adenocarcinoma: An unusual paraneoplastic syndrome. J hum rhythm 2015;1(3):123-126

C5. Nayir E, Arican A. Kanser ve insulin direnci, antidiyabetikler ve non-steroidal anti-inflamatuvar ilaçların kanserde etkileri ve kullanımı. Türkiye Klinikleri J Pharmacol-Special Topics 2015;3(3):36-43

C6. Nayir E. A Rarely Seen Hepatic Tumor: Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. Ulutas Med J. 2016;2(1):59-62

C7. Nayir E. Pathogenesis of bone metastasis. Journal of Oncological Science 2016;1:13-16

C8. Tabakan F, Nayir E, Arican A. Clinical and pathological evaluation of histopathological subtypes in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Eur Res J 2016;2(1):52-61

C9. Unlu A, Kirca O, Ozdogan M, Nayir E.  High – dose vitamin C and cancer. Journal of Oncological Science 2016;1:10-12

C10. Nayir E, Köşeci T, Arican A. Bilateral meme kanseri ve mide metastazı: Olgu sunumu. Acta Oncol Tur. 2016;49(3): 232-234

C11. Nayir E, Karacabey B, Kirca O, Ozdogan M. Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) Journal of Oncological Science 2016;2:16-20

C12. Nayir E, Ata A, Erdogdu S, Salman T, Sungur MA, Abali H, Arican A. A snapshot of residents in medical oncology in Turkey: A Nationwide survey on profile and key problems. Journal of Oncological Science 2016;2:21-24

C13. Kacan T, Nayir E, Altun A, Kilickap S, Babacan NA, Ataseven H, Kaya T. Antitumor activity of sorafenib on colorectal cancer. Journal of Oncological Science 2016;2: 53-57

C14. Nayir E, Ermis E. Chemoradiation of pancreatic carcinoma. Journal of Oncological Science 2016;2: 43-47

C15. Karaytug MO, Gurbuz M, Nayir E, Tamam L. Cancer and psychosocial support. J hum rhythm 2016;2(3):103-108

C16. Bilir C, Yıldız İ, Bilici A, Ucar M, Berk V, Yıldız Y, Yazıcı O, İmamoğlu Gİ, Karadurmuş N, Pilancı KN, Arpacı E, Tanrıverdi Ö, Karcı E, Temiz S, Nayır E, Oktay E, Dal P, Petekkaya İ, Yağmurkaya O, Varım C. Alteration of thyroid functions in patients with renal cell carcinoma treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors; Turkish population study. J hum rhythm 2016;2(4):144-148

C17. Nayır E, Cor S, Altintas ZM, Buyukafsar K, Tiftik RN, Ata A, Arican A. Comparative investigation of antitumoral effectiveness of Rho-kinase inhibitor Y-27632, pravastatin and atorvastatin in anaplastic thyroid cancer cell culture. Journal of Oncological Sciences 3(2017):62-65

C18. Tanriverdi O, Barista I, Paydas S, Nayir E, Karakas Y. Oncologists’ Perspectives on Consolidation Radiation Treatment after Chemotherapy for Lymphomas: A Survey Study by the Lymphoma Working Committee of the Turkish Oncology Group (TOG) Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2017 Nov 26;18(11):3149-3155.

C19. Petekkaya E, Petekkaya I, Nayır E, Altındag K. Is there an association between CRP levels and tumor size in breast cancer patients? Journal of Oncological Sciences 4(2018): 106-107

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